Function Set-CmEc2DnsName { Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true )] [string[]] $InstanceId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $DomainName, [string] $Region, [string] $InstanceName ) BEGIN { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" If ($Region) { $AllRegions = (Get-AWSRegion).Region If ($AllRegions -notcontains $Region) { Write-Error "$Region is not a valid AWS Region, Valid regions are $AllRegions" } } } PROCESS { foreach ($Instance in $InstanceID) { $Parameters = @{InstanceID = $Instance} If ($Region) {$Parameters.add('Region',$Region)} $RunningInstance = (Get-EC2Instance @Parameters).RunningInstance $CurrentState = $RunningInstance.State.Name.Value if ($CurrentState -like "stop*" -or $CurrentState -like "term*"-or $CurrentState -like "shut*" -or !$CurrentState) { Write-Error "Instance $Instance stopped, stopping or terminated or does not exist, Please start or specify a valid instance" } If ((Get-Ec2Subnet -SubnetId $RunningInstance.SubnetId -Region $Region).MapPublicIpOnLaunch -eq $true -and !$RunningInstance.PublicIpAddress) { $Counter = 1 While ($CurrentState -ne "running" -and !$RunningInstance.PublicIpAddress) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $Counter++ $RunningInstance = (Get-EC2Instance @Parameters).RunningInstance $CurrentState = $RunningInstance.State.Name.Value if ($Counter -ge 30) { Write-Error "Instance $Instance took too long to start, aborting. WARNING Instance may still start and incur charges." } } } If ($InstanceName) {$HostName = $InstanceName+"."+$DomainName} Else { $InstanceName = $RunningInstance.Tags | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "Name"} | Select -ExpandProperty Value If (!$InstanceName) { Write-Error "No Name Tag on instance $Instance, can't apply DNS Name." $HostName = $RunningInstance.PublicDnsName } Else { $HostName = $InstanceName+"."+$DomainName } } If ($RunningInstance.PublicIpAddress) { Set-R53Record -Domain $DomainName -Type A -Name $InstanceName -Value $RunningInstance.PublicIpAddress -TTL 30 | Out-Null } Else { Set-R53Record -Domain $DomainName -Type A -Name $InstanceName -Value $RunningInstance.PrivateIpAddress -TTL 30 | Out-Null } $ObjProperties = @{ InstanceID = $Instance HostName = $HostName CurrentState = $CurrentState } New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $ObjProperties } } END{} } |