
#region Test-ActiveDirectoryGroupMemebership
Function Test-ActiveDirectoryGroupMembership
    Test if a user is a member of a group.
    Test if a user is member of a security group.
    The username of the user.
    .PARAMETER Group
    The name of the group.
    Test-ADNestedGroupMembership myuser mygroup

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [Alias("Username", "SamAccountName")]



    Begin {}

        # Loop through the users
        Foreach($u in $User)
            # Create a custom object
            $obj = New-Object psobject
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name User -Value $u
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Group -Value $Group

            # Test if the user exists
                $aduser = Get-ADUser $u -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error "Could not find user $u"

            # Test if the group exists
                $adgroup = Get-ADGroup $Group -ErrorAction Stop
                Throw "Could not find group $Group"

            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty "User DN" $aduser.DistinguishedName
            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty "Group DN" $adgroup.DistinguishedName

                # Recursive query
                    Get-ADUser `
                        -Filter "memberOf -RecursiveMatch '$($adgroup.DistinguishedName)'" `
                        -SearchBase $($aduser.DistinguishedName)
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Member -Value $True
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Member -Value $false
                # Direct member query
                    Get-ADUser `
                        -Filter {memberof -eq $adGroup.DistinguishedName -and distinguishedname -eq $aduser.DistinguishedName}
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Member -Value $True
                    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Member -Value $false


    End {}

#region Test-ActiveDirectoryIsDomainAdmin
Function Test-ActiveDirectoryIsDomainAdmin
    Test if a user has domain administrator privileges.
    Test if a user is member of the Domain Admins security group including nested groups.
    .PARAMETER Username
    The username of the user.
    Test-ADIsDomainAdmin myuser
    This will return true if the user is a member of the Domain Admins group or false if not.


    Begin {}

        Foreach($u in $User)
            # Get the user
                $aduser = Get-ADUser $u -ErrorAction Stop -Properties SamAccountName
                Write-Error "Could not find user $u."

            Test-ActiveDirectoryGroupMembership -User $aduser.SamAccountName -Group "Domain Admins" -Recurse

    End {}

#region Get-ActiveDirectoryUserGroupMembershipHistory
Function Get-ActiveDirectoryUserGroupMembershipHistory
    Get the group membership history of an account
    Get the addition history of a user regarding security groups. This cmdlet only displays the groups that the user is member of and only the date when the user was originaly added.
    .PARAMETER Username
    The username of the user.
    .PARAMETER Group
    The name of the group
    Get-ADUserGroupMembershipHistory -Username myuser -Group mygroup
    This will return the memberhip additions of the myuser group to and from the mygroup group.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2)]
        [string]$Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    # Get the user from Active Directory

        $userobj  = Get-ADUser $username -ErrorAction Stop
        Throw "Could not find user $Username."
    $results = 
        Get-ADUser $userobj.DistinguishedName -Server $Server -Properties memberOf |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberOf |
                ForEach-Object {
                    Get-ADReplicationAttributeMetadata $_ -Server $Server -ShowAllLinkedValues | 
                        Where-Object {`
                            $_.AttributeName -eq 'member' -and 
                            $_.AttributeValue -eq $userobj.DistinguishedName} |
                            Select-Object -Property `
                                @{name="OriginallyAdded";Expression={$_.FirstOriginatingCreateTime}}, `
                                @{name="User";Expression={$username}}, `
                                @{name="Group";Expression={(Get-ADObject -Identity $_.object).Name}}, `
                                @{name="UserDN";Expression={$_.AttributeValue}}, `
    # Narrow down th
    if( $group )
        # Get the group
            $adgroup = Get-AdGroup $Group -ErrorAction Stop -Server $Server
            Throw "Could not find group $group."

        # Filter the results
        $results |
            Where-Object {$_.groupdn -eq $adgroup.distinguishedname}

#region Get-ActiveDirectoryAccountLockEvent
Function Get-ActiveDirectoryAccountLockEvent
       Get the account lock events.
       Get the account lock events from the security event log of the domain controllers.
        Get-ActiveDirectoryAccountLockEvent -StartTime $start
        Account Timestamp Domain Controller Caller Computer
        ------- --------- ----------------- ---------------
        cpolydorou 27/5/2017 7:44:43 μμ DC3 WINDOWS10
        cpolydorou 27/5/2017 7:44:43 μμ DC1 WINDOWS10

        # The starting date

    # Form the event log query
    $now = [DateTime]::Now

    # If the start time has not been specified, we'll search for events in last hour
    if(-Not $StartTime)
        $StartTime = $now.AddHours(-1)
    $timespan = $now - $StartTime

    $query = @"
            <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
                <Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4740) and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= $($timespan.TotalMilliseconds)]]]</Select>

    # Import the ActiveDirectory module
    Write-Verbose "Getting Domain Controllers"
        $domainControllers = Get-ADDomainController -Filter * -ErrorAction Stop | % Name
        throw "Could not get the Domain Controllers."

    # Get the events from all domain controllers
    Write-Verbose "Getting events"
    $events =

    # Search for the relative events on the domain controllers
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $domainControllers `
                   -ScriptBlock {
                        Param( $q )

                            Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $q -ErrorAction Stop
                            if($_.Exception.Message.StartsWith("No events were found"))
                                return $null
                                throw $_.Exception
                    } -ArgumentList $query

    # Process the events
    Write-Verbose "Processing events" 
    foreach($e in $events)
        if($e -ne $null)
            # Get the account that was locked out
            $startIndex = $e.Message.IndexOf("Account That Was Locked Out:") + 28
            $account = $e.message.substring($startIndex, $e.message.length - $startIndex)
            $startIndex = $account.IndexOf("Account Name:") + 13
            $account = $account.Substring($startIndex, $account.length - $startIndex)
            $endIndex = $account.IndexOf("`r")
            $account = $account.substring(0, $endIndex).Trim()
            # Get the caller computer
            $start = $e.Message.IndexOf("Caller Computer Name") + 21
            $caller = $e.message.substring($start, $e.message.length - $start).Trim()

            # Create a custom object
            $obj = New-Object psobject -Property @{
                                                    "Timestamp" = $e.TimeCreated
                                                    "Account" = $account
                                                    "Caller Computer" = $caller
                                                    "Domain Controller" = $e.PSComputerName

#region Compare-ActiveDirectoryObject
Function Compare-ActiveDirectoryObject
       Compare two Active Directory objects.
       Compare two Active Directory objects.
        PS C:\> $ADObject1 = Get-ADUser cpolydorou -Properties *
        PS C:\> $ADObject2 = Get-ADUser administrator -Properties *
        PS C:\> Compare-ActiveDirectoryObject -ReferenceObject $ADObject1 -DifferenceObject $ADObject2 | Select-Object -First 10
        PropertyName ReferenceValue DifferenceValue Status
        ------------ -------------- --------------- ------
        AccountExpirationDate Equal
        accountExpires 9223372036854775807 0 Different
        AccountLockoutTime 27/5/2017 7:44:43 μμ Different
        AccountNotDelegated False False Equal
        adminCount 1 1 Equal
        AllowReversiblePasswordEncryption False False Equal
        AuthenticationPolicy {} {} Equal
        AuthenticationPolicySilo {} {} Equal
        BadLogonCount 3 0 Different
        badPasswordTime 131403770838829365 131415008228411927 Different
        Get two users from Active Directory and compare all their properties (The first 10 have been selected).
        PS C:\> Compare-ActiveDirectoryObject -ReferenceObject $ADObject1 -DifferenceObject $ADObject2 -Properties SamAccountName,UserPrincipalName
        PropertyName ReferenceValue DifferenceValue Status
        ------------ -------------- --------------- ------
        SamAccountName cpolydorou Administrator Different
        UserPrincipalName cpolydorou@LAB.local Administrator@LAB.local Different
        Compare only the properties SamAccountName and UserPrincipalName of the objects from the previous example.


        # The reference object
        # The difference object

        # The difference object
    # If a list of properties has not been provided, use all the properties of the objects
    if(-not $Properties)
        # Get the names of the properties of the reference object
        $Properties = $ReferenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property,NoteProperty | % Name

        # Get the names of the properties of the difference object
        $Properties += $DifferenceObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property,NoteProperty | % Name
        # Select the unique values
        $Properties = $Properties | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Unique
    # Loop through each property
    foreach ($property in $Properties)
        # Compare the property between the objects
        $diff = Compare-Object $ReferenceObject $DifferenceObject -Property $property
        if ($diff)
            # There is a difference
            $props = [ordered]@{
                                "PropertyName" = $property
                                "ReferenceValue" = ($diff | ? {$_.SideIndicator -eq ‘<='} | % $($property))
                                "DifferenceValue" = ($diff | ? {$_.SideIndicator -eq ‘=>’} | % $($property))
                                "Status" = "Different"
            # The properies are equal
            $props = [ordered]@{
                                "PropertyName" = $property
                                "ReferenceValue" = $ReferenceObject.($property)
                                "DifferenceValue" = $DifferenceObject.($property)
                                "Status" = "Equal"

        # Create a custom object
        New-Object PSObject -Property $props

#region Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMember
function Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMember
       Get the members of an Active Directory group.
       Get the members of an Active Directory group.
        PS C:\> Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Recurse
        DistinguishedName Name ObjectClass ObjectGUID
        ----------------- ---- ----------- ----------
        CN=InfrastructureAdmins,OU=SecurityGroups,DC=lab,DC=local InfrastructureAdmins group 08ee2512-4ad1-4f60-8bca-5153cddccc47
        CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=lab,DC=local Administrator user 32ebb121-b479-4bab-8c1c-9e96997e2834
        PS C:\> Get-ADGroup "Domain Admins" | Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMember -Recurse
        DistinguishedName Name ObjectClass ObjectGUID
        ----------------- ---- ----------- ----------
        CN=InfrastructureAdmins,OU=SecurityGroups,DC=lab,DC=local InfrastructureAdmins group 08ee2512-4ad1-4f60-8bca-5153cddccc47
        CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=lab,DC=local Administrator user 32ebb121-b479-4bab-8c1c-9e96997e2834


        # The group

        # Recursive query

        # The server


        #region Load the Active Directory module
            Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
            Throw "Could not load the 'ActiveDirectory' module."

        #region Get the group
        $group = Get-ADGroup $Identity -ErrorAction Stop

        # The parameters for the command
        $params = @('-ResultSetSize', '$null')

        #region Set the query type (one level - recursive)
            $params += "-Filter"
            $params += "`"(memberOf -RecursiveMatch '$($group.DistinguishedName)')`""
            $params += "-LDAPFilter"
            $params += "`"(memberof=$($group.distinguishedname))`""

        #region Set the server
            $params += "-Server"
            $params += $Server

        #region Execute the command
        $sb = [scriptblock]::Create("Get-ADObject " + $params)
        Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb


#region Get-ActiveDirectoryEmailAddress
function Get-ActiveDirectoryEmailAddress
       Get the SMTP addresses using Active Directory.
       Get the SMTP addresses of an Active Directory object using .NET.
        PS C:\> Get-ActiveDirectoryEmailAddress -SamAccountName cpolydorou
        DistinguishedName : CN=Christos Polydorou,CN=Users,DC=LAB,DC=LOCAL
        SamAccountName : cpolydorou
        UserPrincipalName : cpolydorou@lab.local
        SMTPAddresses : {cpolydorou@lab.local, cp@lab.local}
        PrimarySMTPAddress : cpolydorou@lab.local
        Get the SMTP Addresses of the user with SamAccountName "cpolydorou"


        # Query using UserPrincipalName

        # Query using SamAccountname

        # Query using DistinguishedName

        # Prepare the Active Directory searcher
        $objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
        $objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
        $objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
        $objSearcher.PageSize = 1
        # Form the query
            $query = "((userprincipalname=$UserPrincipalName))"
            $query = "((samaccountname=$SamAccountName))"
            $query = "((DistinguishedName=$DistinguishedName))"

        # Get the Active Directory object
        $objSearcher.Filter = $query
        $objSearcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
        $colProplist = "DistinguishedName", "SamAccountName", "UserPrincipalName", "ProxyAddresses"
        foreach ($i in $colPropList)
            $objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i) |

        $colResults = $objSearcher.FindOne()
        # TODO: Test result
        if($colResults -eq $null)
            Write-Error "Could not find a user."

        if($colResults.Properties["proxyaddresses"] -ne $null)
            $smtpAddresses = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            foreach($a in $colResults.Properties["proxyaddresses"])
                    $smtpAddresses.Add($a.split(":")[1]) |

                        $primarySMTPAddress = $a.split(":")[1]

        # Create a custom object
        $properties = [ordered]@{
                        "DistinguishedName" = $colResults.Properties["DistinguishedName"][0]
                        "SamAccountName" = $colResults.Properties["SamAccountName"][0]
                        "UserPrincipalName" = $colResults.Properties["UserPrincipalName"][0]
                        "SMTPAddresses" = $smtpAddresses
                        "PrimarySMTPAddress" = $primarySMTPAddress
        New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $properties                                
        # Clean up

#region Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMembership
function Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMembership
       Get the groups an Active Directory object is a member of.
       Get the groups an Active Directory object is a member of having the option to include
       all the groups (including groups that are nested).
        PS C:\> Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMembership -Identity "CN=Christos Polydorou,CN=Users,DC=lab,DC=local"
        DistinguishedName GroupCategory GroupScope Name ObjectClass ObjectGUID SamAccountName SID
        ----------------- ------------- ---------- ---- ----------- ---------- -------------- ---
        CN=Test Group 1 Nested,OU=Tes... Security Global Test Group 1 Nested group 326195ba-2d8b-40f0-8a39-1c08... Test Group 1 Nested S-1-5-21-3554682577-58629175...
        The user is a direct member of the group "Test Group 1 Nested" only.
        PS C:\> Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMembership -Identity "CN=Christos Polydorou,CN=Users,DC=lab,DC=local" -Recurse
        DistinguishedName GroupCategory GroupScope Name ObjectClass ObjectGUID SamAccountName SID
        ----------------- ------------- ---------- ---- ----------- ---------- -------------- ---
        CN=Test Group 1 Parent,OU=Tes... Security Global Test Group 1 Parent group d19916ff-106a-49c4-9aa6-78fa... Test Group 1 Parent S-1-5-21-3554682577-58629175...
        CN=Test Group 1,OU=Test_OU,DC... Security Global Test Group 1 group 9c11c15f-d4e5-4afe-9f1a-06db... Test Group 1 S-1-5-21-3554682577-58629175...
        CN=Test Group 1 Nested,OU=Tes... Security Global Test Group 1 Nested group 326195ba-2d8b-40f0-8a39-1c08... Test Group 1 Nested S-1-5-21-3554682577-58629175...
        The user is a direct member of the group "Test Group 1 Nested" only. The "Test Group 1 Nested" is a member of "Test Group 1" which in turn is a member of "Test Group 1 Parent". Thus the user is concidered a member of all groups


        # The object to check it's membership

        # Recursive query

        #region Load the Active Directory module
            Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
            Throw "Could not load the 'ActiveDirectory' module."

        #region __GetNestedGroups
        function __GetParentGroups
            # Get the parent groups of a group

            if(-Not $alreadyExaminedGroups.Contains($DN))
                # Get the Active Directory group object
                $parent = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(member=$DN)" `
                                       -ResultSetSize $null |
                                    Get-ADGroup $_.Distinguishedname
                # Return the group

                # Add the group to the list of already examined groups
                # in order to avoid infinate loops
                $alreadyExaminedGroups.Add($DN) | Out-Null

                # Process the next level
                foreach($p in $parent)
                    # Process the group
                    __GetParentGroups -DN $p.DistinguishedName

        #region Get the object
        $object = Get-ADObject -Identity $Identity `
                               -Properties MemberOf `
                               -ErrorAction Stop

        #region Save examined groups
        # This variable is used in order to avoid infinate loops
        # since many paths may lead to the same group
        $alreadyExaminedGroups = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

        #region Get the groups the object is member of
        $groups = $object | % MemberOf

        #region Get the groups
            # The variable to hold the result
            $result = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            #region Get the Active Directory groups that are parents of the objects groups
            $groups |
                    __GetParentGroups -DN $_
                } |
                        # Add each member to the list of groups
                        $result.Add($_) |
            #region Get the Active Directory groups the object is a member of
            $groups |
                    # Add each member to the list of groups
                    $result.Add((Get-ADGroup $_)) |

            # Return the result without duplicates
            $result |
                Select-Object -Unique
            #region Get the Active Directory groups the object is a member of
            $groups |
                    Get-ADGroup $_


#region Get-ActiveDirectoryComputerAccountCreator
function Get-ActiveDirectoryComputerAccountCreator
    #region Parameters

        # The name of the computer

        # The Domain Controller to use

    #region Begin
        # Check if the Active Directory module is installed/loaded
        if((Get-Module | % Name) -notcontains "ActiveDirectory")
            Write-Verbose "Importing the 'ActiveDirectory' module."

                Import-Module -Name "ActiveDirectory" -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
                Throw ("Failed to load the 'Active Directory' module. " + $_.Exception.Message)                 

    #region Process
        foreach($c in $ComputerName)
            # Get the computer object
            Write-Verbose "Searching for a computer object named ""$c""..."
                    $computerObject = Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -eq $c} -Properties "mS-DS-CreatorSID" -Server $Server -ErrorAction Stop
                    $computerObject = Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -eq $c} -Properties "mS-DS-CreatorSID" -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error ("Failed to get a computer object for " + $c + " ." + $_.Exception.Message)
            if($computerObject -eq $null)
                Write-Error ("Failed to find a computer object with name '" + $c + "'.")
                Write-Verbose ("Found object """ + $computerObject.DistinguishedName + """ .")

            # Get the object that created the account
            Write-Verbose "Examining computer object for the creator information..."
                Write-Warning "Failed to find the creator information on the computer object. The account could have been created by an administrator."
                Write-Verbose "Searching for the object that created the computer account..."
                    $creator = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter ( "(objectSID=" + $computerObject.'mS-DS-CreatorSID' + ")") -Server $Server -ErrorAction Stop
                    $creator = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter ( "(objectSID=" + $computerObject.'mS-DS-CreatorSID' + ")") -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Error ("Failed to get the object that created the computer object " + $c)

            # Check if the object exists or not
            if($creator -eq $null)
                Write-Warning ("Failed to find the object " + $computerObject.'mS-DS-CreatorSID' + ". The object may have been removed.")
                # Create a custom object
                $props = [ordered]@{
                            Computer = $c
                            ComputerDistinguishedName = $computerObject.DistinguishedName
                            Creator = $creator.Name
                            CreatorDistinguishedName = $creator.DistinguishedName
                            CreatorClass = $creator.ObjectClass
                New-Object -TypeName PSObject `
                           -Property $props

    #region End

#region Exports
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-ActiveDirectoryGroupMembership
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-ActiveDirectoryIsDomainAdmin
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ActiveDirectoryUserGroupMembershipHistory
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ActiveDirectoryAccountLockEvent
Export-ModuleMember -Function Compare-ActiveDirectoryObject
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMember
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ActiveDirectoryEmailAddress
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ActiveDirectoryGroupMembership
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ActiveDirectoryComputerAccountCreator