
#region Types
add-type @'
namespace CPolydorou.Exchange
    public class GroupMembership
        public string Group;
        public string Object;
        public bool Member;
        public string GroupDN;
        public string ObjectDN;


#region Functions

#region Get-PublicFolderReplicationStatus
function Get-PublicFolderReplicationStatus
        Checks the replication status of Exchange Public Folders.
        The Get-PublicFolderReplicationStatus cmdlet checks the item count of a Public Folder and it's subfolders on two replicas and compares the item count on each folder.
        .PARAMETER TopLevelPublicFolder
        Specifies the path to the Public folder.
        .PARAMETER ReferenceServer
        Specifies the name of the server that is going to be used as source.
        .PARAMETER DifferenceServer
        Specifies the name of the server that is going to be compared to the source server.
        .PARAMETER IncompleteOnly
        When this parameter is used, only the Public Folders with different item counts are displayed.
        None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-PublicFolderReplicationStatus
        Get-PublicFolderReplicationStatus creates a table that contains the paths of the Public folders and the item count on each server.
        Get-PublicFolderReplicationStatus -TopLevelPublicFolder "\PublicFolder" -ReferenceServer ExchangeServer1 -DifferenceServer ExchangeServer2 -IncompleteOnly
        This command will compare the item count of the "PublicFolder" public folder and it's subfolders on the ExchangeServer1 and ExchangeServer2 servers and will display only the folder where the item count is not the same.
        This is an one way check. In order to verify the replication, please run the same command using the refference server as source and vice versa.


    Begin {}


        # Get the public folders from both servers
        $publicfoldersref = Get-PublicFolder -ResultSize unlimited -Recurse -Server $ReferenceServer -Identity $TopLevelPublicFolder 
        $publicfoldersdif = Get-PublicFolder -ResultSize unlimited -Recurse -Server $DifferenceServer -Identity $TopLevelPublicFolder 

        foreach($pf in $publicfoldersref)
            # TODO
            # Test if public folder exists on both servers

            # Compare statistics
            $StatisticsRef = Get-PublicFolderStatistics -Identity $pf.Identity -Server $ReferenceServer -ResultSize unlimited
            $StatisticsDif = Get-PublicFolderStatistics -Identity $pf.Identity -Server $DifferenceServer -ResultSize unlimited

            $obj = New-Object psobject
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Parent -Value $pf.ParentPath
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $pf.Name
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReferenceCount -Value $StatisticsRef.itemcount
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DifferenceCount -Value $StatisticsDif.itemcount

            if( $IncompleteOnly )
                if( $StatisticsRef.ItemCount -ne $StatisticsDif.ItemCount)

    End {}

#region Get-SendOnBehalfPermission
Function Get-SendOnBehalfPermission
        Gets the recipients that have send on behalf permission.
        The Get-SendOnBehalfPermission cmdlet returns a list of all the recipients that have Send On Behalf permission.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The Identity of the recipient on which the permissions are set.


    $recipient = Get-Recipient $Identity

    if($recipient.recipienttype -like "*Mailbox")
        $delegates = (Get-Mailbox $recipient.Identity).GrantSendOnBehalfTo
        $delegates |

    if($recipient.recipienttype -like "*Group")
        $delegates = (Get-DistributionGroup $Recipient.Identity).GrantSendOnBehalfTo
        $delegates |

#region New-TerminationInboxRule
Function New-TerminationInboxRule
    Creates a new termination inbox rule.
    The New-TerminationInboxRule cmdlet creates an inbox rule that replies to everyone that sends a message on the mailbox.
    .PARAMETER Identity
    The identity of the mailbox
    The EWS URL, usually is If not specified, autodiscover will be used.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    The credentials to use. If not specified, the currently logged on user's credentials will be used. These credentials must belong to
    a user that has impersonation rights on the mailbox.
    .PARAMETER MessageSubject
    The subject of the reply.
    .PARAMETER MessageBody
    The body of the message.
    .PARAMETER RuleName
    The name of the rule to be created.
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-TerminationInboxRule -Identity cpolydorou@lab.local -URL https://exchange2013a.lab.local/ews/exchange.asmx -RuleName "TestRule" -MessageSubject "Test Rule Subject" -MessageBody "Test Rule Body."
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-InboxRule -Mailbox cpolydorou
    Name Enabled Priority RuleIdentity
    ---- ------- -------- ------------
    TestRule True 1 2163278858382475265

        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$RuleName = "Termination Auto Reply"

    # Load Managed API dll
        Add-Type -Path ($psscriptroot + "\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll")
        Write-Verbose "EWS API Loaded."
        Write-Error "Could not locate the EWS API."

    # Get the mailbox
        $m = Get-Mailbox $Identity
        throw ("Could not find mailbox " + $Identity)

    # Get the primary smtp address
    $PrimarySMTPAddress = $m.PrimarySMTPAddress

    # Set Exchange Version
    $ExchangeVersion = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2013 

    # Create Exchange Service Object
    $service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService($ExchangeVersion) 

    # Set Credentials to use two options are availible Option1 to use explict credentials or Option 2 use the Default (logged On) credentials
        #Credentials Option 1 using UPN for the windows Account
        $creds = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Credential.UserName.ToString(),$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password.ToString())    
        $service.Credentials = $creds
        Write-Verbose ("Using provided credentials (" + $Credential.UserName.ToString() + ").")
        #Credentials Option 2
        $service.UseDefaultCredentials = $true    
        Write-Verbose "Using current account."

    if( $URL )
        #CAS URL Option 1 Hardcoded
        $uri=[system.URI] $URL    
        $service.Url = $uri
        Write-Verbose ("Using CAS Server: " + $Service.url)
        #CAS URL Option 1 Autodiscover
        Write-Verbose "Using Autodiscover."

    # Set impersonation
    $service.ImpersonatedUserId = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ImpersonatedUserId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ConnectingIdType]::SmtpAddress,$PrimarySMTPAddress); 

    # Create the message template
    $templateEmail = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage($service)
    $templateEmail.ItemClass = "IPM.Note.Rules.ReplyTemplate.Microsoft"
    $templateEmail.IsAssociated = $true
    $templateEmail.Subject = $MessageSubject
    $templateEmail.Body = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.MessageBody($MessageBody)
    $PidTagReplyTemplateId = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExtendedPropertyDefinition(0x65C2, [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.MapiPropertyType]::Binary)
    $templateEmail.SetExtendedProperty($PidTagReplyTemplateId, [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToByteArray())
        Write-Verbose "Created the message template."
        Write-Error ("Could not create the template:" + $_.Exception.Message)

    #Create Inbox Rule
    $inboxRule = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Rule
    $inboxRule.DisplayName = $RuleName
    $inboxRule.IsEnabled = $true
    $inboxRule.Conditions.SentToOrCcMe = $true
    $inboxRule.Actions.ServerReplyWithMessage = $templateEmail.Id
    $createRule = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.CreateRuleOperation[] 1
    $createRule[0] = $inboxRule
        Write-Verbose "Successfully created the inbox rule."
        Write-Error ("Could not create the inbox rule: " + $_.Exception.Message)

#region Test-DistributionGroupMember
Function Test-DistributionGroupMember
    Test if an object is member of a distribution group.
    The Test-DistributionGroupMember function will check if an object is member of a distribution group.
    .PARAMETER DistributionGroup
    The distribution group to check against.
    .PARAMETER Object
    The object to check.
    .PARAMETER Recurse
    Check for membership recursively
    Test-DistributionGroupMember -DistributionGroup distributionGroup -Object userEmail
    Get-DistributionGroup | Test-DistributionGroupMember -DistributionGroup distributiongroup@lab.local
    This command will get all the distribution groups and check if they are members of the distributiongroup@lab.local group.
    Get-Mailbox | Test-DistributionGroupMember -DistributionGroup distributiongroup@lab.local -Recurse
    This command will get all the mailboxes and check if they are members of the distributiongroup@lab.local group recursively (via nested groups).




    Begin {}

        foreach($o in $Object)
            # Get the distribution group
            $group = New-Object PSObject
                $group = Get-DistributionGroup $DistributionGroup -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error ("Could not find the distribution group " + $DistributionGroup)
                return $null

            # Get the recipient
            $recipient = New-Object PSObject
                $recipient = Get-Recipient $o -ErrorAction stop
                Write-Error ("Could not find a recipient for " + $o)
                return $null

            # Query Active Directory
            $objectdn = $recipient.distinguishedname
            $groupdn = $group.distinguishedname
                $query = "(&(DistinguishedName=$objectdn)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$groupdn))"
                $query = "(&(DistinguishedName=$objectdn)(memberof=$groupdn))"
            # Query Active Directory
            $results = ([adsisearcher]$query).findall() 

            # Create the custom object
            $obj = New-Object CPolydorou.Exchange.GroupMembership
            $obj.Group = $group.Name
            $obj.Object = $recipient.Name

            if($results.Count -eq 0)
                $obj.Member = $false
                $obj.Member = $true

            # Add the DNs of the group and the object
            $obj.GroupDN = $groupdn
            $obj.ObjectDN = $objectdn

            Write-Output $obj

    End {}

#region Connect-Exchange
Function Connect-Exchange
        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "SnapIn")]

        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "Implicit")]

        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "Implicit")]
        [string]$Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "Script")]

        # if no switches have been selected connect using implicit remoting
        if($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Count -eq 0)
            $Session = New-PSSession â€“ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange â€“ConnectionUri ("http://" + $Server + "/PowerShell") -Authentication Kerberos 
            Import-Module (Import-PSSession -Session $Session -DisableNameChecking) -Global -DisableNameChecking

        # Connect by adding the snapin
            Add-PSSnapin *exchange*

        # Connect by implicit remoting
            $Session = New-PSSession â€“ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange â€“ConnectionUri ("http://" + $Server + "/PowerShell") -Authentication Kerberos 
            Import-Module (Import-PSSession -Session $Session -DisableNameChecking) -Global -DisableNameChecking

        # Connect using the RemoteExchange.ps1 script
            # Get the path of the exchange installation folder
            #TODO: should check for versions later than 15 (2013) here
            $ExInstall = ""
                $ExInstall = (get-itemproperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\V15\Setup).MsiInstallPath
                Write-Error "Could not locate the excange home directory."
            $scriptPath = $ExInstall + 'bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'
            . $scriptPath
            Connect-ExchangeServer -auto

#region Move-ActiveMailboxDatabaseToPreference
Function Move-ActiveMailboxDatabaseToPreference
    Activate Mailbox Database Copies using ActivationPreference.
    The Move-ActiveMailboxDatabaseToPreference function will activate a database copy using it's activation preference number.
    .PARAMETER Server
    The name of the database.
    .PARAMETER TargetActivationPreference
    The activation preference number of the copy to be activated.
    .PARAMETER ShowOnly
    Only show the changes, not perform them.
    Move-ActiveMailboxDatabaseToPreference -Database DB001 -TargetActivationPreference 2
    This command will activate the copy of the database DB001 that has ActivationPreference 2.

        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        ConfirmImpact = 'High'

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false, Position=1)] 



        foreach($db in $Database)
                # Get the mailbox database
                New-Variable database -Force
                    $Database = Get-MailboxDatabase $db

                    # Get the database copies
                    $Copies = $database | Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus

                    # Get the mounted copy
                    $mountedCopy = $Copies | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Mounted"}

                    # Find the copy we want to activate using the activation preference
                    $copyToActivate = $Copies | Where-Object {$_.ActivationPreference -eq $TargetActivationPreference}

                    # Check if the copy to activate exiss
                    if($copyToActivate -ne $null)
                        # Check the health of the copy and if it is lagged
                        if($copyToActivate.Status -ne "Healthy")
                            Write-Error "The copy to be activated is not in a healthy state."

                        if($copyToActivate.ReplayLagStatus -like "*Enabled:True*")
                            Write-Error "The copy to be activated is a lagged copy."

                            Write-Warning ("The copy " + $copyToActivate.Identity + " (ActivationPreference:" + $copyToActivate.ActivationPreference + ") will be activated.")
                            # Activate the copy
                            Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase -Identity $Database.Identity -ActivateOnServer $copyToActivate.MailboxServer
                        Write-Error "There is no database copy with preference $TargetActivationPreference for database $db"
                    Write-Error "Could not find database $db."



#region Rename-ExchangeShell
Function Rename-ExchangeShell
    Set the title on the Exchange Shell window.
    Set the title on the Exchange Shell window.
    .PARAMETER Title
    The new title.
    Rename-ExchangeShell -Title "Mailbox Query"
    This command will rename the current Exchange Shell to "Mailbox Query"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

    # Form the prompt function as a string
    $promptFunction = 'Function Global:Prompt{ $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "' + $Title + '"; Write-Host "[PS] " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Host (Get-Location).Path -NoNewLine; ">"}'

    # Create a scriptblock from that string
    $sb = [scriptblock]::Create($promptFunction)

    # Invoke the scriptblock
    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb

#region Get-SendConnectorDomains
Function Get-SendConnectorDomains
    Get the domains on each send connector.
    The Get-SendConnectorDomains function will return all the domain names on each send connector and the respective cost.
    .PARAMETER Identity
    The identity of the connector to examine. If not specified, all connectors will be examined.
    This command will return all the domains configured on all send connectors.
    Get-SendConnectorDomains -Identity Internet
    This command will return all the domains configured on the "Intenet" send connector.
    Get-SendConnector -Identity "Test" | Get-SendConnectorDomains
    This command will return all the domains configured on the "Test" send connector.


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        # Check if Exchange cmdlets are available
            Get-Command "Get-SendConnector" -ErrorAction Stop |
            Throw "Could not find the Exchange cmdlets."

        # Get the send connectors
        Write-Verbose "Getting the send connectors"
        $connectors = @()

        # Get specific send connectors
            foreach($sc in $Identity)
                $connectors += Get-SendConnector -Identity $sc
        # Get all send connectors
            $connectors = Get-SendConnector

        # Process each send connector
        foreach($sendC in $connectors)
            Write-Verbose ("Processing send connector " + $sendC.Identity)

            # Get the string representation of the address space
                # This call will not fail if we are using implicit remoting
                $addressspacestring = $sendC.AddressSpaces.Split(',') 
                # if the above command fails, we are using the exchange shell
                # or have loaded the exchange snap in or binaries
                # Since the address spaces is an object, we are going to construct
                # the string representation
                $addressspacestring = @()
                $sendC.AddressSpaces |
                    $addressspacestring += $_.Type + ":" + $_.Address + ";" + $_.Cost

            # Parse each address space string and create custom objects
            $addressspacestring |
                    $start = $_.IndexOf(":") + 1
                    $end = $_.IndexOf(";")

                    $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                                                                    'Domain' = $_.Substring($start, $end - $start)
                                                                    'Send Connector' = $sendC.Identity
                                                                    'Cost' = $_.Substring($end + 1, $_.Length - $end - 1)

                    Write-Output $obj
                } |
                    Select-Object -Property 'Domain','Send Connector','Cost' |
                        Sort-Object -Property Domain

    End {}

#region Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyThatShouldBeActive
Function Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyThatShouldBeActive
    Get the mailbox database copies that have been moved from their home server.
    The Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyThatShouldBeActive function will return all the mailbox database copies that are active and have an ActivationPreference value greater that 1.
    .PARAMETER Activate
    Activate the copies
    Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyThatShouldBeActive -Activate
    This command will get all the copies that should be activated and prompt to confirm the activation.



        # Check if Exchange cmdlets are available
        # Check for exchange cmdlets here
            Get-Command "Get-MailboxServer" -ErrorAction Stop |
            Write-Verbose "Exchange cmdlets are available."
            Throw "Exchange cmdlets are not available. Please use the Exchange Management Shell."

        # Examine all database copies
        Write-Verbose "Getting mailbox database copies."        
        $copies = Get-MailboxServer |
                        Write-Verbose ("`tGetting copies from server " + $_.Name)
                        Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server $_.Name |
                            Where-Object { ($_.status -eq 'Mounted') -and ($_.ActivationPreference -gt 1)}
                    } |
                            Get-MailboxDatabase $_.DatabaseName |
                                Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus |
                                    Where-Object {$_.ActivationPreference -eq 1}                        

        # Prompt for activation
            # Activate each copy
            foreach($c in $copies)
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($c.Databasename, "Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase -ActivateOnServer " + $c.MailboxServer))
                    Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase $c.DatabaseName -ActivateOnServer $c.MailboxServer |
                        Select-Object -ExcludeProperty RunspaceID  
            # Return the copies

    End {}

#region Test-ExchangeImpersonation
function Test-ExchangeImpersonation
    Test the Exchange impersonation rights on a mailbox.
    Test the Exchange impersonation rights on a mailbox.
        PS C:\> Test-ExchangeImpersonation -PrimarySMTPAddress test.mailbox@lab.local -Credential $cred -Action CreateDraft -Verbose -EWSUrl "https://mail.lab.local/ews/exchange.asmx"
        VERBOSE: Importing EWS library.
        VERBOSE: Using supplied credentials.
        VERBOSE: Connecting using EWS Url.
        VERBOSE: Creating message in drafts.
        Create an item in the test.mailbox@lab.local mailbox.
        PS C:\Users\administrator.LAB\Desktop> Test-ExchangeImpersonation -PrimarySMTPAddress test.mailbox@lab.local -Credential $cred -Action CreateSubfolder -Verbose
        VERBOSE: Importing EWS library.
        VERBOSE: Using supplied credentials.
        VERBOSE: Connecting using autodiscover.
        VERBOSE: Creating subfolder "Impersonation Test" in Inbox.
        Create the folder "Impersonation Test" in the test.mailbox Inbox folder.
        PS C:\> Test-ExchangeImpersonation -PrimarySMTPAddress test.mailbox@lab.local -Credential $cred -Action CreateDraft -Verbose -EWSUrl "https://mail.lab.local/ews/exchange.asmx"
        VERBOSE: Importing EWS library.
        VERBOSE: Using supplied credentials.
        VERBOSE: Connecting using EWS Url.
        VERBOSE: Creating message in drafts.
        Exception calling "Save" with "1" argument(s): "The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."
        At C:\Users\administrator.LAB\Desktop\ModuleTesting\CPolydorou.Exchange\Exchange.psm1:986 char:29
        + $message.Save([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.W ...
        + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
            + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ServiceRequestException
        The user does not have permission to impersonate.

        # The primary SMTP address of the target mailbox

        # The credentials of the account with the impersonation rights

        # The action to perform
        $Action = "ListInboxItems",
        # The EWS URL

        # The recipient of the test message (used with action "SendMessage")

        # Import the dll
        Write-Verbose "Importing EWS library."
            Add-Type -Path ($psscriptroot + "\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll")
            Throw "Could not load the EWS API."

        # Set Exchange Version
        $ExchangeVersion = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2013 

        # Create Exchange Service Object
        $service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService($ExchangeVersion) 

        # Configure the credentials
            Write-Verbose "Using supplied credentials."
            $service.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Credential.UserName.ToString(),$Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password.ToString())    
            Write-Verbose "Using credentials from prompt."
            $c = Get-Credential
            $service.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($credential.UserName.ToString(),$c.GetNetworkCredential().password.ToString())    

        # Set the EWS url
                Write-Verbose "Connecting using EWS Url."
                $service.Url = [system.URI] $EWSUrl
                Write-Verbose "Connecting using autodiscover."
            Throw $_
        # Set impersonation
        $service.ImpersonatedUserId = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ImpersonatedUserId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ConnectingIdType]::SmtpAddress,$PrimarySMTPAddress)

        switch ($Action)
            'ListInboxItems' {
                                # Get messages in inbox
                                $properties = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemSchema]::Id,

                                $view = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ItemView(50)
                                $view.PropertySet = $properties

                                    $findResults = $service.FindItems([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::Inbox, $view)
                                    foreach ($var in $findResults.Items)
                                        [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage]$var |
                                            Select-Object -Property Id,DateTimeCreated,DisplayTo,Subject
                                    $view.Offset = 50;
                                while ($findResults.MoreAvailable)
            'CreateDraft' {
                            Write-Verbose "Creating message in drafts."
                            $message = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage -ArgumentList $service
                            $message.Subject = "Test Impersonation"
                            $message.Body = "This is a test message created using impersonation."
            'CreateSubfolder' {
                                Write-Verbose 'Creating subfolder "Impersonation Test" in Inbox.'
                                # Create a folder in Inbox
                                $folder = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Folder($service)
                                $folder.DisplayName = "Impersonation Test";
            'SendMessage' {
                                # Send a message
                                if($Recipient -eq $null)
                                    Write-Error "Please specify a recipient."

                                Write-Verbose "Sending a message to $Recipient."
                                $message = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage -ArgumentList $service
                                $message.Subject = "Test Impersonation"
                                $message.Body = "This is a test message created using impersonation."
                                $message.SendAndSaveCopy() |
            Default {
                        Write-Verbose "No action specified"


#region Get-MailboxQuotaStatus
function Get-MailboxQuotaStatus
       Get the quota status for a mailbox.
       Get the quota status for a mailbox.
        [PS] C:\>Get-MailboxQuotaStatus -Identity cpolydorou@lab.local
        Mailbox QuotaStatus
        ------- -----------
        Christos Polydorou NoChecking
        Get the quota status of mailbox cpolydorou@lab.local
       [PS] C:\>get-mailbox | Select-Object -First 2 | Get-MailboxQuotaStatus
        Mailbox QuotaStatus
        ------- -----------
        Administrator BelowLimit
        Christos Polydorou NoChecking
       Get the quota status of multiple mailboxes
        [PS] C:\>Get-MailboxQuotaStatus -Identity test.mailbox -Verbose
        VERBOSE: Mailbox Test Mailbox is following the database quotas.
        Mailbox QuotaStatus
        ------- -----------
        Test Mailbox BelowLimit
        Get verbose output
        [PS] C:\>Get-MailboxQuotaStatus -Identity test.mailbox | % Mailbox
        Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSendQuota
        ---- ----- ---------- -----------------
        Test Mailbox test.mailbox exchange2013a Unlimited
        The mailbox object is available as the "Mailbox" property of the cmdlet's output.

        # The Identity of the mailbox

        # Check for Exchange cmdlets
            Get-Command -Name "Get-Mailbox" -ErrorAction Stop |
            Throw "Exchange cmdlets are not available."

        # A function to convert the string value of the quota to a number
        function __quotaStringToNumber

            $startIndex = $str.IndexOf("(") + 1
            $stopIndex = $str.IndexOf(" bytes")
            $size = $str.Substring($startIndex, $stopIndex - $startIndex)

        foreach($i in $Identity)
            # Get the mailbox
                $mailbox = Get-Mailbox $i -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error "Could not find a mailbox for $i"

            if($mailbox.UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults -eq $true)
            {   # The mailbox is using the database quotas
                #region Database Quotas
                Write-Verbose ("Mailbox " + $mailbox.Name + " is following the database quotas.")
                # Get the mailbox database
                $database = Get-MailboxDatabase $mailbox.Database

                if($database.IssueWarningQuota -eq "Unlimited" -and $database.ProhibitSendQuota -eq "Unlimited" -and $database.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota -eq "Unlimited")
                    $quotaStatus = "NoChecking"
                    # Save the values for the quota's
                    if($database.IssueWarningQuota.ToString() -eq "unlimited")
                        $warningQuota = [double]::MaxValue
                        $warningQuota = [double](__quotaStringToNumber -str $database.IssueWarningQuota.ToString())

                    if($database.ProhibitSendQuota.ToString() -eq "unlimited")
                        $prohibitSend = [double]::MaxValue
                        $prohibitSend = [double](__quotaStringToNumber -str $database.ProhibitSendQuota.ToString())

                    if($database.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.ToString() -eq "unlimited")
                        $prohibitSendReceive = [double]::MaxValue
                        $prohibitSendReceive = [double](__quotaStringToNumber -str $database.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.ToString())
            {   # The mailbox is not using the database quotas
                #region Mailbox Quotas
                Write-Verbose ("Mailbox " + $mailbox.Name + " is following the database quotas.")
                if($mailbox.IssueWarningQuota -eq "Unlimited" -and $mailbox.ProhibitSendQuota -eq "Unlimited" -and $mailbox.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota -eq "Unlimited")
                    $quotaStatus = "NoChecking"
                    # Save the values for the quota's
                    if($mailbox.IssueWarningQuota.ToString() -eq "unlimited")
                        $warningQuota = [double]::MaxValue
                        $warningQuota = [double](__quotaStringToNumber -str $mailbox.IssueWarningQuota.ToString())

                    if($mailbox.ProhibitSendQuota.ToString() -eq "unlimited")
                        $prohibitSend = [double]::MaxValue
                        $prohibitSend = [double](__quotaStringToNumber -str $mailbox.ProhibitSendQuota.ToString())

                    if($mailbox.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.ToString() -eq "unlimited")
                        $prohibitSendReceive = [double]::MaxValue
                        $prohibitSendReceive = [double](__quotaStringToNumber -str $mailbox.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.ToString())

            # Get the total size of the mailbox
                [double]$totalSize = __quotaStringToNumber -str ((Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $mailbox.Identity).TotalItemSize)
            #region size and quota compare
            if(-Not $quotaStatus)
                if($totalSize -lt $warningQuota)
                    $quotaStatus = "BelowLimit"
                    if($totalSize -lt $prohibitSend)
                        $quotaStatus = "IssueWarning"
                        if($totalSize -lt $prohibitSendReceive)
                            $quotaStatus = "ProhibitSend"
                            $quotaStatus = "ProhibitSendReceive"

            # Create a custom object
            New-Object -TypeName psobject `
                       -Property @{
                                    "Mailbox" = $mailbox
                                    "QuotaStatus" = $quotaStatus


#region Get-DistributionGroupMemberRecurse
function Get-DistributionGroupMemberRecurse
       Get the members of a distribution group.
       Get the members of a distribution group.
        PS C:\> Get-DistributionGroupMemberRecurse -Identity "ExchangeAdministrators@lab.local" -Recurse
        Name RecipientType
        ---- -------------
        Administrator UserMailbox
        CPolydorou UserMailbox
        PS C:\> Get-DistributionGroup -Identity "ExchangeAdministrators@lab.local" | Get-DistributionGroupMemberRecurse -Recurse
        Name RecipientType
        ---- -------------
        Administrator UserMailbox
        CPolydorou UserMailbox


        # The group

        # Recursive query

        # The server


        #region Load the Active Directory module
            Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
            Throw "Could not load the 'ActiveDirectory' module."

        #region Test for Exchange cmdlets
            Get-Command "Get-Recipient" -ErrorAction Stop |
            Throw "Could not find Exchange cmdlets."


        #region Get the group
        $group = Get-DistributionGroup $Identity -ErrorAction Stop

        # The parameters for the command
        $params = @('-ResultSetSize', '$null')

        #region Set the query type (one level - recursive)
            $params += "-Filter"
            $params += "`"(memberOf -RecursiveMatch '$($group.DistinguishedName)')`""
            $params += "-LDAPFilter"
            $params += "`"(memberof=$($group.distinguishedname))`""

        #region Set the server
            $params += "-Server"
            $params += $Server

        #region Execute the command
        $sb = [scriptblock]::Create("Get-ADObject " + $params)
        Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb |
                    Get-Recipient $_.DistinguishedName -ErrorAction Stop


#region Get-ExchangeSchemaVersion
function Get-ExchangeSchemaVersion
       Get the Exchange Schema version
       Get the Exchange Schema and Objects versions


    Param ()

    Begin {}

        # Get the domain
        $domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()

        # Connect to the Root DSE
        $root = [ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE"

        # Get the domain dinstinguished name
        $domainDN = $root.Properties["defaultNamingContext"].Value

        # Connect to the configuration
        $configurationNamingContext = $root.configurationNamingContext

        # Get the version of the schema
        $SchemaVersion = ([ADSI]"LDAP://CN=ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt,cn=schema,$configurationNamingContext").Properties['RangeUpper'].Value

        # Get the version of the Exchange System Objects container
        $SystemObjectsVersion = ([ADSI]"LDAP://CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects,$domainDN").Properties['objectVersion'].Value

        # Get the Exchange organizations and their version
        $organizations = ([ADSI]"LDAP://CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,$configurationNamingContext").Children
        foreach($o in $organizations)
            $org = [ADSI]$o

            $name = $org.Properties['Name'].Value
            $version = $org.Properties['ObjectVersion'].Value

            $properties =  [ordered]@{
                                      "Domain" = $domain
                                      "Domain Distinguished Name" = $domainDN
                                      "Configuration Naming Context" = $configurationNamingContext.Value
                                      "Schema Version" = $SchemaVersion
                                      "Exchange System Objects Version" = $SystemObjectsVersion
                                      "Exchange Organization" = $name
                                      "Exchange Organization Version" = $version
                                      "Exchange Organization Distinguished Name" = $org.distinguishedName.Value
            New-Object PSObject -Property $properties

    End {}

#region Monitor-DatabaseCopyLogs
Function Monitor-MailboxDatabaseCopyLogs
       Monitor the mailbox database copy log status.
       Monitor the mailbox database copy log status.
        Monitor the log copy and replay process on the exchange2013a server.
        PS C:\> Monitor-MailboxDatabaseCopyLogs -Server exchange2013a | ft
        TimeStamp LogsToCopy LogsToReplay LogCopyRate LogReplayRate
        --------- ---------- ------------ ----------- -------------
        4/12/2018 1:19:41 PM 0 21 0 0
        4/12/2018 1:19:47 PM 0 14 0 7
        4/12/2018 1:19:52 PM 0 4 0 10


        # The server to check

        # The database to check

        # The internal between the checks
        $Interval = 5

        #region Check for Exchange cmdlets
            Get-Command "Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Throw "Could not find the Exchange cmdlets."

        #region Check for the Exchange server
                $s = Get-ExchangeServer $Server -ErrorAction Stop

                if($s.ServerRole -notlike "*Mailbox*")
                    Throw "The server $Server is not a mailbox server."
                Throw "Could not find exchange server $server"

        #region Check for the database
                Get-MailboxDatabase $Database -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                Throw "Could not find database $Database"

        #region Monitor the logs

        # Mark the first loop
        $start = $true

            # Save the previous replay log count
            $previousReplayCount = $replayCount

            # Get the replay log count
                $replayCount = (Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server $Server | Where-Object {$_.ReplayLagStatus -notlike "Enabled:True*"} | Measure-Object -Property ReplayQueueLength -Sum).Sum
                $replayCount = (Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Identity $Database | Where-Object {$_.ReplayLagStatus -notlike "Enabled:True*"} | Measure-Object -Property ReplayQueueLength -Sum).Sum

            # Calculate the replay difference
            $replayDifference = $previousReplayCount - $replayCount

            # Save the previous copy log count
            $previousCopyCount = $copyCount

            # Get the copy log count
                $copyCount = (Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server $Server | Where-Object {$_.ReplayLagStatus -notlike "Enabled:True*"} | Measure-Object -Property CopyQueueLength -Sum).Sum
                $copyCount = (Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Identity $Database | Where-Object {$_.ReplayLagStatus -notlike "Enabled:True*"} | Measure-Object -Property CopyQueueLength -Sum).Sum

            # Calculate the copy difference
            $copyDifference = $previousCopyCount - $copyCount
            # Chech if this is the first loop
                $start = $false
                $copyDifference = 0
                $replayDifference = 0

            # Create the properties for the custom object
            $props = [ordered]@{
                        TimeStamp = [datetime]::Now
                        LogsToCopy = $copyCount
                        LogsToReplay = $replayCount
                        LogCopyRate = $copyDifference
                        LogReplayRate = $replayDifference

            # Create the custom object
            New-Object PSObject -Property $props

            # Sleep
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $Interval

    End {}

#region Exports
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-PublicFolderReplicationStatus
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-SendOnBehalfPermission
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-TerminationInboxRule
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-DistributionGroupMember
Export-ModuleMember -Function Connect-Exchange
Export-ModuleMember -Function Move-ActiveMailboxDatabaseToPreference
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyThatShouldBeActive
Export-ModuleMember -Function Rename-ExchangeShell
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-SendConnectorDomains
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-ExchangeImpersonation
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MailboxQuotaStatus
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-DistributionGroupMemberRecurse
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ExchangeSchemaVersion
Export-ModuleMember -Function Monitor-MailboxDatabaseCopyLogs