Function Convert-TextToSpeech { <# .Synopsis Converts text files into audio files. .DESCRIPTION Parses the contents of multiple text files and outputs each file to an audio file by using Amazon's Polly service ( .NOTES Name: Convert-TextToSpeech Author: Chad Miles DateUpdated: 2019-08-10 Version: 1.4.0 .EXAMPLE Convert-TextToSpeech input.txt -Voice Joanna This will output input.mp3 using Amy voice .EXAMPLE Convert-TextToSpeech *.txt -Voice Amy -OutputFormat ogg -Speed fast This will convert all the .txt files to .ogg files in Joanna voice speaking in a fast speed. .EXAMPLE Convert-TextToSpeech -String (Get-ClipBoard) -Voice Amy -UseNeuralEngine -PlayOutput This will grab the Text from the Clipboard, Synthesise it using Amy's Voice with the new Nueral engine and play the output with the default audio player #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('tts')] Param ( # The Input file(s), wilcards and just pointing to a folder itself work fine, just know that it will suck in what you ever you give it. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Files', Position=0 )] [string[]] $InputFiles, # Format of the output audio in either mp3, ogg or pcm [ValidateSet('mp3', 'ogg', 'pcm')] [string] $OutputFormat = "mp3", # The voice used, default is Amy (English - UK), for all voices please run Get-POLVoice | select -ExpandProperty Id [string] $Voice = 'Amy', # Just process a String not a written file [Parameter(ParameterSetName='String', Position=0 )] [string[]] $String, # Specify the Base name of the file to output to, without the extention [Parameter(ParameterSetName='String')] [string] $OutputFile='Output-'+(New-Guid), [switch] $PlayOutput, [ValidateSet('x-fast','x-slow','fast', 'slow', 'medium')] [string] $Speed = 'medium', [switch] $UseNeuralEngine ) if ($OutputFormat -eq 'pcm'){$FileExtension = 'wav'} else {$FileExtension = $OutputFormat} $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Write-Verbose 'Validating Voice' $VoiceIds = Get-POLVoice if ($VoiceIds.Id.Value -notcontains $Voice) { Write-Error "$Voice is not a valid voice, Valid voices are $($VoiceIds.Id.Value)" } If ($UseNeuralEngine) { If (($VoiceIds | Where-Object {$_.Id.Value -eq $Voice}).SupportedEngines -notcontains "neural"){ Write-Warning "The $Voice voice does not yet support the nueral engine, falling back to standard" $UseNeuralEngine = $False } } $Speed = $Speed.ToLower() $PreText = '<speak><prosody rate="'+$Speed+'">' $PostText = '</prosody><break time="350ms"/></speak>' $PollyLimit = 3000 $PollyParams = @{ TextType = "ssml" VoiceId = $Voice OutputFormat = $OutputFormat } If ($UseNeuralEngine) {$PollyParams.Add("Engine","neural")} if ($InputFiles){ Foreach ($InputFile in Get-ChildItem $InputFiles) { $Text = Get-Content $InputFile $LineCount = 1 Write-Verbose "Checking $InputFile for long lines" Foreach ($Line in $Text){ $Line = $Line.Replace('&',' and ').Replace(' ',' ') If ($Line.Length -ge $PollyLimit-($PreText.Length + $PostText.Length)){ $ShortName = $InputFile.Name Write-Warning "$ShortName was skipped as Line $LineCount is longer than $PollyLimit characters, which is the longest we can submit to Polly excluding SSML tags and spaces" $LongLines = $true } $LineCount++ } If (!$LongLines){ Write-Verbose "Processing $InputFile" $LineCount = 1 $BaseName = $InputFile.BaseName $Directory = $InputFile.Directory $OutputFile = "$Directory\$BaseName.$FileExtension" $OutputStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $OutputFile, Create Try { Foreach ($Line in $Text){ $Line = $Line.Replace('&',' and ').Replace(' ',' ') (Get-POLSpeech -Text $PreText$Line$PostText @PollyParams).AudioStream.CopyTo($OutputStream) $LineCount++ } } Catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error while processing file"$InputFile.FullName" in Line "$LineCount":" $PSItem.Exception.InnerException $OutputStream.Close() $ProcessingFailed = $true } If (!$ProcessingFailed){ (Get-POLSpeech -Text '<speak><break time="2s"/></speak>' -TextType ssml -VoiceId $Voice -OutputFormat $OutputFormat).AudioStream.CopyTo($OutputStream) $OutputStream.Close() $OutputProperties = @{ OutputFile = "$BaseName.$FileExtension" InputFile = $InputFile.Name } New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $OutputProperties } else {if ( $ProcessingFailed) {Clear-Variable ProcessingFailed}} } else {if ($LongLines) {Clear-Variable -Name LongLines}} } } If ($String){ $LineCount = 0 foreach ($Line in $String){ $LineCount++ $Line = $Line.Replace('&',' and ').Replace(' ',' ') If ($Line.Length -ge $PollyLimit-($PreText.Length + $PostText.Length)){ Write-Error "String input at line $LineCount longer than $PollyLimit characters, which is the longest we can submit to Polly excluding SSML tags and spaces" } } $NewItem = New-Item ".\$OutputFile.$FileExtension" -Force $OutputFile = $NewItem.FullName $OutputStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $OutputFile, Create $LineCount = 0 foreach ($Line in $String){ $LineCount++ $Line = $Line.Replace('&',' and ').Replace(' ',' ') Try { (Get-POLSpeech -Text $PreText$Line$PostText @PollyParams).AudioStream.CopyTo($OutputStream) } Catch { Write-Error "Error while processing the String in Line $LineCount : "$_.Exception.InnerException $OutputStream.Close() $ProcessingFailed = $true } } If (!$ProcessingFailed){ $OutputStream.Close() $OutputProperties = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{OutputFile = $NewItem.Name} } else { if ($ProcessingFailed) { Clear-Variable ProcessingFailed } } If ($PlayOutput) { & $OutputFile } } } |