
#requires -RunAsAdministrator
#requires -version 3
    SCCM site server installation script
    Yeah, what he said.
    [string](optional) Path and Name of XML input file
    [switch](optional) Skip platform validation restrictions
    [switch](optional) Suppress reboots until very end
    [switch](optional) Show verbose output
    [switch](optional) Choose package items to execute directly from GUI menu
    [switch](optional) Indicates a resumed process request
    1.0.5 - 11/13/2017 - David Stein
    Read the associated XML to make sure the path and filename values
    all match up like you need them to.
    Invoke-CMBuild -XmlFile .\cmbuild.xml -Verbose
    Invoke-CMBuild -XmlFile .\cmbuild.xml -NoCheck -NoReboot -Detailed

function Invoke-CMBuild {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Path or URI of XML input file")]
            [string] $XmlFile,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Skip platform validation checking")]
            [switch] $NoCheck,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Suppress reboots")]
            [switch] $NoReboot,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Display verbose output")]
            [switch] $Detailed,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Override control set from XML file")]
            [switch] $Override,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Resume from previous unfinished processing")]
            [switch] $Resume
    Write-Host "CMBuild $CMBuildVersion" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $ScriptPath = Get-ScriptDirectory
    $RunTime1   = Get-Date
    $tsFile     = "$LogsFolder\cm_build`_$HostName`_transaction.log"
    try {stop-transcript -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} catch {}
    try {Start-Transcript -Path $tsFile -Force} catch {}

    if ($Resume) {$OpenKey = 'RESUME'} else {$OpenKey = 'BEGIN'}
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "******************* $OpenKey $(Get-Date) *******************"
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "script version = $CMBuildVersion"

    [xml]$xmldata = Get-CMxConfigData $XmlFile
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------"
    if ($xmldata.configuration.schemaversion -ge $SchemaVersion) {
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "xml template schema version is valid"
    else {
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "xml template schema version is invalid: $($xmldata.configuration.schemaversion)"
        Write-Warning "The specified XML file is not using a current schema version"

    Set-CMxTaskCompleted -KeyName 'START' -Value $(Get-Date)

    if ($Override) {
        $controlset = $xmldata.configuration.packages.package | Out-GridView -Title "Select Packages to Run" -PassThru
    else {
        $controlset = $xmldata.configuration.packages.package | Where-Object {$_.use -eq '1'}

    if ($controlset) {
        $project   = $xmldata.configuration.project
        $AltSource = $xmldata.configuration.sources.source | 
            Where-Object {$ -eq 'WIN10'} | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty path
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "alternate windows source = $AltSource"
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------"
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "project info....... $($project.comment)"

        if (-not (Import-CMxFolders -DataSet $xmldata)) {
            Write-Warning "error: failed to create folders (aborting)"
        if (-not (Import-CMxFiles -DataSet $xmldata)) {
            Write-Warning "error: failed to create files (aborting)"

        Write-Host "Executing project configuration" -ForegroundColor Green

        Disable-InternetExplorerESC | Out-Null
        Set-CMxRegKeys -DataSet $xmldata -Order "before" | Out-Null

        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "beginning package execution"
        Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------"
        $continue = $True
        $pkgcount = 0
        foreach ($package in $controlset) {
            if ($continue) {
                $pkgName  = $
                $pkgType  = $package.type 
                $pkgComm  = $package.comment 
                $payload  = $xmldata.configuration.payloads.payload | Where-Object {$ -eq $pkgName}
                $pkgSrcX  = $xmldata.configuration.sources.source | Where-Object {$ -eq $pkgName}
                $pkgSrc   = $pkgSrcX.path
                $pkgFile  = $payload.file
                $pkgArgs  = $payload.params
                $detRule  = $xmldata.configuration.detections.detect | Where-Object {$ -eq $pkgName}
                $detPath  = $detRule.path
                $detType  = $detRule.type
                $depends  = $package.dependson

                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "package name.... $pkgName"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "package type.... $pkgType"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "package comment. $pkgComm"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "payload source.. $pkgSrc"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "payload file.... $pkgFile"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "payload args.... $pkgArgs"
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "rule type....... $detType"

                if (!(Test-CMxPackage -PackageName $dependson)) {
                    Write-Log -Category "error" -Message "dependency missing: $depends"
                    $continue = $False
                if (($detType -eq "") -or ($detPath -eq "") -or (-not($detPath))) {
                    Write-Log -Category "error" -Message "detection rule is missing for $pkgName (aborting)"
                    $continue = $False
                $installed = $False
                $installed = Get-CMxInstallState -PackageName $pkgName -RuleType $detType -RuleData $detPath
                if ($installed) {
                    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "install state... $pkgName is INSTALLED"
                else {
                    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "install state... $pkgName is NOT INSTALLED"
                    $x = Invoke-CMxPackage -Name $pkgName -PackageType $pkgType -PayloadSource $pkgSrc -PayloadFile $pkgFile -PayloadArguments $pkgArgs
                    if ($x -ne 0) {$continue = $False; break}
                $pkgcount += 1
                Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "----------------------------------------------------"
                if (Test-PendingReboot) {
                    if ($NoReboot) {
                        Write-Log -Category 'info' -Message 'a reboot is required - but NoReboot was requested.'
                        Write-Warning "A reboot is required but has been suppressed."
                    else {
                        Write-Log -Category 'info' -Message 'a reboot is requested.'
                        Invoke-CMxRestart -XmlFile $XmlFile
                        Write-Warning "A reboot is requested. Reboot now."
                        Restart-Computer -Force
            else {
                Write-Warning "STOP! aborted at step [$pkgName] $(Get-Date)"
        } # foreach

        if (($pkgcount -gt 0) -and ($continue)) {
            Set-CMxRegKeys -DataSet $xmldata -Order "after" | Out-Null

    Write-Host "Processing finished at $(Get-Date)" -ForegroundColor Green
    $RunTime2 = Get-TimeOffset -StartTime $RunTime1
    Write-Log -Category "info" -Message "finished at $(Get-Date) - total runtime = $RunTime2"
    if ((Test-PendingReboot) -and ($NoReboot)) {
        Write-Host "A REBOOT is REQUIRED" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-CMBuild