## Modify these function as advanced functions <# Function Set-CMClientBusinessHours ($ComputerName, $StartTime = 3, $EndTime = 7, $WorkingDays) { ## The first digit is the start time (7am), the second digit is the end time (7pm) and the third digit is the days of the week. ## The days of the week are calculated using the table below, so Monday – Friday is calculated as 2+4+8+16+32 = 62. ## Sunday - 1, Monday - 2, Tuesday - 4, Wednesday - 8, Thursday - 16, Friday - 32, Saturday - 64 try { Write-Debug "Initiating the $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) function..."; $cmClientUserSettings = [WmiClass]"\\$ComputerName\ROOT\ccm\ClientSDK:CCM_ClientUXSettings" $businessHours = $cmClientUserSettings.PSBase.GetMethodParameters("SetBusinessHours") $businessHours.StartTime = $StartTime $businessHours.EndTime = $EndTime $businessHours.WorkingDays = $WorkingDays $result = $cmClientUserSettings.PSBase.InvokeMethod("SetBusinessHours", $businessHours, $Null) if ($result.ReturnValue -eq 0) { $mResult = $true } else { $mResult = $false; } return $mResult } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message; }##endtry }##endfunction Function Get-CMClientBusinessHours ($ComputerName) { ## The first digit is the start time (7am), the second digit is the end time (7pm) and the third digit is the days of the week. ## The days of the week are calculated using the table below, so Monday – Friday is calculated as 2+4+8+16+32 = 62. ## Sunday - 1, Monday - 2, Tuesday - 4, Wednesday - 8, Thursday - 16, Friday - 32, Saturday - 64 try { Write-Debug "Initiating the $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) function..."; $cmClientUserSettings = [WmiClass]"\\$ComputerName\ROOT\ccm\ClientSDK:CCM_ClientUXSettings" $businessHours = $cmClientUserSettings.GetBusinessHours() $businessHoursCI = [string]$businessHours.StartTime + "," + [string]$businessHours.EndTime + "," + [string]$businessHours.WorkingDays return $businessHoursCI } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message; }##endtry }##endfunction Function Disable-CMClientBusinessHours ($ComputerName) { try { ## Change the "automatic install or uninstall required software and restart the computer only outside of the specified business hours return $mResult } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message; }##endtry }##endfunction Function Get-SccmApplicationState ($ComputerName,$Name = $null,[switch]$IncludeDetails) { try { Write-Debug "Initiating the $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) function..."; $eval_states = @{0 = 'No state information is available'; 1 = 'Application is enforced to desired/resolved state'; 2 = 'Application is not required on the client'; 3 = 'Application is available for enforcement (install or uninstall based on resolved state). Content may/may not have been downloaded'; 4 = 'Application last failed to enforce (install/uninstall)'; 5 = 'Application is currently waiting for content download to complete'; 6 = 'Application is currently waiting for content download to complete'; 7 = 'Application is currently waiting for its dependencies to download'; 8 = 'Application is currently waiting for a service (maintenance) window'; 9 = 'Application is currently waiting for a previously pending reboot'; 10 = 'Application is currently waiting for serialized enforcement'; 11 = 'Application is currently enforcing dependencies'; 12 = 'Application is currently enforcing'; 13 = 'Application install/uninstall enforced and soft reboot is pending'; 14 = 'Application installed/uninstalled and hard reboot is pending'; 15 = 'Update is available but pending installation'; 16 = 'Application failed to evaluate'; 17 = 'Application is currently waiting for an active user session to enforce'; 18 = 'Application is currently waiting for all users to logoff'; 19 = 'Application is currently waiting for a user logon'; 20 = 'Application in progress, waiting for retry'; 21 = 'Application is waiting for presentation mode to be switched off'; 22 = 'Application is pre-downloading content (downloading outside of install job)'; 23 = 'Application is pre-downloading dependent content (downloading outside of install job)'; 24 = 'Application download failed (downloading during install job)'; 25 = 'Application pre-downloading failed (downloading outside of install job)'; 26 = 'Download success (downloading during install job)'; 27 = 'Post-enforce evaluation'; 28 = 'Waiting for network connectivity'; } if ($Name -and $IncludeDetails.IsPresent) { $aApps = Request-Wmi -ComputerName $ComputerName -Namespace 'root\ccm\clientsdk' -Query "SELECT * FROM CCM_Application WHERE FullName = '$Name'" } elseif ($Name -and !$IncludeDetails.IsPresent) { $aApps = Request-Wmi -ComputerName $ComputerName -Namespace 'root\ccm\clientsdk' -Query "SELECT * FROM CCM_Application WHERE FullName = '$Name'" | Select-Object PSComputerName,FullName,InstallState,ErrorCode,EvaluationState,@{label='StartTime';expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.StartTime)}} } elseif (!$Name -and $IncludeDetails.IsPresent) { $aApps = Request-Wmi -ComputerName $ComputerName -Namespace 'root\ccm\clientsdk' -Query "SELECT * FROM CCM_Application" } elseif (!$Name -and !$IncludeDetails.IsPresent) { $aApps = Request-Wmi -ComputerName $ComputerName -Namespace 'root\ccm\clientsdk' -Query "SELECT * FROM CCM_Application" | Select-Object PSComputerName,FullName,InstallState,ErrorCode,EvaluationState,@{label='StartTime';expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.StartTime)}} } if (!$aApps) { $mResult = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): WMI query failed"; } else { $mResult = $aApps | Sort-Object FullName; }##endif return $mResult; } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message; }##endtry }##endfunction Function Get-CMClientUpdateDeploymentState() { } #> |