#requires -RunAsAdministrator #requires -version 3 <# .SYNOPSIS SCCM site configuration script .DESCRIPTION Yeah, what he said. .PARAMETER XmlFile [string](optional) Path and Name of XML input file .PARAMETER Detailed [switch](optional) Verbose output without using -Verbose .PARAMETER Override [switch](optional) Allow override of Controls in XML file using GUI (gridview) selection at runtime .NOTES Read the associated XML to make sure the path and filename values all match up like you need them to. .EXAMPLE Invoke-CMSiteConfig -XmlFile .\cm_siteconfig.xml -Detailed .EXAMPLE Invoke-CMSiteConfig -XmlFile .\cm_siteconfig.xml -Override .EXAMPLE Invoke-CMSiteConfig -XmlFile .\cm_siteconfig.xml -Detailed -Override .EXAMPLE Invoke-CMSiteConfig -XmlFile .\cm_siteconfig.xml -Detailed -WhatIf #> function Invoke-CMSiteConfig { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Path and name of XML input file")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $XmlFile, [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Display verbose output")] [switch] $Detailed, [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Override control set from XML file")] [switch] $Override ) Write-Host "CMSiteConfig $CMBuildVersion" -ForegroundColor Cyan try {stop-transcript -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} catch {} try {Start-Transcript -Path $Script:tsFile -Force} catch {} Write-Host "------------------- BEGIN $(Get-Date) -------------------" -ForegroundColor Green $RunTime1 = Get-Date Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "Script version.... $ScriptVersion" Set-Location "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Documents" if (-not(Test-Path $XmlFile)) { Write-Warning "unable to locate input file: $XmlFile" break } Set-Location $env:USERPROFILE [xml]$xmldata = Get-CMxConfigData -XmlFile $XmlFile Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------" if ($xmldata.configuration.schemaversion -ge $SchemaVersion) { Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "xml template schema version is valid" } else { Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "xml template schema version is invalid: $($xmldata.configuration.schemaversion)" Write-Warning "The specified XML file is not using a current schema version" break } $sitecode = $xmldata.configuration.cmsite.sitecode if (($sitecode -eq "") -or (-not($sitecode))) { Write-Warning "unable to load XML data from $xmlFile" break } Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "site code = $sitecode" if ($sitecode -eq "") { Write-Warning "site code could not be obtained" break } if (-not (Import-ConfigMgrModule)) { Write-Warning "failed to load ConfigurationManager powershell module" break } # Set the current location to be the site code. Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "mounting CM Site provider_ $sitecode`:" Set-Location "$sitecode`:" $Site = Get-CMSite -SiteCode $sitecode Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "site version = $($site.Version)" if ($Override) { $controlset = $ | Out-GridView -Title "Select Features to Run" -PassThru } else { $controlset = $ | Where-Object {$_.use -eq '1'} } Invoke-CMSiteConfigProcess -ControlSet $controlSet -DataSet $xmldata Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "---------------------------------------------------" Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "restore working path to user profile" Set-Location -Path $env:USERPROFILE Write-Host "---------------- COMPLETED $(Get-Date) ------------------" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Log -Category info -Message "total runtime: $(Get-TimeOffset $Runtime1)" Stop-Transcript } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-CMSiteConfig |