
    "Command": "m365 login",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 1
    "Command": "m365 login --debug",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 2
    "Command": "m365 login --authType password --userName --password pass@word1",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 3
    "Command": "m365 login --authType certificate --certificateFile /Users/user/dev/localhost.pem",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 4
    "Command": "m365 login --authType certificate --certificateFile /Users/user/dev/localhost.pem --thumbprint 47C4885736C624E90491F32B98855AA8A7562AF1",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 5
    "Command": "m365 login --authType certificate --certificateFile /Users/user/dev/localhost.pfx --password 'pass@word1'",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 6
    "Command": "m365 login --authType certificate --certificateFile /Users/user/dev/localhost.pfx --password",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 7
    "Command": "m365 login --authType certificate --certificateFile /Users/user/dev/localhost.pfx",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 8
    "Command": "m365 login --authType certificate --certificateFile /Users/user/dev/localhost.pfx --thumbprint 47C4885736C624E90491F32B98855AA8A7562AF1 --password 'pass@word1'",
    "Rank": 9,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 9
    "Command": "m365 login --authType certificate --certificateBase64Encoded MIII2QIBAzCCCJ8GCSqGSIb3DQEHAaCCCJAEg...eX1N5AgIIAA== --thumbprint D0C9B442DE249F55D10CDA1A2418952DC7D407A3",
    "Rank": 10,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 10
    "Command": "m365 login --authType identity",
    "Rank": 11,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 11
    "Command": "m365 login --authType identity",
    "Rank": 12,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 12
    "Command": "m365 login --authType identity --userName ac9fbed5-804c-4362-a369-21a4ec51109e",
    "Rank": 13,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 13
    "Command": "m365 login --appId 31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548c",
    "Rank": 14,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 14
    "Command": "m365 login --appId 31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548c --tenant 31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548a",
    "Rank": 15,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 15
    "Command": "m365 login --authType browser",
    "Rank": 16,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 16
    "Command": "m365 login --authType secret --secret topSeCr3t@007",
    "Rank": 17,
    "CommandName": "m365 login",
    "Id": 17
    "Command": "m365 logout",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 logout",
    "Id": 18
    "Command": "m365 logout --debug",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 logout",
    "Id": 19
    "Command": "m365 status",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 status",
    "Id": 20
    "Command": "m365 version",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 version",
    "Id": 21
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --name 'My AAD app'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 22
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --manifest @manifest.json",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 23
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --name 'My AAD app' --multitenant",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 24
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --name 'My AAD app' --redirectUris ',http://localhost:4000' --platform web",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 25
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --name 'My AAD app' --redirectUris '' --platform publicClient",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 26
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --name 'My AAD app' --withSecret",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 27
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --name 'My AAD app' --withSecret --apisApplication ','",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 28
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --name 'My AAD app' --platform spa --redirectUris ',http://localhost:8080' --apisDelegated ',' --implicitFlow",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 29
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --name 'My AAD app' --uri",
    "Rank": 9,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 30
    "Command": "m365 aad app add --name 'My AAD app' --uri api:// --scopeName access_as_user --scopeAdminConsentDescription 'Access as a user' --scopeAdminConsentDisplayName 'Access as a user' --scopeConsentBy adminsAndUsers",
    "Rank": 10,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app add",
    "Id": 31
    "Command": "m365 aad app role add --appObjectId d75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --name Managers --description \"Managers\" --allowedMembers usersGroups --claim managers",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role add",
    "Id": 32
    "Command": "m365 aad app role add --appId e75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --name Managers --description \"Managers\" --allowedMembers usersGroups --claim managers",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role add",
    "Id": 33
    "Command": "m365 aad app role add --appName \"My app\" --name Managers --description \"Managers\" --allowedMembers usersGroups --claim managers",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role add",
    "Id": 34
    "Command": "m365 aad app role delete --appObjectId d75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --name \"Get Product\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role delete",
    "Id": 35
    "Command": "m365 aad app role delete --appId e75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --claim \"Product.Get\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role delete",
    "Id": 36
    "Command": "m365 aad app role delete --appName \"My app\" --claim \"Product.Get\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role delete",
    "Id": 37
    "Command": "m365 aad app role delete --appObjectId d75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --id 15927ce6-1933-4b2f-b029-4dee3d53f4dd --confirm",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role delete",
    "Id": 38
    "Command": "m365 aad app role list --appObjectId d75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role list",
    "Id": 39
    "Command": "m365 aad app role list --appId e75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role list",
    "Id": 40
    "Command": "m365 aad app role list --appName \"My app\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app role list",
    "Id": 41
    "Command": "m365 aad app set --objectId d75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --uri",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app set",
    "Id": 42
    "Command": "m365 aad app set --appId e75be2e1-0204-4f95-857d-51a37cf40be8 --uri",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app set",
    "Id": 43
    "Command": "m365 aad app set --name \"My app\" --uri",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad app set",
    "Id": 44
    "Command": "m365 aad approleassignment add --appId \"57907bf8-73fa-43a6-89a5-1f603e29e451\" --resource \"SharePoint\" --scope \"Sites.Read.All\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad approleassignment add",
    "Id": 45
    "Command": "m365 aad approleassignment add --displayName \"MyAppName\" --resource \"Microsoft Graph\" --scope \"Mail.Read,Mail.Send\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad approleassignment add",
    "Id": 46
    "Command": "m365 aad approleassignment add --objectId \"57907bf8-73fa-43a6-89a5-1f603e29e451\" --resource \"Microsoft Graph\" --scope \"Mail.Read\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad approleassignment add",
    "Id": 47
    "Command": "m365 aad approleassignment list --appId b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad approleassignment list",
    "Id": 48
    "Command": "m365 aad approleassignment list --displayName 'MyAppName'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad approleassignment list",
    "Id": 49
    "Command": "m365 aad approleassignment list --objectId b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531dd",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad approleassignment list",
    "Id": 50
    "Command": "m365 aad approleassignment remove --appId \"57907bf8-73fa-43a6-89a5-1f603e29e451\" --resource \"SharePoint\" --scope \"Sites.Read.All\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad approleassignment remove",
    "Id": 51
    "Command": "m365 aad approleassignment remove --displayName \"MyAppName\" --resource \"Microsoft Graph\" --scope \"Mail.Read,Mail.Send\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad approleassignment remove",
    "Id": 52
    "Command": "m365 aad approleassignment remove --objectId \"57907bf8-73fa-43a6-89a5-1f603e29e451\" --resource \"Microsoft Graph\" --scope \"Mail.Read\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad approleassignment remove",
    "Id": 53
    "Command": "m365 aad groupsetting add --templateId 62375ab9-6b52-47ed-826b-58e47e0e304b --UsageGuidelinesUrl --ClassificationList 'HBI, MBI, LBI, GDPR' --DefaultClassification MBI",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad groupsetting add",
    "Id": 54
    "Command": "m365 aad groupsetting get --id 1caf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad groupsetting get",
    "Id": 55
    "Command": "m365 aad groupsetting list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad groupsetting list",
    "Id": 56
    "Command": "m365 aad groupsetting remove --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad groupsetting remove",
    "Id": 57
    "Command": "m365 aad groupsetting remove --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848 --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad groupsetting remove",
    "Id": 58
    "Command": "m365 aad groupsetting set --id c391b57d-5783-4c53-9236-cefb5c6ef323 --UsageGuidelinesUrl --ClassificationList 'HBI, MBI, LBI, GDPR' --DefaultClassification MBI",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad groupsetting set",
    "Id": 59
    "Command": "m365 aad groupsettingtemplate get --id 62375ab9-6b52-47ed-826b-58e47e0e304b",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad groupsettingtemplate get",
    "Id": 60
    "Command": "m365 aad groupsettingtemplate get --displayName Group.Unified",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad groupsettingtemplate get",
    "Id": 61
    "Command": "m365 aad groupsettingtemplate list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad groupsettingtemplate list",
    "Id": 62
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group add --displayName Finance --description 'This is the Contoso Finance Group. Please come here and check out the latest news, posts, files, and more.' --mailNickname finance",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group add",
    "Id": 63
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group add --displayName Finance --description 'This is the Contoso Finance Group. Please come here and check out the latest news, posts, files, and more.' --mailNickname finance --isPrivate true",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group add",
    "Id": 64
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group add --displayName Finance --description 'This is the Contoso Finance Group. Please come here and check out the latest news, posts, files, and more.' --mailNickname finance --owners \",\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group add",
    "Id": 65
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group add --displayName Finance --description 'This is the Contoso Finance Group. Please come here and check out the latest news, posts, files, and more.' --mailNickname finance --members \",\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group add",
    "Id": 66
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group add --displayName Finance --description 'This is the Contoso Finance Group. Please come here and check out the latest news, posts, files, and more.' --mailNickname finance --logoPath images/logo.png",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group add",
    "Id": 67
    "Command": "m365 teams team get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team get",
    "Id": 68
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group get --id 1caf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group get",
    "Id": 69
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group get --id 1caf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844 --includeSiteUrl",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group get",
    "Id": 70
    "Command": "m365 teams team get --id 2eaf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team get",
    "Id": 71
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group list",
    "Id": 72
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group list --displayName Project",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group list",
    "Id": 73
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group list --mailNickname team",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group list",
    "Id": 74
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group list --displayName Project --deleted",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group list",
    "Id": 75
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group list --mailNickname team --deleted",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group list",
    "Id": 76
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group list --displayName Project --includeSiteUrl",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group list",
    "Id": 77
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group list --orphaned",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group list",
    "Id": 78
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem clear",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem clear",
    "Id": 79
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem clear --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem clear",
    "Id": 80
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem list",
    "Id": 81
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem list --displayName Project",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem list",
    "Id": 82
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem list --mailNickname team",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem list",
    "Id": 83
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem list --mailNickname team --displayName Project",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem list",
    "Id": 84
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem restore --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group recyclebinitem restore",
    "Id": 85
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group remove --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group remove",
    "Id": 86
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group remove --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848 --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group remove",
    "Id": 87
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group remove --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848 --confirm --skipRecycleBin",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group remove",
    "Id": 88
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group renew --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group renew",
    "Id": 89
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitycounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitycounts",
    "Id": 90
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitycounts --period D7 --output text > \"o365groupactivitycounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitycounts",
    "Id": 91
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitycounts --period D7 --output json > \"o365groupactivitycounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitycounts",
    "Id": 92
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitydetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitydetail",
    "Id": 93
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitydetail --date 2019-09-28",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitydetail",
    "Id": 94
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitydetail --period D7 --output text > \"o365groupactivitydetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitydetail",
    "Id": 95
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitydetail --period D7 --output json > \"o365groupactivitydetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitydetail",
    "Id": 96
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activityfilecounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activityfilecounts",
    "Id": 97
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activityfilecounts --period D7 --output text > \"o365groupactivityfilecounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activityfilecounts",
    "Id": 98
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activityfilecounts --period D7 --output json > \"o365groupactivityfilecounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activityfilecounts",
    "Id": 99
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitygroupcounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitygroupcounts",
    "Id": 100
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitygroupcounts --period D7 --output text > \"o365groupactivitygroupcounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitygroupcounts",
    "Id": 101
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitygroupcounts --period D7 --output json > \"o365groupactivitygroupcounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitygroupcounts",
    "Id": 102
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitystorage --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitystorage",
    "Id": 103
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitystorage --period D7 --output text > \"o365groupactivitystorage.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitystorage",
    "Id": 104
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group report activitystorage --period D7 --output json > \"o365groupactivitystorage.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group report activitystorage",
    "Id": 105
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group set --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848 --displayName Finance",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group set",
    "Id": 106
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group set --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848 --isPrivate false",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group set",
    "Id": 107
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group set --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848 --owners \",\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group set",
    "Id": 108
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group set --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848 --members \",\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group set",
    "Id": 109
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group set --id 28beab62-7540-4db1-a23f-29a6018a3848 --logoPath images/logo.png",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group set",
    "Id": 110
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group teamify --groupId e3f60f99-0bad-481f-9e9f-ff0f572fbd03",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group teamify",
    "Id": 111
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group teamify --mailNickname GroupName",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group teamify",
    "Id": 112
    "Command": "m365 teams user add",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams user add",
    "Id": 113
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group user add --groupId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName ''",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group user add",
    "Id": 114
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group user add --groupId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName '' --role Owner",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group user add",
    "Id": 115
    "Command": "m365 teams user add --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName ''",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams user add",
    "Id": 116
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group user list --groupId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group user list",
    "Id": 117
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group user list --groupId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --role Owner",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group user list",
    "Id": 118
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group user list --groupId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --role Guest",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group user list",
    "Id": 119
    "Command": "m365 aad teams user remove",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad teams user remove",
    "Id": 120
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group user remove --groupId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName ''",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group user remove",
    "Id": 121
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group user remove --groupId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName '' --confirm",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group user remove",
    "Id": 122
    "Command": "m365 aad teams user remove --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName ''",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad teams user remove",
    "Id": 123
    "Command": "m365 aad teams user set",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad teams user set",
    "Id": 124
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group user list --groupId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName '' --role Owner",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group user list",
    "Id": 125
    "Command": "m365 aad o365group user list --groupId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName '' --role Member",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad o365group user list",
    "Id": 126
    "Command": "m365 aad teams user list --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName '' --role Owner",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad teams user list",
    "Id": 127
    "Command": "m365 aad teams user list --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --userName '' --role Member",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad teams user list",
    "Id": 128
    "Command": "m365 aad oauth2grant add --clientId d03a0062-1aa6-43e1-8f49-d73e969c5812 --resourceId c2af2474-2c95-423a-b0e5-e4895f22f9e9 --scope Calendars.Read",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad oauth2grant add",
    "Id": 129
    "Command": "m365 aad oauth2grant add --clientId d03a0062-1aa6-43e1-8f49-d73e969c5812 --resourceId c2af2474-2c95-423a-b0e5-e4895f22f9e9 --scope \"Calendars.Read Mail.Read\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad oauth2grant add",
    "Id": 130
    "Command": "m365 aad oauth2grant list --clientId b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad oauth2grant list",
    "Id": 131
    "Command": "m365 aad oauth2grant remove --grantId \\\\-Zc1JRY8REeLxmXz5KtixAYU3Q6noCBPlhwGiX7pxmU",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad oauth2grant remove",
    "Id": 132
    "Command": "m365 aad oauth2grant remove --grantId YgA60KYa4UOPSdc-lpxYEnQkr8KVLDpCsOXkiV8i-ek",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad oauth2grant remove",
    "Id": 133
    "Command": "m365 aad oauth2grant set --grantId \\\\-Zc1JRY8REeLxmXz5KtixAYU3Q6noCBPlhwGiX7pxmU",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad oauth2grant set",
    "Id": 134
    "Command": "m365 aad oauth2grant set --grantId YgA60KYa4UOPSdc-lpxYEnQkr8KVLDpCsOXkiV8i-ek --scope \"Calendars.Read Mail.Read\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad oauth2grant set",
    "Id": 135
    "Command": "m365 aad policy list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad policy list",
    "Id": 136
    "Command": "m365 aad policy list --policyType \"claimsMapping\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad policy list",
    "Id": 137
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification disable",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification disable",
    "Id": 138
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification disable --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification disable",
    "Id": 139
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification enable --classifications \"High, Medium, Low\" --defaultClassification \"Medium\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification enable",
    "Id": 140
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification enable --classifications \"High, Medium, Low\" --defaultClassification \"Medium\" --usageGuidelinesUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification enable",
    "Id": 141
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification enable --classifications \"High, Medium, Low\" --defaultClassification \"Medium\" --usageGuidelinesUrl \"\" --guestUsageGuidelinesUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification enable",
    "Id": 142
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification get",
    "Id": 143
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification set --classifications \"High, Medium, Low\" --defaultClassification \"Medium\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification set",
    "Id": 144
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification set --defaultClassification \"Low\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification set",
    "Id": 145
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification set --usageGuidelinesUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification set",
    "Id": 146
    "Command": "m365 aad siteclassification set --usageGuidelinesUrl \"\" --guestUsageGuidelinesUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad siteclassification set",
    "Id": 147
    "Command": "m365 aad sp get --appId b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad sp get",
    "Id": 148
    "Command": "m365 aad sp get --displayName \"Microsoft Graph\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad sp get",
    "Id": 149
    "Command": "m365 aad sp get --objectId b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531dd",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad sp get",
    "Id": 150
    "Command": "m365 aad user get --id 1caf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user get",
    "Id": 151
    "Command": "m365 aad user get --userName",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user get",
    "Id": 152
    "Command": "m365 aad user get --id 1caf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844 --properties \"userPrincipalName,mail,displayName\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user get",
    "Id": 153
    "Command": "m365 aad user list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user list",
    "Id": 154
    "Command": "m365 aad user list --properties \"displayName,mail\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user list",
    "Id": 155
    "Command": "m365 aad user list --displayName Patt",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user list",
    "Id": 156
    "Command": "m365 aad user list --displayName Patt --jobTitle 'Account manager'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user list",
    "Id": 157
    "Command": "m365 aad user set --objectId 1caf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844 --Department IT",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user set",
    "Id": 158
    "Command": "m365 aad user set --userPrincipalName --Department \"Sales & Marketing\" --CompanyName Contoso",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user set",
    "Id": 159
    "Command": "m365 aad user set --objectId 1caf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844 --accountEnabled true",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user set",
    "Id": 160
    "Command": "m365 aad user set --objectId 1caf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844 --accountEnabled false",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user set",
    "Id": 161
    "Command": "m365 aad user set --objectId 1caf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844 --accountEnabled true",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 aad user set",
    "Id": 162
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --title \"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 163
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --description \"New release of CLI for Microsoft 365\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 164
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --title \"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\" --description \"New release of CLI for Microsoft 365\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 165
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --title \"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\" --description \"New release of CLI for Microsoft 365\" --imageUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 166
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --title \"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\" --description \"New release of CLI for Microsoft 365\" --actionUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 167
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --title \"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\" --description \"New release of CLI for Microsoft 365\" --imageUrl \"\" --actionUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 168
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --title \"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\" --description \"New release of CLI for Microsoft 365\" --actionUrl \"\" --Version \"v3.4.0\" --ReleaseNotes \"\"",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 169
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{\"type\":\"AdaptiveCard\",\"body\":[{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"size\":\"Medium\",\"weight\":\"Bolder\",\"text\":\"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\"},{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"text\":\"New release of CLI for Microsoft 365\",\"wrap\":true}],\"actions\":[{\"type\":\"Action.OpenUrl\",\"title\":\"View\",\"url\":\"\"}],\"$schema\":\"\",\"version\":\"1.2\"}'",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 170
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{\"type\":\"AdaptiveCard\",\"body\":[{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"size\":\"Medium\",\"weight\":\"Bolder\",\"text\":\"${title}\"}],\"$schema\":\"\",\"version\":\"1.2\"}' --title \"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\"",
    "Rank": 9,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 171
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{\"type\":\"AdaptiveCard\",\"body\":[{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"size\":\"Medium\",\"weight\":\"Bolder\",\"text\":\"${title}\"},{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"text\":\"${description}\",\"wrap\":true},{\"type\":\"FactSet\",\"facts\":[{\"$data\":\"${properties}\",\"title\":\"${key}:\",\"value\":\"${value}\"}]}],\"actions\":[{\"type\":\"Action.OpenUrl\",\"title\":\"View\",\"url\":\"${actionUrl}\"}],\"$schema\":\"\",\"version\":\"1.2\"}' --title \"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\" --description \"New release of CLI for Microsoft 365\" --imageUrl \"\" --actionUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 10,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 172
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{\"type\":\"AdaptiveCard\",\"body\":[{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"size\":\"Medium\",\"weight\":\"Bolder\",\"text\":\"${Title}\"}],\"$schema\":\"\",\"version\":\"1.2\"}' --Title \"CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.4\"",
    "Rank": 11,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 173
    "Command": "m365 adaptivecard send --url --card '{\"type\":\"AdaptiveCard\",\"body\":[{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"size\":\"Medium\",\"weight\":\"Bolder\",\"text\":\"${title}\"},{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"text\":\"${description}\",\"wrap\":true},{\"type\":\"FactSet\",\"facts\":[{\"$data\":\"${properties}\",\"title\":\"${key}:\",\"value\":\"${value}\"}]}],\"actions\":[{\"type\":\"Action.OpenUrl\",\"title\":\"View\",\"url\":\"${viewUrl}\"}],\"$schema\":\"\",\"version\":\"1.2\"}' --cardData '{\"title\":\"Publish Adaptive Card Schema\",\"description\":\"Now that we have defined the main rules and features of the format, we need to produce a schema and publish it to GitHub. The schema will be the starting point of our reference documentation.\",\"creator\":{\"name\":\"Matt Hidinger\",\"profileImage\":\"\"},\"createdUtc\":\"2017-02-14T06:08:39Z\",\"viewUrl\":\"\",\"properties\":[{\"key\":\"Board\",\"value\":\"Adaptive Cards\"},{\"key\":\"List\",\"value\":\"Backlog\"},{\"key\":\"Assigned to\",\"value\":\"Matt Hidinger\"},{\"key\":\"Due date\",\"value\":\"Not set\"}]}'",
    "Rank": 12,
    "CommandName": "m365 adaptivecard send",
    "Id": 174
    "Command": "m365 cli consent --service yammer",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli consent",
    "Id": 175
    "Command": "m365 cli doctor",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli doctor",
    "Id": 176
    "Command": "m365 cli issue --type bug",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli issue",
    "Id": 177
    "Command": "m365 cli issue --type command",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli issue",
    "Id": 178
    "Command": "m365 cli reconsent",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli reconsent",
    "Id": 179
    "Command": "m365 cli completion sh update",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli completion sh update",
    "Id": 180
    "Command": "m365 cli config get --key output",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli config get",
    "Id": 181
    "Command": "m365 cli config reset --key showHelpOnFailure",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli config reset",
    "Id": 182
    "Command": "m365 cli config reset",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli config reset",
    "Id": 183
    "Command": "m365 cli config set --key showHelpOnFailure --value true",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli config set",
    "Id": 184
    "Command": "m365 cli config set --key output --value json",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 cli config set",
    "Id": 185
    "Command": "m365 file add --filePath file.pdf --folderUrl \" Documents\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 file add",
    "Id": 186
    "Command": "m365 file add --filePath file.pdf --folderUrl \" Documents/Folder\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 file add",
    "Id": 187
    "Command": "m365 file add --filePath file.pdf --folderUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 file add",
    "Id": 188
    "Command": "m365 file add --filePath file.pdf --folderUrl \" Documents\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 file add",
    "Id": 189
    "Command": "m365 file convert pdf --sourceFile file.docx --targetFile file.pdf",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 file convert pdf",
    "Id": 190
    "Command": "m365 file convert pdf --sourceFile file.docx --targetFile \" Documents/file.pdf\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 file convert pdf",
    "Id": 191
    "Command": "m365 file convert pdf --sourceFile \" Documents/file.docx\" --targetFile file.pdf",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 file convert pdf",
    "Id": 192
    "Command": "m365 file convert pdf --sourceFile \" Documents/file.docx\" --targetFile \" Documents/file.pdf\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 file convert pdf",
    "Id": 193
    "Command": "m365 flow disable --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow disable",
    "Id": 194
    "Command": "m365 flow disable --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --asAdmin",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow disable",
    "Id": 195
    "Command": "m365 flow enable --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow enable",
    "Id": 196
    "Command": "m365 flow enable --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --asAdmin",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow enable",
    "Id": 197
    "Command": "m365 flow export --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --id 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow export",
    "Id": 198
    "Command": "m365 flow export --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --id 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --format json",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow export",
    "Id": 199
    "Command": "m365 flow export --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --id 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --packageDisplayName 'My flow name'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow export",
    "Id": 200
    "Command": "m365 flow export --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --id 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --path './'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow export",
    "Id": 201
    "Command": "m365 flow get --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow get",
    "Id": 202
    "Command": "m365 flow get --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --asAdmin",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow get",
    "Id": 203
    "Command": "m365 flow list --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow list",
    "Id": 204
    "Command": "m365 flow list --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --asAdmin",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow list",
    "Id": 205
    "Command": "m365 flow remove --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow remove",
    "Id": 206
    "Command": "m365 flow remove --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow remove",
    "Id": 207
    "Command": "m365 flow remove --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --asAdmin",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow remove",
    "Id": 208
    "Command": "m365 flow remove --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --asAdmin --confirm",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow remove",
    "Id": 209
    "Command": "m365 flow environment get --name Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow environment get",
    "Id": 210
    "Command": "m365 flow environment list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow environment list",
    "Id": 211
    "Command": "m365 flow run cancel --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --flow 5923cb07-ce1a-4a5c-ab81-257ce820109a --name 08586653536760200319026785874CU62",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow run cancel",
    "Id": 212
    "Command": "m365 flow run get --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --flow 5923cb07-ce1a-4a5c-ab81-257ce820109a --name 08586653536760200319026785874CU62",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow run get",
    "Id": 213
    "Command": "m365 flow run list --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --flow 5923cb07-ce1a-4a5c-ab81-257ce820109a",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow run list",
    "Id": 214
    "Command": "m365 flow run resubmit --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --flow 5923cb07-ce1a-4a5c-ab81-257ce820109a --name 08586653536760200319026785874CU62",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow run resubmit",
    "Id": 215
    "Command": "m365 flow run resubmit --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --flow 5923cb07-ce1a-4a5c-ab81-257ce820109a --name 08586653536760200319026785874CU62 --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow run resubmit",
    "Id": 216
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension add --id MySchemaExtension --description \"My Schema Extension\" --targetTypes Group --owner 62375ab9-6b52-47ed-826b-58e47e0e304b --properties \\`\"[{\"\"name\"\":\"\"myProp1\"\",\"\"type\"\":\"\"Integer\"\"},{\"\"name\"\":\"\"myProp2\"\",\"\"type\"\":\"\"String\"\"}]\\`",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension add",
    "Id": 217
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension add --id contoso_MySchemaExtension --description \"My Schema Extension\" --targetTypes Group --owner 62375ab9-6b52-47ed-826b-58e47e0e304b --properties \\`\"[{\"\"name\"\":\"\"myProp1\"\",\"\"type\"\":\"\"Integer\"\"},{\"\"name\"\":\"\"myProp2\"\",\"\"type\"\":\"\"String\"\"}]\\`",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension add",
    "Id": 218
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension get --id domain_myExtension",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension get",
    "Id": 219
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension list",
    "Id": 220
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension list --owner 617720dc-85fc-45d7-a187-cee75eaf239e",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension list",
    "Id": 221
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension list --owner 617720dc-85fc-45d7-a187-cee75eaf239e --pageNumber 2 --pageSize 10",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension list",
    "Id": 222
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension remove --id domain_myExtension",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension remove",
    "Id": 223
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension remove --id domain_myExtension --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension remove",
    "Id": 224
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension set --id MySchemaExtension --owner 62375ab9-6b52-47ed-826b-58e47e0e304b --description \"My schema extension\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension set",
    "Id": 225
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension set --id contoso_MySchemaExtension --owner 62375ab9-6b52-47ed-826b-58e47e0e304b --targetTypes \"Group,User\" --properties \\`\"[{\"\"name\"\":\"\"myProp1\"\",\"\"type\"\":\"\"Integer\"\"},{\"\"name\"\":\"\"myProp2\"\",\"\"type\"\":\"\"String\"\"}]\\`",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension set",
    "Id": 226
    "Command": "m365 graph schemaextension set --id contoso_MySchemaExtension --owner 62375ab9-6b52-47ed-826b-58e47e0e304b --status Available",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph schemaextension set",
    "Id": 227
    "Command": "m365 graph subscription add --resource \"me/mailFolders('Inbox')/messages\" --changeType \"updated\" --notificationUrl \"\" --expirationDateTime \"2016-11-20T18:23:45.935Z\" --clientState \"secretClientState\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph subscription add",
    "Id": 228
    "Command": "m365 graph subscription add --resource groups --changeType updated,deleted --notificationUrl \"\" --expirationDateTime \"2016-11-20T18:23:45.935Z\" --clientState \"secretClientState\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph subscription add",
    "Id": 229
    "Command": "m365 graph subscription add --resource groups --changeType \"updated\" --notificationUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph subscription add",
    "Id": 230
    "Command": "m365 onedrive list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive list",
    "Id": 231
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityfilecounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityfilecounts",
    "Id": 232
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityfilecounts --period D7 --output text > \"activityfilecounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityfilecounts",
    "Id": 233
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityfilecounts --period D7 --output json > \"activityfilecounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityfilecounts",
    "Id": 234
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 235
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"activityusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 236
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"activityusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 237
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityuserdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 238
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityuserdetail --date 2019-05-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 239
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityuserdetail --period D7 --output text > \"onedriveactivityuserdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 240
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report activityuserdetail --period D7 --output json > \"onedriveactivityuserdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 241
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountcounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountcounts",
    "Id": 242
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountcounts --period D7 --output text > \"usageaccountcounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountcounts",
    "Id": 243
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountcounts --period D7 --output json > \"usageaccountcounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountcounts",
    "Id": 244
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountdetail",
    "Id": 245
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountdetail --date 2019-05-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountdetail",
    "Id": 246
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountdetail --period D7 --output text > \"onedriveusageaccountdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountdetail",
    "Id": 247
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountdetail --period D7 --output json > \"onedriveusageaccountdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usageaccountdetail",
    "Id": 248
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usagefilecounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usagefilecounts",
    "Id": 249
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usagefilecounts --period D7 --output text > \"usagefilecounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usagefilecounts",
    "Id": 250
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usagefilecounts --period D7 --output json > \"usagefilecounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usagefilecounts",
    "Id": 251
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usagestorage --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usagestorage",
    "Id": 252
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usagestorage --period D7 --output text > \"usagestorage.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usagestorage",
    "Id": 253
    "Command": "m365 onedrive report usagestorage --period D7 --output json > \"usagestorage.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 onedrive report usagestorage",
    "Id": 254
    "Command": "m365 outlook mail send --to --subject \"DG2000 Data Sheets\" --bodyContents \"The latest data sheets are in the team site\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook mail send",
    "Id": 255
    "Command": "m365 outlook mail send --to \",\" --subject \"DG2000 Data Sheets\" --bodyContents \"The latest data sheets are in the <a href=''>team site</a>\" --bodyContentType HTML",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook mail send",
    "Id": 256
    "Command": "m365 outlook mail send --to --subject \"DG2000 Data Sheets\" --bodyContents @email.html --bodyContentType HTML",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook mail send",
    "Id": 257
    "Command": "m365 outlook mail send --to --subject \"DG2000 Data Sheets\" --bodyContents \"The latest data sheets are in the team site\" --saveToSentItems false",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook mail send",
    "Id": 258
    "Command": "m365 outlook message list --folderName Archive",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook message list",
    "Id": 259
    "Command": "m365 outlook message list --folderId AAMkAGVmMDEzMTM4LTZmYWUtNDdkNC1hMDZiLTU1OGY5OTZhYmY4OAAuAAAAAAAiQ8W967B7TKBjgx9rVEURAQAiIsqMbYjsT5e-T7KzowPTAAAAAAFNAAA=",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook message list",
    "Id": 260
    "Command": "m365 outlook message list --folderName inbox",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook message list",
    "Id": 261
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook message move",
    "Id": 262
    "Command": "m365 outlook message move --messageId AAMkAGVmMDEzMTM4LTZmYWUtNDdkNC1hMDZiLTU1OGY5OTZhYmY4OABGAAAAAAAiQ8W967B7TKBjgx9rVEURBwAiIsqMbYjsT5e-T7KzowPTAAAAAAEMAAAiIsqMbYjsT5e-T7KzowPTAALdyzhHAAA= --sourceFolderName Inbox --targetFolderName \"Project X\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook message move",
    "Id": 263
    "Command": "m365 outlook message move --messageId AAMkAGVmMDEzMTM4LTZmYWUtNDdkNC1hMDZiLTU1OGY5OTZhYmY4OABGAAAAAAAiQ8W967B7TKBjgx9rVEURBwAiIsqMbYjsT5e-T7KzowPTAAAAAAEMAAAiIsqMbYjsT5e-T7KzowPTAALdyzhHAAA= --sourceFolderName inbox --targetFolderName archive",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook message move",
    "Id": 264
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivitycounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivitycounts",
    "Id": 265
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivitycounts --period D7 --output text > \"mailactivitycounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivitycounts",
    "Id": 266
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivitycounts --period D7 --output json > \"mailactivitycounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivitycounts",
    "Id": 267
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivityusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivityusercounts",
    "Id": 268
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivityusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"mailactivityusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivityusercounts",
    "Id": 269
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivityusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"mailactivityusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivityusercounts",
    "Id": 270
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivityuserdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivityuserdetail",
    "Id": 271
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivityuserdetail --date 2019-05-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivityuserdetail",
    "Id": 272
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivityuserdetail --period D7 --output text > \"mailactivityuserdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivityuserdetail",
    "Id": 273
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailactivityuserdetail --period D7 --output json > \"mailactivityuserdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailactivityuserdetail",
    "Id": 274
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageappsusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageappsusercounts",
    "Id": 275
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageappsusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"mailappusageappsusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageappsusercounts",
    "Id": 276
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageappsusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"mailappusageappsusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageappsusercounts",
    "Id": 277
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageusercounts",
    "Id": 278
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"mailappusageusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageusercounts",
    "Id": 279
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"mailappusageusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageusercounts",
    "Id": 280
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageuserdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 281
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageuserdetail --date 2019-05-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 282
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageuserdetail --period D7 --output text > \"mailappusageuserdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 283
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageuserdetail --period D7 --output json > \"mailappusageuserdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 284
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageversionsusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageversionsusercounts",
    "Id": 285
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageversionsusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"mailappusageversionsusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageversionsusercounts",
    "Id": 286
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailappusageversionsusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"mailappusageversionsusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailappusageversionsusercounts",
    "Id": 287
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagedetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagedetail",
    "Id": 288
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagedetail --period D7 --output text > \"mailboxusagedetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagedetail",
    "Id": 289
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagedetail --period D7 --output json > \"mailboxusagedetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagedetail",
    "Id": 290
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagemailboxcount --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagemailboxcount",
    "Id": 291
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagemailboxcount --period D7 --output text > \"mailboxusagemailboxcount.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagemailboxcount",
    "Id": 292
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagemailboxcount --period D7 --output json > \"mailboxusagemailboxcount.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagemailboxcount",
    "Id": 293
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagequotastatusmailboxcounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagequotastatusmailboxcounts",
    "Id": 294
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagequotastatusmailboxcounts --period D7 --output text > \"mailboxusagequotastatusmailboxcounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagequotastatusmailboxcounts",
    "Id": 295
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagequotastatusmailboxcounts --period D7 --output json > \"mailboxusagequotastatusmailboxcounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagequotastatusmailboxcounts",
    "Id": 296
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagestorage --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagestorage",
    "Id": 297
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagestorage --period D7 --output text > \"mailboxusagestorage.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagestorage",
    "Id": 298
    "Command": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagestorage --period D7 --output json > \"mailboxusagestorage.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 outlook report mailboxusagestorage",
    "Id": 299
    "Command": "m365 pa app get --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa app get",
    "Id": 300
    "Command": "m365 pa app get --displayName App",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa app get",
    "Id": 301
    "Command": "m365 pa app list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa app list",
    "Id": 302
    "Command": "m365 pa app remove --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa app remove",
    "Id": 303
    "Command": "m365 pa app remove --name 3989cb59-ce1a-4a5c-bb78-257c5c39381d --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa app remove",
    "Id": 304
    "Command": "m365 flow connector export",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow connector export",
    "Id": 305
    "Command": "m365 pa connector export --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --connector shared_connector-201-5f20a1f2d8d6777a75-5fa602f410652f4dfa",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa connector export",
    "Id": 306
    "Command": "m365 pa connector export --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 --connector shared_connector-201-5f20a1f2d8d6777a75-5fa602f410652f4dfa --outputFolder connector",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa connector export",
    "Id": 307
    "Command": "m365 flow connector list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 flow connector list",
    "Id": 308
    "Command": "m365 pa connector list --environment Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa connector list",
    "Id": 309
    "Command": "m365 pa environment get --name Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa environment get",
    "Id": 310
    "Command": "m365 pa environment list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa environment list",
    "Id": 311
    "Command": "m365 pa pcf init --namespace yourNamespace --name yourCustomFieldComponent --template Field",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa pcf init",
    "Id": 312
    "Command": "m365 pa pcf init --namespace yourNamespace --name yourCustomFieldComponent --template Dataset",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa pcf init",
    "Id": 313
    "Command": "m365 pa solution init --publisherName yourPublisherName --publisherPrefix ypn",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa solution init",
    "Id": 314
    "Command": "m365 pa solution reference add --path ./projects/ExampleProject",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 pa solution reference add",
    "Id": 315
    "Command": "m365 planner bucket add --name \"My Planner Bucket\" --planId \"xqQg5FS2LkCp935s-FIFm2QAFkHM\" --orderHint \" !\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner bucket add",
    "Id": 316
    "Command": "m365 planner bucket add --name \"My Planner Bucket\" --planName \"My Planner Plan\" --ownerGroupName \"My Planner Group\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner bucket add",
    "Id": 317
    "Command": "m365 planner bucket list --planId \"xqQg5FS2LkCp935s-FIFm2QAFkHM\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner bucket list",
    "Id": 318
    "Command": "m365 planner bucket list --planName \"My Plan\" --ownerGroupName \"My Group\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner bucket list",
    "Id": 319
    "Command": "m365 planner plan add --title \"My Planner Plan\" --ownerGroupId \"233e43d0-dc6a-482e-9b4e-0de7a7bce9b4\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner plan add",
    "Id": 320
    "Command": "m365 planner plan add --title \"My Planner Plan\" --ownerGroupName \"My Planner Group\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner plan add",
    "Id": 321
    "Command": "m365 planner plan get --id \"gndWOTSK60GfPQfiDDj43JgACDCb\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner plan get",
    "Id": 322
    "Command": "m365 planner plan get --title \"MyPlan\" --ownerGroupId \"233e43d0-dc6a-482e-9b4e-0de7a7bce9b4\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner plan get",
    "Id": 323
    "Command": "m365 planner plan get --title \"MyPlan\" --ownerGroupName \"My Planner Group\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner plan get",
    "Id": 324
    "Command": "m365 planner plan list --ownerGroupId \"233e43d0-dc6a-482e-9b4e-0de7a7bce9b4\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner plan list",
    "Id": 325
    "Command": "m365 planner plan list --ownerGroupName \"My Planner Group\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner plan list",
    "Id": 326
    "Command": "m365 planner task list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner task list",
    "Id": 327
    "Command": "m365 planner task list --planId \"iVPMIgdku0uFlou-KLNg6MkAE1O2\"`",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner task list",
    "Id": 328
    "Command": "m365 planner task list --planName \"My Plan\" --ownerGroupName \"My Group\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner task list",
    "Id": 329
    "Command": "m365 planner task list --bucketId \"FtzysDykv0-9s9toWiZhdskAD67z\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner task list",
    "Id": 330
    "Command": "m365 planner task list --bucketName \"My Bucket\" --planId \"iVPMIgdku0uFlou-KLNg6MkAE1O2\"",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner task list",
    "Id": 331
    "Command": "m365 planner bucket tasks list --bucketName \"My Bucket\" --planName \"My Plan\" --ownerGroupName \"My Group\"",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 planner bucket tasks list",
    "Id": 332
    "Command": "m365 skype report activitycounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activitycounts",
    "Id": 333
    "Command": "m365 skype report activitycounts --period D7 --output text > \"activitycounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activitycounts",
    "Id": 334
    "Command": "m365 skype report activitycounts --period D7 --output json > \"activitycounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activitycounts",
    "Id": 335
    "Command": "m365 skype report activityusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 336
    "Command": "m365 skype report activityusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"activityusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 337
    "Command": "m365 skype report activityusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"activityusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 338
    "Command": "m365 skype report activityuserdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 339
    "Command": "m365 skype report activityuserdetail --date 2019-05-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 340
    "Command": "m365 skype report activityuserdetail --period D7 --output text > \"activityuserdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 341
    "Command": "m365 skype report activityuserdetail --period D7 --output json > \"activityuserdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 skype report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 342
    "Command": "m365 spfx doctor",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx doctor",
    "Id": 343
    "Command": "m365 spfx doctor --env sp2019",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx doctor",
    "Id": 344
    "Command": "m365 spfx package generate",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx package generate",
    "Id": 345
    "Command": "m365 spfx package generate --webPartTitle \"Amsterdam weather\" --webPartDescription \"Shows weather in Amsterdam\" --packageName amsterdam-weather --html @amsterdam-weather.html --allowTenantWideDeployment --enableForTeams all",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx package generate",
    "Id": 346
    "Command": "m365 spfx project externalize --output md > \"\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project externalize",
    "Id": 347
    "Command": "m365 spfx project externalize",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project externalize",
    "Id": 348
    "Command": "m365 spfx project rename --newName contoso",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project rename",
    "Id": 349
    "Command": "m365 spfx project rename --newName contoso --generateNewId",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project rename",
    "Id": 350
    "Command": "m365 spfx project upgrade --toVersion 1.5.0 --output md > \"\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project upgrade",
    "Id": 351
    "Command": "m365 spfx project upgrade --toVersion 1.5.0",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project upgrade",
    "Id": 352
    "Command": "m365 spfx project upgrade --preview",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project upgrade",
    "Id": 353
    "Command": "m365 spfx project upgrade --toVersion 1.12.1-rc.0",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project upgrade",
    "Id": 354
    "Command": "m365 spfx project upgrade --packageManager pnpm",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project upgrade",
    "Id": 355
    "Command": "m365 spfx project upgrade",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project upgrade",
    "Id": 356
    "Command": "m365 spfx project upgrade --shell powershell",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project upgrade",
    "Id": 357
    "Command": "m365 spfx project upgrade --output tour",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 spfx project upgrade",
    "Id": 358
    "Command": "m365 spo get --output json",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo get",
    "Id": 359
    "Command": "m365 spo search --queryText \"ContentTypeId:0x0120D520\" --culture 1033",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo search",
    "Id": 360
    "Command": "m365 spo search --queryText \"IsDocument:1\" --selectProperties \"Path,Author,FileType\" --allResults",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo search",
    "Id": 361
    "Command": "m365 spo search --queryText \"Title:Marketing*\" --rowLimit=50 --trimDuplicates",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo search",
    "Id": 362
    "Command": "m365 spo search --queryText \"*\" --sourceId \"6e71030e-5e16-4406-9bff-9c1829843083\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo search",
    "Id": 363
    "Command": "m365 spo set --url",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo set",
    "Id": 364
    "Command": "m365 spo app add --filePath /Users/pnp/spfx/sharepoint/solution/spfx.sppkg",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app add",
    "Id": 365
    "Command": "m365 spo app add --filePath sharepoint/solution/spfx.sppkg --overwrite",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app add",
    "Id": 366
    "Command": "m365 spo app add --filePath c:\\spfx.sppkg --scope sitecollection --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app add",
    "Id": 367
    "Command": "m365 spo app deploy --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app deploy",
    "Id": 368
    "Command": "m365 spo app deploy --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --scope sitecollection --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app deploy",
    "Id": 369
    "Command": "m365 spo app deploy --name solution.sppkg",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app deploy",
    "Id": 370
    "Command": "m365 spo app deploy --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app deploy",
    "Id": 371
    "Command": "m365 spo app deploy --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --skipFeatureDeployment",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app deploy",
    "Id": 372
    "Command": "m365 spo app get --id b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app get",
    "Id": 373
    "Command": "m365 spo app get --name solution.sppkg",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app get",
    "Id": 374
    "Command": "m365 spo app get --name solution.sppkg --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app get",
    "Id": 375
    "Command": "m365 spo app get --id b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6 --scope sitecollection --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app get",
    "Id": 376
    "Command": "m365 spo app install --id b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6 --siteUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app install",
    "Id": 377
    "Command": "m365 spo app install --id b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6 --siteUrl --scope sitecollection",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app install",
    "Id": 378
    "Command": "m365 spo app instance list --siteUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app instance list",
    "Id": 379
    "Command": "m365 spo app list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app list",
    "Id": 380
    "Command": "m365 spo app list --scope sitecollection --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app list",
    "Id": 381
    "Command": "m365 spo app remove --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app remove",
    "Id": 382
    "Command": "m365 spo app remove --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app remove",
    "Id": 383
    "Command": "m365 spo app remove --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --appCatalogUrl --confirm",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app remove",
    "Id": 384
    "Command": "m365 spo app remove --id d95f8c94-67a1-4615-9af8-361ad33be93c --scope sitecollection --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app remove",
    "Id": 385
    "Command": "m365 spo app retract --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app retract",
    "Id": 386
    "Command": "m365 spo app retract --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app retract",
    "Id": 387
    "Command": "m365 spo app retract --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --confirm",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app retract",
    "Id": 388
    "Command": "m365 spo app retract --id d95f8c94-67a1-4615-9af8-361ad33be93c --scope sitecollection --appCatalogUrl",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app retract",
    "Id": 389
    "Command": "m365 spo app uninstall --id b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6 --siteUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app uninstall",
    "Id": 390
    "Command": "m365 spo app uninstall --id b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6 --siteUrl",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app uninstall",
    "Id": 391
    "Command": "m365 spo app uninstall --id b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6 --siteUrl --scope sitecollection",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app uninstall",
    "Id": 392
    "Command": "m365 spo app upgrade --id b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6 --siteUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app upgrade",
    "Id": 393
    "Command": "m365 spo app upgrade --id b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6 --siteUrl --scope sitecollection",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo app upgrade",
    "Id": 394
    "Command": "m365 spo apppage add --title \"Contoso\" --webUrl \"\" --webPartData $webPartData --addToQuickLaunch",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo apppage add",
    "Id": 395
    "Command": "m365 spo apppage set --webUrl \"\" --pageName \"Contoso.aspx\" --webPartData $webPartData",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo apppage set",
    "Id": 396
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn get",
    "Id": 397
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn get --type Private",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn get",
    "Id": 398
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn origin add --type Public --origin */CDN",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn origin add",
    "Id": 399
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn origin list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn origin list",
    "Id": 400
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn origin list --type Private",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn origin list",
    "Id": 401
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn origin remove --type Public --origin */CDN",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn origin remove",
    "Id": 402
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn policy list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn policy list",
    "Id": 403
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn policy list --type Private",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn policy list",
    "Id": 404
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn policy set --type Public --policy IncludeFileExtensions --value CSS,EOT,GIF,ICO,JPEG,JPG,JS,MAP,PNG,SVG,TTF,WOFF,JSON",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn policy set",
    "Id": 405
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn set --type Public --enabled true",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn set",
    "Id": 406
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn set --type Public --enabled false",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn set",
    "Id": 407
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn set --type Private --enabled true",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn set",
    "Id": 408
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn set --type Both --enabled true",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn set",
    "Id": 409
    "Command": "m365 spo cdn set --type Both --enabled true --noDefaultOrigins",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo cdn set",
    "Id": 410
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype add --webUrl --name 'PnP Alert' --id 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D --group 'PnP Content Types'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype add",
    "Id": 411
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype add --webUrl --listTitle Alerts --name 'PnP Alert' --id 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype add",
    "Id": 412
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype field remove --contentTypeId \"0x0100CA0FA0F5DAEF784494B9C6020C3020A6\" --fieldLinkId \"880d2f46-fccb-43ca-9def-f88e722cef80\" --webUrl --confirm",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype field remove",
    "Id": 413
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype field remove --contentTypeId \"0x0100CA0FA0F5DAEF784494B9C6020C3020A6\" --fieldLinkId \"880d2f46-fccb-43ca-9def-f88e722cef80\" --webUrl --updateChildContentTypes",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype field remove",
    "Id": 414
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype field remove --contentTypeId \"0x0100CA0FA0F5DAEF784494B9C6020C3020A60062F089A38C867747942DB2C3FC50FF6A\" --fieldLinkId \"880d2f46-fccb-43ca-9def-f88e722cef80\" --webUrl --listTitle \"Documents\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype field remove",
    "Id": 415
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype field set --webUrl --contentTypeId 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D --fieldId ebe7e498-44ff-43da-a7e5-99b444f656a5",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype field set",
    "Id": 416
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype field set --webUrl --contentTypeId 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D --fieldId ebe7e498-44ff-43da-a7e5-99b444f656a5 --required true",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype field set",
    "Id": 417
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype field set --webUrl --contentTypeId 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D --fieldId ebe7e498-44ff-43da-a7e5-99b444f656a5 --required false",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype field set",
    "Id": 418
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype get --webUrl --id 0x0100558D85B7216F6A489A499DB361E1AE2F",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype get",
    "Id": 419
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype get --webUrl --name \"Document\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype get",
    "Id": 420
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype get --webUrl --listTitle Events --id 0x0100558D85B7216F6A489A499DB361E1AE2F",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype get",
    "Id": 421
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype remove --id \"0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D\" --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype remove",
    "Id": 422
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype remove --name \"My Content Type\" --webUrl --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype remove",
    "Id": 423
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttype remove --name \"My Content Type\" --webUrl --confirm",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttype remove",
    "Id": 424
    "Command": "m365 spo contenttypehub get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo contenttypehub get",
    "Id": 425
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction add --url --title \"YourAppCustomizer\" --name \"YourName\" --location \"ClientSideExtension.ApplicationCustomizer\" --clientSideComponentId b41916e7-e69d-467f-b37f-ff8ecf8f99f2 --clientSideComponentProperties '{\\\"testMessage\\\":\\\"Test message\\\"}'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction add",
    "Id": 426
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction add --url --title \"YourAppCustomizer\" --name \"YourName\" --location \"ClientSideExtension.ApplicationCustomizer\" --clientSideComponentId b41916e7-e69d-467f-b37f-ff8ecf8f99f2 --clientSideComponentProperties '{\"testMessage\":\"Test message\"}'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction add",
    "Id": 427
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction add --url --title \"YourCommandSet\" --name \"YourName\" --location \"ClientSideExtension.ListViewCommandSet\" --clientSideComponentId db3e6e35-363c-42b9-a254-ca661e437848 --clientSideComponentProperties '{\"sampleTextOne\":\"One item is selected in the list.\", \"sampleTextTwo\":\"This command is always visible.\"}' --registrationId 100 --registrationType List",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction add",
    "Id": 428
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction add --url --title \"YourTitle\" --name \"YourName\" --location \"Microsoft.SharePoint.StandardMenu\" --group \"SiteActions\" --actionUrl \"~site/SitePages/Home.aspx\" --sequence 100",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction add",
    "Id": 429
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction add --url --title \"YourTitle\" --name \"YourName\" --location \"EditControlBlock\" --actionUrl \"javascript:(function(){ return console.log('CLI for Microsoft 365 rocks!'); })();\" --registrationId 101 --registrationType List",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction add",
    "Id": 430
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction add --url --title \"YourTitle\" --name \"YourName\" --location \"ScriptLink\" --scriptSrc \"~sitecollection/SiteAssets/YourScript.js\" --sequence 101 --scope Site",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction add",
    "Id": 431
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction add --url --title \"YourTitle\" --name \"YourName\" --location \"ScriptLink\" --scriptBlock \"(function(){ return console.log('Hello CLI for Microsoft 365!'); })();\" --sequence 102",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction add",
    "Id": 432
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction add --url --title \"YourTitle\" --name \"YourName\" --location \"CommandUI.Ribbon\" --commandUIExtension '<CommandUIExtension><CommandUIDefinitions><CommandUIDefinition Location=\"Ribbon.List.Share.Controls._children\"><Button Id=\"Ribbon.List.Share.GetItemsCountButton\" Alt=\"Get list items count\" Sequence=\"11\" Command=\"Invoke_GetItemsCountButtonRequest\" LabelText=\"Get Items Count\" TemplateAlias=\"o1\" Image32by32=\"_layouts/15/images/placeholder32x32.png\" Image16by16=\"_layouts/15/images/placeholder16x16.png\" /></CommandUIDefinition></CommandUIDefinitions><CommandUIHandlers><CommandUIHandler Command=\"Invoke_GetItemsCountButtonRequest\" CommandAction=\"javascript: alert(ctx.TotalListItems);\" EnabledScript=\"javascript: function checkEnable() { return (true);} checkEnable();\"/></CommandUIHandlers></CommandUIExtension>'",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction add",
    "Id": 433
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction add --url --title \"YourTitle\" --name \"YourName\" --location \"Microsoft.SharePoint.StandardMenu\" --group \"SiteActions\" --actionUrl \"~site/SitePages/Home.aspx\" --rights \"AddListItems,DeleteListItems,ManageLists\"",
    "Rank": 9,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction add",
    "Id": 434
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction clear --url --confirm",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction clear",
    "Id": 435
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction clear --url --scope Web",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction clear",
    "Id": 436
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction clear --url --scope Site",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction clear",
    "Id": 437
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction get --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --url",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction get",
    "Id": 438
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction get --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --url --scope Site",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction get",
    "Id": 439
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction get --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --url --scope Web",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction get",
    "Id": 440
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction list --url",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction list",
    "Id": 441
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction list --url --scope Site",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction list",
    "Id": 442
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction list --url --scope Web",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction list",
    "Id": 443
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction remove --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --url",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction remove",
    "Id": 444
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction remove --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --url --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction remove",
    "Id": 445
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction remove --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --url --scope Site",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction remove",
    "Id": 446
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction remove --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --url --scope Web",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction remove",
    "Id": 447
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction set --url --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --clientSideComponentProperties '{\\\"testMessage\\\":\\\"Test message\\\"}'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction set",
    "Id": 448
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction set --url --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --clientSideComponentProperties '{\"testMessage\":\"Test message\"}'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction set",
    "Id": 449
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction set --url --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --clientSideComponentProperties '{\"sampleTextOne\":\"One item is selected in the list.\", \"sampleTextTwo\":\"This command is always visible.\"}' --sequence 100",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction set",
    "Id": 450
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction set --url --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --actionUrl \"~site/SitePages/Home.aspx\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction set",
    "Id": 451
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction set --url --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --scriptSrc \"~sitecollection/SiteAssets/YourScript.js\"",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction set",
    "Id": 452
    "Command": "m365 spo customaction set --url --id 058140e3-0e37-44fc-a1d3-79c487d371a3 --rights \"AddListItems,DeleteListItems,ManageLists\"",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo customaction set",
    "Id": 453
    "Command": "m365 spo externaluser list --pageSize 50 --position 0",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo externaluser list",
    "Id": 454
    "Command": "m365 spo externaluser list --pageSize 50 --position 0 --filter Vesa",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo externaluser list",
    "Id": 455
    "Command": "m365 spo externaluser list --pageSize 50 --position 0 --siteUrl",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo externaluser list",
    "Id": 456
    "Command": "m365 spo externaluser list --pageSize 50 --position 0 --sortOrder desc",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo externaluser list",
    "Id": 457
    "Command": "m365 spo feature disable --url --featureId 915c240e-a6cc-49b8-8b2c-0bff8b553ed3 --scope Site",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo feature disable",
    "Id": 458
    "Command": "m365 spo feature disable --url --featureId 00bfea71-5932-4f9c-ad71-1557e5751100 --scope Web --force",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo feature disable",
    "Id": 459
    "Command": "m365 spo feature enable --url --featureId 915c240e-a6cc-49b8-8b2c-0bff8b553ed3 --scope Site",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo feature enable",
    "Id": 460
    "Command": "m365 spo feature enable --url --featureId 00bfea71-5932-4f9c-ad71-1557e5751100 --scope Web --force",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo feature enable",
    "Id": 461
    "Command": "m365 spo feature list --url --scope Site",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo feature list",
    "Id": 462
    "Command": "m365 spo feature list --url --scope Web",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo feature list",
    "Id": 463
    "Command": "m365 spo field add --webUrl --xml '`<Field Type=\"DateTime\" DisplayName=\"Start date-time\" Required=\"FALSE\" EnforceUniqueValues=\"FALSE\" Indexed=\"FALSE\" Format=\"DateTime\" Group=\"PnP Columns\" FriendlyDisplayFormat=\"Disabled\" ID=\"{5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b}\" SourceID=\"{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}\" StaticName=\"PnPAlertStartDateTime\" Name=\"PnPAlertStartDateTime\"><Default>[today]</Default></Field>`'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field add",
    "Id": 464
    "Command": "m365 spo field add --webUrl --listTitle Events --xml '`<Field Type=\"URL\" DisplayName=\"More information link\" Required=\"FALSE\" EnforceUniqueValues=\"FALSE\" Indexed=\"FALSE\" Format=\"Hyperlink\" Group=\"PnP Columns\" ID=\"{6085e32a-339b-4da7-ab6d-c1e013e5ab27}\" SourceID=\"{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}\" StaticName=\"PnPAlertMoreInformation\" Name=\"PnPAlertMoreInformation\"></Field>`'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field add",
    "Id": 465
    "Command": "m365 spo field add --webUrl --listTitle Events --xml '`<Field Type=\"URL\" DisplayName=\"More information link\" Required=\"FALSE\" EnforceUniqueValues=\"FALSE\" Indexed=\"FALSE\" Format=\"Hyperlink\" Group=\"PnP Columns\" ID=\"{6085e32a-339b-4da7-ab6d-c1e013e5ab27}\" SourceID=\"{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}\" StaticName=\"PnPAlertMoreInformation\" Name=\"PnPAlertMoreInformation\"></Field>`' --options AddToAllContentTypes",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field add",
    "Id": 466
    "Command": "m365 spo field get --webUrl --id 5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field get",
    "Id": 467
    "Command": "m365 spo field get --webUrl --listTitle Events --id 5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field get",
    "Id": 468
    "Command": "m365 spo field get --webUrl --listUrl 'Lists/Events' --fieldTitle 'Title'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field get",
    "Id": 469
    "Command": "m365 spo field remove --webUrl --id 5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field remove",
    "Id": 470
    "Command": "m365 spo field remove --webUrl --listTitle Events --id 5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field remove",
    "Id": 471
    "Command": "m365 spo field remove --webUrl --listUrl 'Lists/Events' --fieldTitle 'Title'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field remove",
    "Id": 472
    "Command": "m365 spo field remove --webUrl --group 'MyGroup'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field remove",
    "Id": 473
    "Command": "m365 spo field set --webUrl --name 'MyColumn' --updateExistingLists --Title 'My column'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field set",
    "Id": 474
    "Command": "m365 spo field set --webUrl --listTitle 'My List' --id 330f29c5-5c4c-465f-9f4b-7903020ae1ce --Title 'My column'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field set",
    "Id": 475
    "Command": "m365 spo field set --webUrl --listTitle 'My List' --name 'MyColumn' --CustomFormatter '`{\"schema\":\"\", \"elmType\": \"div\", \"txtContent\": \"@currentField\"}`'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo field set",
    "Id": 476
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 477
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents/Sub Folder 1' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 478
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder '/sites/project-x/Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 479
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --contentType 'Picture'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 480
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --checkOut --checkInComment 'check in comment x'",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 481
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --approve --approveComment 'approve comment x'",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 482
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --publish --publishComment 'publish comment x'",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 483
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --Title \"New Title\"",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 484
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --Editor \"[{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'}]\" --Modified '6/23/2018 10:15 PM'",
    "Rank": 9,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 485
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --URL ', Contoso'",
    "Rank": 10,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 486
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --Topic \"HR services|c17baaeb-67cd-4378-9389-9d97a945c701\"",
    "Rank": 11,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 487
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --Topic \"HR services|c17baaeb-67cd-4378-9389-9d97a945c701;Inclusion & Diversity|66a67671-ed89-44a7-9be4-e80c06b41f35\"",
    "Rank": 12,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 488
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --ChoiceField1 'Option3' --MultiChoiceField1 'Option2;#Option3'",
    "Rank": 13,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 489
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --AllowedUsers \"[{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'},{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'}]\"",
    "Rank": 14,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 490
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --HasCar true",
    "Rank": 15,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 491
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --NumberField 100 --CurrencyField 20",
    "Rank": 16,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 492
    "Command": "m365 spo file add --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --path 'C:\\MS365.jpg' --LookupField 1 --MultiLookupField \"2;#;#3;#;#4;#\"",
    "Rank": 17,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file add",
    "Id": 493
    "Command": "m365 spo file checkin --webUrl --id 'b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file checkin",
    "Id": 494
    "Command": "m365 spo file checkin --webUrl --fileUrl '/sites/project-x/documents/Test1.docx'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file checkin",
    "Id": 495
    "Command": "m365 spo file checkin --webUrl --fileUrl '/sites/project-x/documents/Test1.docx' --type Minor",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file checkin",
    "Id": 496
    "Command": "m365 spo file checkin --webUrl --fileUrl '/sites/project-x/documents/Test1.docx' --comment 'approved'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file checkin",
    "Id": 497
    "Command": "m365 spo file checkout --webUrl --id 'b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file checkout",
    "Id": 498
    "Command": "m365 spo file checkout --webUrl --url '/sites/project-x/documents/Test1.docx'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file checkout",
    "Id": 499
    "Command": "m365 spo file copy --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/sp1.pdf --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file copy",
    "Id": 500
    "Command": "m365 spo file copy --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/sp1.pdf --targetUrl /sites/test1/HRDocuments/",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file copy",
    "Id": 501
    "Command": "m365 spo file copy --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/sp1.pdf --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/ --deleteIfAlreadyExists",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file copy",
    "Id": 502
    "Command": "m365 spo file copy --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/sp1.pdf --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/ --allowSchemaMismatch",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file copy",
    "Id": 503
    "Command": "m365 spo file get --webUrl --id 'b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file get",
    "Id": 504
    "Command": "m365 spo file get --webUrl --id 'b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6' --asString",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file get",
    "Id": 505
    "Command": "m365 spo file get --webUrl --id 'b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6' --asListItem",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file get",
    "Id": 506
    "Command": "m365 spo file get --webUrl --id 'b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6' --asFile --path /Users/user/documents/SavedAsTest1.docx",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file get",
    "Id": 507
    "Command": "m365 spo file get --webUrl --url '/sites/project-x/documents/Test1.docx'",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file get",
    "Id": 508
    "Command": "m365 spo file get --webUrl --url '/sites/project-x/documents/Test1.docx' --asString",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file get",
    "Id": 509
    "Command": "m365 spo file get --webUrl --url '/sites/project-x/documents/Test1.docx' --asListItem",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file get",
    "Id": 510
    "Command": "m365 spo file get --webUrl --url '/sites/project-x/documents/Test1.docx' --asFile --path /Users/user/documents/SavedAsTest1.docx",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file get",
    "Id": 511
    "Command": "m365 spo file list --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file list",
    "Id": 512
    "Command": "m365 spo file list --webUrl --folder 'Shared Documents' --recursive",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file list",
    "Id": 513
    "Command": "m365 spo file move --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/sp1.pdf --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file move",
    "Id": 514
    "Command": "m365 spo file move --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/sp1.pdf --targetUrl /sites/test1/HRDocuments/",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file move",
    "Id": 515
    "Command": "m365 spo file move --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/sp1.pdf --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/ --deleteIfAlreadyExists",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file move",
    "Id": 516
    "Command": "m365 spo file move --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/sp1.pdf --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/ --allowSchemaMismatch",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file move",
    "Id": 517
    "Command": "m365 spo file remove --webUrl --id 0cd891ef-afce-4e55-b836-fce03286cccf",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file remove",
    "Id": 518
    "Command": "m365 spo file remove --webUrl --url SharedDocuments/Test.docx",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file remove",
    "Id": 519
    "Command": "m365 spo file remove --webUrl --url /sites/project-x/SharedDocuments/Test.docx --recycle",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file remove",
    "Id": 520
    "Command": "m365 spo file sharinginfo get --webUrl --url \"/sites/M365CLI/Shared Documents/SharedFile.docx\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file sharinginfo get",
    "Id": 521
    "Command": "m365 spo file sharinginfo get --webUrl --id \"b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file sharinginfo get",
    "Id": 522
    "Command": "m365 spo folder add --webUrl --parentFolderUrl '/Shared Documents' --name 'My Folder Name'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder add",
    "Id": 523
    "Command": "m365 spo folder copy --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/MyFolder --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder copy",
    "Id": 524
    "Command": "m365 spo folder copy --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/MyFolder --targetUrl /sites/test1/HRDocuments/",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder copy",
    "Id": 525
    "Command": "m365 spo folder cope --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/MyFolder --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/ --allowSchemaMismatch",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder cope",
    "Id": 526
    "Command": "m365 spo folder get --webUrl --folderUrl '/Shared Documents'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder get",
    "Id": 527
    "Command": "m365 spo folder list --webUrl --parentFolderUrl '/Shared Documents'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder list",
    "Id": 528
    "Command": "m365 spo folder move --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/MyFolder --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder move",
    "Id": 529
    "Command": "m365 spo folder move --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/MyFolder --targetUrl /sites/test1/HRDocuments/",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder move",
    "Id": 530
    "Command": "m365 spo file move --webUrl --sourceUrl /Shared%20Documents/sp1.pdf --targetUrl /sites/test2/Shared%20Documents/ --allowSchemaMismatch",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo file move",
    "Id": 531
    "Command": "m365 spo folder remove --webUrl --folderUrl '/Shared Documents/My Folder'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder remove",
    "Id": 532
    "Command": "m365 spo folder remove --webUrl --folderUrl '/Shared Documents/My Folder' --recycle",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder remove",
    "Id": 533
    "Command": "m365 spo folder rename --webUrl --folderUrl '/Shared Documents/My Folder 1' --name 'My Folder 2'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo folder rename",
    "Id": 534
    "Command": "m365 spo group get --webUrl --id 7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo group get",
    "Id": 535
    "Command": "m365 spo group get --webUrl --name \"Team Site Members\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo group get",
    "Id": 536
    "Command": "m365 spo group list --webUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo group list",
    "Id": 537
    "Command": "m365 spo group remove --webUrl --id 5",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo group remove",
    "Id": 538
    "Command": "m365 spo group remove --webUrl --name \"Team Site Owners\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo group remove",
    "Id": 539
    "Command": "m365 spo group user add --webUrl --groupId 5 --userName \"\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo group user add",
    "Id": 540
    "Command": "m365 spo group user add --webUrl --groupId 5 --userName \",\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo group user add",
    "Id": 541
    "Command": "m365 spo group user list --webUrl --groupId 5",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo group user list",
    "Id": 542
    "Command": "m365 spo group user list --webUrl --groupName \"Contoso Site Members\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo group user list",
    "Id": 543
    "Command": "m365 spo hidedefaultthemes get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hidedefaultthemes get",
    "Id": 544
    "Command": "m365 spo hidedefaultthemes set --hideDefaultThemes true",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hidedefaultthemes set",
    "Id": 545
    "Command": "m365 spo homesite get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo homesite get",
    "Id": 546
    "Command": "m365 spo homesite remove --confirm",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo homesite remove",
    "Id": 547
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo homesite set",
    "Id": 548
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite connect",
    "Id": 549
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite data get",
    "Id": 550
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite disconnect",
    "Id": 551
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite disconnect",
    "Id": 552
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite get",
    "Id": 553
    "Command": "m365 spo hubsite list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite list",
    "Id": 554
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite list",
    "Id": 555
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite register",
    "Id": 556
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite rights grant",
    "Id": 557
    "Command": "m365 spo hubsite rights grant --url --principals \"PattiF,AdeleV\" --rights Join",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite rights grant",
    "Id": 558
    "Command": "m365 spo hubsite rights grant --url --principals --rights Join",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite rights grant",
    "Id": 559
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 560
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite rights revoke",
    "Id": 561
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite set",
    "Id": 562
    "Command": "m365 spo hubsite set --id 255a50b2-527f-4413-8485-57f4c17a24d1 --title Sales --description \"All things sales\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite set",
    "Id": 563
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite theme sync",
    "Id": 564
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 565
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo hubsite unregister",
    "Id": 566
    "Command": "m365 spo knowledgehub get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo knowledgehub get",
    "Id": 567
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo knowledgehub remove",
    "Id": 568
    "Command": "m365 spo knowledgehub remove --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo knowledgehub remove",
    "Id": 569
    "Command": "m365 spo knowledgehub set --url",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo knowledgehub set",
    "Id": 570
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list add",
    "Id": 571
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list add",
    "Id": 572
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    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list add",
    "Id": 573
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list contenttype add",
    "Id": 574
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list contenttype add",
    "Id": 575
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list contenttype default set",
    "Id": 576
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list contenttype default set",
    "Id": 577
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list contenttype list",
    "Id": 578
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list contenttype list",
    "Id": 579
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list contenttype remove",
    "Id": 580
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list contenttype remove",
    "Id": 581
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list get",
    "Id": 582
    "Command": "m365 spo list get --title Documents --webUrl",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list get",
    "Id": 583
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    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list get",
    "Id": 584
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list label get",
    "Id": 585
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list label get",
    "Id": 586
    "Command": "m365 spo list label set --webUrl --listUrl 'Shared Documents' --label 'Confidential'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list label set",
    "Id": 587
    "Command": "m365 spo list label set --webUrl --listTitle 'Documents' --label 'Confidential' --blockEdit --blockDelete --syncToItems",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list label set",
    "Id": 588
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 589
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 590
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    "Rank": 2,
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    "Id": 591
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list set",
    "Id": 592
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list set",
    "Id": 593
    "Command": "m365 spo list set --webUrl --id 3EA5A977-315E-4E25-8B0F-E4F949BF6B8F --contentTypesEnabled true --enableVersioning true --majorVersionLimit 50 --majorWithMinorVersionsLimit 100",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list set",
    "Id": 594
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list sitescript get",
    "Id": 595
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list sitescript get",
    "Id": 596
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view field add",
    "Id": 597
    "Command": "m365 spo list view field add --webUrl --listTitle Documents --viewTitle 'All Documents' --fieldTitle 'Custom field'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view field add",
    "Id": 598
    "Command": "m365 spo list view field add --webUrl --listTitle Documents --viewTitle 'All Documents' --fieldTitle 'Custom field' --fieldPosition 0",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view field add",
    "Id": 599
    "Command": "m365 spo list view field remove --webUrl --listId 1f187321-f086-4d3d-8523-517e94cc9df9 --viewId 3d760127-982c-405e-9c93-e1f76e1a1110 --fieldId 330f29c5-5c4c-465f-9f4b-7903020ae1ce",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view field remove",
    "Id": 600
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view field remove",
    "Id": 601
    "Command": "m365 spo list view field set --webUrl --listId 1f187321-f086-4d3d-8523-517e94cc9df9 --viewId 3d760127-982c-405e-9c93-e1f76e1a1110 --fieldId 330f29c5-5c4c-465f-9f4b-7903020ae1ce --fieldPosition 0",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view field set",
    "Id": 602
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view field set",
    "Id": 603
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view get",
    "Id": 604
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view get",
    "Id": 605
    "Command": "m365 spo list view get --webUrl --listId 330f29c5-5c4c-465f-9f4b-7903020ae1c1 --viewTitle 'All Items'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view get",
    "Id": 606
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view list",
    "Id": 607
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view list",
    "Id": 608
    "Command": "m365 spo list view remove --webUrl --listId 0cd891ef-afce-4e55-b836-fce03286cccf --viewId cc27a922-8224-4296-90a5-ebbc54da2e81",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view remove",
    "Id": 609
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    "Rank": 2,
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    "Id": 610
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    "Rank": 3,
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    "Id": 611
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    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view remove",
    "Id": 612
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view set",
    "Id": 613
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view set",
    "Id": 614
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    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list view set",
    "Id": 615
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook add --webUrl --listTitle Documents --notificationUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook add",
    "Id": 616
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook add",
    "Id": 617
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook add --webUrl --listTitle Documents --notificationUrl --expirationDateTime '2019-03-02T18:15' --clientState \"Hello State!\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook add",
    "Id": 618
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook get --webUrl --listId 0cd891ef-afce-4e55-b836-fce03286cccf --id cc27a922-8224-4296-90a5-ebbc54da2e85",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook get",
    "Id": 619
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook get --webUrl --listTitle Documents --id cc27a922-8224-4296-90a5-ebbc54da2e85",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook get",
    "Id": 620
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook list --webUrl --listId 0cd891ef-afce-4e55-b836-fce03286cccf",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook list",
    "Id": 621
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook list --webUrl --listTitle Documents",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook list",
    "Id": 622
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook remove --webUrl --listId 0cd891ef-afce-4e55-b836-fce03286cccf --id cc27a922-8224-4296-90a5-ebbc54da2e81",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook remove",
    "Id": 623
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook remove --webUrl --listTitle Documents --id cc27a922-8224-4296-90a5-ebbc54da2e81",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook remove",
    "Id": 624
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook remove --webUrl --listTitle Documents --id cc27a922-8224-4296-90a5-ebbc54da2e81 --confirm",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook remove",
    "Id": 625
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook set --webUrl --listId 0cd891ef-afce-4e55-b836-fce03286cccf --id cc27a922-8224-4296-90a5-ebbc54da2e81 --notificationUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook set",
    "Id": 626
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook set --webUrl --listTitle Documents --id cc27a922-8224-4296-90a5-ebbc54da2e81 --expirationDateTime 2018-10-09T18:15",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook set",
    "Id": 627
    "Command": "m365 spo list webhook set --webUrl --listTitle Documents --id cc27a922-8224-4296-90a5-ebbc54da2e81 --notificationUrl --expirationDateTime 2019-03-02",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo list webhook set",
    "Id": 628
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem add --contentType Item --listTitle \"Demo List\" --webUrl --Title \"Demo Item\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem add",
    "Id": 629
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem add --listTitle \"Demo List\" --webUrl --Title \"Demo Single Managed Metadata Field\" --SingleMetadataField \"TermLabel1|fa2f6bfd-1fad-4d18-9c89-289fe6941377;\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem add",
    "Id": 630
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    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem add",
    "Id": 631
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem add --listTitle \"Demo List\" --webUrl --Title \"Demo Single Person Field\" --SinglePeopleField \"[{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'}]\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem add",
    "Id": 632
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem add --listTitle \"Demo List\" --webUrl --Title \"Demo Multi Person Field\" --MultiPeopleField \"[{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'},{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'}]\"",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem add",
    "Id": 633
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem add --listTitle \"Demo List\" --webUrl --Title \"Demo Hyperlink Field\" --CustomHyperlink \", Bing\"",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem add",
    "Id": 634
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem get --listTitle \"Demo List\" --id 147 --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem get",
    "Id": 635
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem get --listTitle \"Demo List\" --id 147 --webUrl --properties \"Title,Created\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem get",
    "Id": 636
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 637
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem isrecord --webUrl --listId 0cd891ef-afce-4e55-b836-fce03286cccf --id 1",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem isrecord",
    "Id": 638
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem list --title \"Demo List\" --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem list",
    "Id": 639
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem list --title \"Demo List\" --webUrl --camlQuery \"<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>Demo list item</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem list",
    "Id": 640
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem list --id 935c13a0-cc53-4103-8b48-c1d0828eaa7f --webUrl",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem list",
    "Id": 641
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem list --title \"Demo List\" --webUrl --fields \"ID,Title,Modified\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem list",
    "Id": 642
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem list --title \"Demo List\" --webUrl --filter \"Title eq 'Demo list item'\"",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem list",
    "Id": 643
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem list --title \"Demo List\" --webUrl --pageSize 10 --pageNumber 2",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem list",
    "Id": 644
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem record declare --webUrl --listTitle \"Demo List\" --id 1",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem record declare",
    "Id": 645
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem record declare",
    "Id": 646
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    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem record declare",
    "Id": 647
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem record declare --webUrl --listId ea8e1356-5910-abc9-bc05-2408198057fc --id 1 --date 2013-09-03",
    "Rank": 4,
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    "Id": 648
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 652
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 653
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem set",
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    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem set",
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    "Rank": 4,
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    "Id": 656
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem set --listTitle \"Demo List\" --id 147 --webUrl --Title \"Demo Multi Person Field\" --MultiPeopleField \"[{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'},{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'}]\"",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem set",
    "Id": 657
    "Command": "m365 spo listitem set --listTitle \"Demo List\" --id 147 --webUrl --Title \"Demo Hyperlink Field\" --CustomHyperlink \", Bing\"",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo listitem set",
    "Id": 658
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo mail send",
    "Id": 659
    "Command": "m365 spo mail send --webUrl --to \",\" --subject \"Email sent via CLI for Microsoft 365\" --body \"<h1>CLI for Microsoft 365</h1>Email sent via <b>command</b>.\" --cc \"\" --bcc \"\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo mail send",
    "Id": 660
    "Command": "m365 spo mail send --webUrl --to \"\" --subject \"Email sent via CLI for Microsoft 365\" --body \"<h1>CLI for Microsoft 365</h1>Email sent via <b>command</b>.\" --additionalHeaders \"'{\\\"X-MC-Tags\\\":\\\"CLI for Microsoft 365\\\"}'\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo mail send",
    "Id": 661
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo navigation node add",
    "Id": 662
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo navigation node add",
    "Id": 663
    "Command": "m365 spo navigation node add --webUrl --parentNodeId 2010 --title About --url /sites/team-s/sitepages/about.aspx",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo navigation node add",
    "Id": 664
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo navigation node list",
    "Id": 665
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo navigation node list",
    "Id": 666
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    "Id": 667
    "Command": "m365 spo navigation node remove --webUrl --location QuickLaunch --id 2003 --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo navigation node remove",
    "Id": 668
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo orgassetslibrary add",
    "Id": 669
    "Command": "m365 spo orgassetslibrary --libraryUrl \"\" --thumbnailUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo orgassetslibrary",
    "Id": 670
    "Command": "m365 spo orgassetslibrary list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo orgassetslibrary list",
    "Id": 671
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo orgassetslibrary remove",
    "Id": 672
    "Command": "m365 spo orgnewssite list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo orgnewssite list",
    "Id": 673
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo orgnewssite remove",
    "Id": 674
    "Command": "m365 spo orgnewssite remove --url --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo orgnewssite remove",
    "Id": 675
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 679
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    "CommandName": "m365 spo page add",
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    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page add",
    "Id": 681
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    "Rank": 6,
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    "Id": 682
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    "Rank": 7,
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    "Id": 683
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    "Id": 686
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page clientsidewebpart add",
    "Id": 687
    "Command": "m365 spo page clientsidewebpart add --webUrl --pageName page.aspx --webPartId 3ede60d3-dc2c-438b-b5bf-cc40bb2351e1",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page clientsidewebpart add",
    "Id": 688
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    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page clientsidewebpart add",
    "Id": 689
    "Command": "m365 spo page clientsidewebpart add --webUrl --pageName page.aspx --standardWebPart Image --webPartData '`{ \"dataVersion\": \"1.8\", \"serverProcessedContent\": {\"htmlStrings\":{},\"searchablePlainTexts\":{\"captionText\":\"\"},\"imageSources\":{\"imageSource\":\"/sites/team-a/SiteAssets/work-life-balance.png\"},\"links\":{}}, \"properties\": {\"imageSourceType\":2,\"altText\":\"a group of people on a beach\",\"overlayText\":\"Work life balance\",\"fileName\":\"48146-OFF12_Justice_01.png\",\"siteId\":\"27664b85-067d-4be9-a7d7-89b2e804d09f\",\"webId\":\"a7664b85-067d-4be9-a7d7-89b2e804d09f\",\"listId\":\"37664b85-067d-4be9-a7d7-89b2e804d09f\",\"uniqueId\":\"67664b85-067d-4be9-a7d7-89b2e804d09f\",\"imgWidth\":650,\"imgHeight\":433,\"fixAspectRatio\":false,\"isOverlayTextEnabled\":true}}`'",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page clientsidewebpart add",
    "Id": 690
    "Command": "m365 spo page column get --webUrl --name home.aspx --section 1 --column 1",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page column get",
    "Id": 691
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page column list",
    "Id": 692
    "Command": "m365 spo page control get --id 3ede60d3-dc2c-438b-b5bf-cc40bb2351e1 --webUrl --name home.aspx",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page control get",
    "Id": 693
    "Command": "m365 spo page control list --webUrl --name home.aspx",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page control list",
    "Id": 694
    "Command": "m365 spo page control set --id 3ede60d3-dc2c-438b-b5bf-cc40bb2351e1 --webUrl --name home.aspx --webPartData '{\"title\":\"New WP Title\",\"properties\": {\"description\": \"New description\"}}'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page control set",
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page control set",
    "Id": 696
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page copy",
    "Id": 697
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page copy",
    "Id": 698
    "Command": "m365 spo page copy --webUrl --sourceName \"templates/PageTemplate.aspx\" --targetUrl \"page.aspx\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page copy",
    "Id": 699
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    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page copy",
    "Id": 700
    "Command": "m365 spo page get --webUrl --name home.aspx",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page get",
    "Id": 701
    "Command": "m365 spo page get --webUrl --name home.aspx --metadataOnly",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page get",
    "Id": 702
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page header set",
    "Id": 703
    "Command": "m365 spo page header set --webUrl --pageName home.aspx --authors \",\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page header set",
    "Id": 704
    "Command": "m365 spo page header set --webUrl --pageName home.aspx --type Custom --imageUrl /sites/team-a/SiteAssets/hero.jpg --altText 'Sunset over the ocean' --translateX 42.3837520042758 --translateY 56.4285714285714",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page header set",
    "Id": 705
    "Command": "m365 spo page header set --webUrl --pageName home.aspx --textAlignment Center --showPublishDate",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page header set",
    "Id": 706
    "Command": "m365 spo page list --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page list",
    "Id": 707
    "Command": "m365 spo page remove --name page.aspx --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page remove",
    "Id": 708
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page remove",
    "Id": 709
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page section add",
    "Id": 710
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page section get",
    "Id": 711
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page section list",
    "Id": 712
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page set",
    "Id": 713
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page set",
    "Id": 714
    "Command": "m365 spo page set --name page.aspx --webUrl --promoteAs Template",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page set",
    "Id": 715
    "Command": "m365 spo page set --name page.aspx --webUrl --layoutType Home --promoteAs HomePage",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page set",
    "Id": 716
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    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page set",
    "Id": 717
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    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page set",
    "Id": 718
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    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page set",
    "Id": 719
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page template list",
    "Id": 720
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page text add",
    "Id": 721
    "Command": "m365 spo page text add --webUrl --pageName page.aspx --text 'Hello world' --section 2 --column 3",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page text add",
    "Id": 722
    "Command": "m365 spo page text add --webUrl --pageName page.aspx --text 'Hello world' --order 1",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo page text add",
    "Id": 723
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag get --webUrl --key key1",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag get",
    "Id": 724
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag get --webUrl --key key1 --folder /",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag get",
    "Id": 725
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag get --webUrl --key key1 --folder '/Shared Documents'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag get",
    "Id": 726
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag get --webUrl --key key1 --folder '/Shared Documents/MyFolder'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag get",
    "Id": 727
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag get --webUrl --key key1 --folder /Lists/MyList",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag get",
    "Id": 728
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag list --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag list",
    "Id": 729
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag list --webUrl --folder /",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag list",
    "Id": 730
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag list --webUrl --folder '/Shared Documents'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag list",
    "Id": 731
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag list --webUrl --folder '/Shared Documents/MyFolder'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag list",
    "Id": 732
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag list --webUrl --folder /Lists/MyList",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag list",
    "Id": 733
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag remove --webUrl --key key1",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag remove",
    "Id": 734
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag remove --webUrl --key key1 --folder / --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag remove",
    "Id": 735
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag remove --webUrl --key key1 --folder '/Shared Documents'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag remove",
    "Id": 736
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag remove --webUrl --key key1 --folder '/Shared Documents/MyFolder'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag remove",
    "Id": 737
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag remove --webUrl --key key1 --folder /Lists/MyList",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag remove",
    "Id": 738
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag set --webUrl --key key1 --value value1",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag set",
    "Id": 739
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag set --webUrl --key key1 --value value1 --folder /",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag set",
    "Id": 740
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag set --webUrl --key key1 --value value1 --folder '/Shared Documents'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag set",
    "Id": 741
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag set --webUrl --key key1 --value value1 --folder '/Shared Documents/MyFolder'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag set",
    "Id": 742
    "Command": "m365 spo propertybag set --webUrl --key key1 --value value1 --folder /Lists/MyList",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo propertybag set",
    "Id": 743
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 744
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    "Rank": 2,
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    "Id": 745
    "Command": "m365 spo report activityfilecounts --period D7 --output json > \"activityfilecounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report activityfilecounts",
    "Id": 746
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 747
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report activitypages",
    "Id": 748
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    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report activitypages",
    "Id": 749
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    "Rank": 1,
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    "Id": 750
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    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 751
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    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 752
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 753
    "Command": "m365 spo report activityuserdetail --date 2019-05-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 754
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    "Id": 755
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    "CommandName": "m365 spo report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 756
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagedetail",
    "Id": 757
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagedetail --date 2019-05-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagedetail",
    "Id": 758
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    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagedetail",
    "Id": 759
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    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagedetail",
    "Id": 760
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    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagefilecounts",
    "Id": 761
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagefilecounts --period D7 --output text > \"siteusagefilecounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagefilecounts",
    "Id": 762
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagefilecounts --period D7 --output json > \"siteusagefilecounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagefilecounts",
    "Id": 763
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagepages --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagepages",
    "Id": 764
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagepages --period D7 --output text > \"siteusagepages.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagepages",
    "Id": 765
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagepages --period D7 --output json > \"siteusagepages.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagepages",
    "Id": 766
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagesitecounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagesitecounts",
    "Id": 767
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagesitecounts --period D7 --output text > \"siteusagesitecounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagesitecounts",
    "Id": 768
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagesitecounts --period D7 --output json > \"siteusagesitecounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagesitecounts",
    "Id": 769
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagestorage --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagestorage",
    "Id": 770
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagestorage --period D7 --output text > \"siteusagestorage.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagestorage",
    "Id": 771
    "Command": "m365 spo report siteusagestorage --period D7 --output json > \"siteusagestorage.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo report siteusagestorage",
    "Id": 772
    "Command": "m365 spo sp grant add",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sp grant add",
    "Id": 773
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal grant add --resource 'Microsoft Graph' --scope 'Mail.Read'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal grant add",
    "Id": 774
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal grant add --resource 'contoso-api' --scope 'user_impersonation'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal grant add",
    "Id": 775
    "Command": "m365 spo sp grant list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sp grant list",
    "Id": 776
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal grant list",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal grant list",
    "Id": 777
    "Command": "m365 spo sp grant revoke",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sp grant revoke",
    "Id": 778
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal grant revoke --grantId 50NAzUm3C0K9B6p8ORLtIsQccg4rMERGvFGRtBsk2fA",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal grant revoke",
    "Id": 779
    "Command": "m365 spo sp permissionrequest approve",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sp permissionrequest approve",
    "Id": 780
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal permissionrequest approve --requestId 4dc4c043-25ee-40f2-81d3-b3bf63da7538",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal permissionrequest approve",
    "Id": 781
    "Command": "m365 spo sp permissionrequest deny",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sp permissionrequest deny",
    "Id": 782
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal permissionrequest deny --requestId 4dc4c043-25ee-40f2-81d3-b3bf63da7538",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal permissionrequest deny",
    "Id": 783
    "Command": "m365 spo sp permissionrequest list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sp permissionrequest list",
    "Id": 784
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal permissionrequest list",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal permissionrequest list",
    "Id": 785
    "Command": "m365 spo sp set",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sp set",
    "Id": 786
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal set --enabled true",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal set",
    "Id": 787
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal set --enabled false",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal set",
    "Id": 788
    "Command": "m365 spo serviceprincipal set --enabled true --confirm",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo serviceprincipal set",
    "Id": 789
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --alias team1 --title \"Team 1\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 790
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type TeamSite --alias team1 --title \"Team 1\" --description \"Site of team 1\" --classification LBI",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 791
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type TeamSite --alias team1 --title \"Team 1\" --isPublic",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 792
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --alias team1 --title \"Team 1\" --lcid 1043",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 793
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --alias team1 --title \"Team 1\" --owners \",\"",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 794
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type CommunicationSite --url --title Marketing",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 795
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type CommunicationSite --url --title Marketing --owners \"\"",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 796
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type CommunicationSite --url --title Marketing --siteDesign Showcase",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 797
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type CommunicationSite --url --title Marketing --siteDesignId 99f410fe-dd79-4b9d-8531-f2270c9c621c",
    "Rank": 9,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 798
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type CommunicationSite --url --title Marketing --description Site of the marketing department --classification MBI --siteDesign Blank",
    "Rank": 10,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 799
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type ClassicSite --url --title Team --owners --timeZone 4",
    "Rank": 11,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 800
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type ClassicSite --url --title Team --owners --timeZone 4 --webTemplate STS#0 --wait",
    "Rank": 12,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 801
    "Command": "m365 spo site add --type ClassicSite --url --title Team --owners --timeZone 4 --webTemplate STS#0 --removeDeletedSite --wait",
    "Rank": 13,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site add",
    "Id": 802
    "Command": "m365 spo site appcatalog add --url https://contoso.sharepoint/sites/site",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site appcatalog add",
    "Id": 803
    "Command": "m365 spo site appcatalog remove --url https://contoso.sharepoint/sites/site",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site appcatalog remove",
    "Id": 804
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission add --siteUrl --permission read --appDisplayName Foo",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission add",
    "Id": 805
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission get --siteUrl --permissionId aTowaS50fG1zLnNwLmV4dHw4OWVhNWM5NC03NzM2LTRlMjUtOTVhZC0zZmE5NWY2MmI2NmVAZGUzNDhiYzctMWFlYi00NDA2LThjYjMtOTdkYjAyMWNhZGI0",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission get",
    "Id": 806
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission list --siteUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission list",
    "Id": 807
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission list --siteUrl --appDisplayName Foo",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission list",
    "Id": 808
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission remove --siteUrl --appId 89ea5c94-7736-4e25-95ad-3fa95f62b66e",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission remove",
    "Id": 809
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission remove --siteUrl --appDisplayName Foo",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission remove",
    "Id": 810
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission remove --siteUrl --permissionId aTowaS50fG1zLnNwLmV4dHw4OWVhNWM5NC03NzM2LTRlMjUtOTVhZC0zZmE5NWY2MmI2NmVAZGUzNDhiYzctMWFlYi00NDA2LThjYjMtOTdkYjAyMWNhZGI0",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission remove",
    "Id": 811
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission set --siteUrl --permissionId aTowaS50fG1zLnNwLmV4dHw4OWVhNWM5NC03NzM2LTRlMjUtOTVhZC0zZmE5NWY2MmI2NmVAZGUzNDhiYzctMWFlYi00NDA2LThjYjMtOTdkYjAyMWNhZGI0 --permission read",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission set",
    "Id": 812
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission set --siteUrl --appDisplayName Foo --permission read",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission set",
    "Id": 813
    "Command": "m365 spo site apppermission set --siteUrl --appId 89ea5c94-7736-4e25-95ad-3fa95f62b66e --permission read",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site apppermission set",
    "Id": 814
    "Command": "m365 spo site chrome set --url --headerLayout Compact",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site chrome set",
    "Id": 815
    "Command": "m365 spo site chrome set --url --headerLayout Extended --logoAlignment Right",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site chrome set",
    "Id": 816
    "Command": "m365 spo site chrome set --url --disableFooter true",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site chrome set",
    "Id": 817
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic add --url --title Team --owner --timeZone 4",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic add",
    "Id": 818
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic add --url --title Team --owner --timeZone 4 --webTemplate STS#0 --wait",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic add",
    "Id": 819
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic add --url --title Team --owner --timeZone 4 --webTemplate STS#0 --removeDeletedSite --wait",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic add",
    "Id": 820
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic list",
    "Id": 821
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic list --includeOneDriveSites",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic list",
    "Id": 822
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic list --webTemplate STS#0",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic list",
    "Id": 823
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic list --webTemplate PROJECTSITE#0 --filter \"Url -like 'project'\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic list",
    "Id": 824
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic list --includeOneDriveSites --webTemplate \"SPSPERS#10\"",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic list",
    "Id": 825
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic set --url --title Team",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic set",
    "Id": 826
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic set --url --description \"description\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic set",
    "Id": 827
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic set --url --owners \",\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic set",
    "Id": 828
    "Command": "m365 spo site classic set --url --LockState NoAccess --wait",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site classic set",
    "Id": 829
    "Command": "m365 spo site commsite enable --url",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site commsite enable",
    "Id": 830
    "Command": "m365 spo site ensure --url --alias team1 --title \"Team 1\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site ensure",
    "Id": 831
    "Command": "m365 spo site ensure --url --title Comms --type CommunicationSite",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site ensure",
    "Id": 832
    "Command": "m365 spo site ensure --url --title Classic --type ClassicSite",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site ensure",
    "Id": 833
    "Command": "m365 spo site ensure --url --alias team1 --title \"Team 1\" --isPublic --shareByEmailEnabled",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site ensure",
    "Id": 834
    "Command": "m365 spo site get -u",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site get -u",
    "Id": 835
    "Command": "m365 spo site groupify",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site groupify",
    "Id": 836
    "Command": "m365 spo site groupify --siteUrl --alias team-a --displayName 'Team A'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site groupify",
    "Id": 837
    "Command": "m365 spo site groupify --siteUrl --alias team-a --displayName 'Team A' --isPublic",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site groupify",
    "Id": 838
    "Command": "m365 spo site groupify --siteUrl --alias team-a --displayName 'Team A' --classification HBI",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site groupify",
    "Id": 839
    "Command": "m365 spo site groupify --siteUrl --alias team-a --displayName 'Team A' --keepOldHomepage",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site groupify",
    "Id": 840
    "Command": "m365 spo site inplacerecordsmanagement set --siteUrl --enabled true",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site inplacerecordsmanagement set",
    "Id": 841
    "Command": "m365 spo site inplacerecordsmanagement set --siteUrl --enabled false",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site inplacerecordsmanagement set",
    "Id": 842
    "Command": "m365 spo site list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site list",
    "Id": 843
    "Command": "m365 spo site list --type TeamSite",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site list",
    "Id": 844
    "Command": "m365 spo site list --type CommunicationSite",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site list",
    "Id": 845
    "Command": "m365 spo site list --type TeamSite --filter \"Url -like 'project'\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site list",
    "Id": 846
    "Command": "m365 spo site list --deleted",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site list",
    "Id": 847
    "Command": "m365 spo site remove --url",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site remove",
    "Id": 848
    "Command": "m365 spo site remove --url --skipRecycleBin",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site remove",
    "Id": 849
    "Command": "m365 spo site remove --url --fromRecycleBin",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site remove",
    "Id": 850
    "Command": "m365 spo site remove --url --wait --skipRecycleBin",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site remove",
    "Id": 851
    "Command": "m365 spo site rename --siteUrl --newSiteUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site rename",
    "Id": 852
    "Command": "m365 spo site rename --siteUrl --newSiteUrl --newSiteTitle \"New Title\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site rename",
    "Id": 853
    "Command": "m365 spo site rename --siteUrl --newSiteUrl --newSiteTitle \"New Title\" --wait",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site rename",
    "Id": 854
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --classification MBI",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 855
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --classification",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 856
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --disableFlows true",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 857
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --isPublic true",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 858
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --owners \",\"",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 859
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --shareByEmailEnabled true",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 860
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --siteDesignId \"eb2f31da-9461-4fbf-9ea1-9959b134b89e\"",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 861
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --title \"My new site\"",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 862
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --description \"my description\"",
    "Rank": 9,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 863
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --sharingCapability ExistingExternalUserSharingOnly",
    "Rank": 10,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 864
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --siteLogoUrl \"/sites/sales/SiteAssets/parker-ms-1200.png\"",
    "Rank": 11,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 865
    "Command": "m365 spo site set --url --siteLogoUrl \"\"",
    "Rank": 12,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo site set",
    "Id": 866
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign add --title \"Contoso team site\" --webTemplate TeamSite --siteScripts \"19b0e1b2-e3d1-473f-9394-f08c198ef43e,b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign add",
    "Id": 867
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign add --title \"Contoso communication site\" --webTemplate CommunicationSite --siteScripts \"19b0e1b2-e3d1-473f-9394-f08c198ef43e\" --isDefault",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign add",
    "Id": 868
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign apply --id 9b142c22-037f-4a7f-9017-e9d8c0e34b98 --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign apply",
    "Id": 869
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign apply --id 9b142c22-037f-4a7f-9017-e9d8c0e34b98 --webUrl --asTask",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign apply",
    "Id": 870
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign get --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign get",
    "Id": 871
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign get --title \"Contoso Site Design\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign get",
    "Id": 872
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign list",
    "Id": 873
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign remove --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign remove",
    "Id": 874
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign remove --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign remove",
    "Id": 875
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign rights grant --id 9b142c22-037f-4a7f-9017-e9d8c0e34b98 --principals PattiF --rights View",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign rights grant",
    "Id": 876
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign rights grant --id 9b142c22-037f-4a7f-9017-e9d8c0e34b98 --principals \"PattiF,AdeleV\" --rights View",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign rights grant",
    "Id": 877
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign rights grant --id 9b142c22-037f-4a7f-9017-e9d8c0e34b98 --principals --rights View",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign rights grant",
    "Id": 878
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign rights list --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign rights list",
    "Id": 879
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign rights revoke --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a --principals PattiF",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign rights revoke",
    "Id": 880
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign rights revoke --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a --principals \"PattiF,AdeleV\" --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign rights revoke",
    "Id": 881
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign run list --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign run list",
    "Id": 882
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign run list --webUrl --siteDesignId 6ec3ca5b-d04b-4381-b169-61378556d76e",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign run list",
    "Id": 883
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign run status get --webUrl --runId b4411557-308b-4545-a3c4-55297d5cd8c8",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign run status get",
    "Id": 884
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign set --id 9b142c22-037f-4a7f-9017-e9d8c0e34b98 --title \"Contoso site design\" --version 2",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign set",
    "Id": 885
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign set --id 9b142c22-037f-4a7f-9017-e9d8c0e34b98 --webTemplate CommunicationSite --isDefault true",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign set",
    "Id": 886
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign set --id 9b142c22-037f-4a7f-9017-e9d8c0e34b98 --webTemplate CommunicationSite --isDefault true --siteScripts \"19b0e1b2-e3d1-473f-9394-f08c198ef43e,b2307a39-e878-458b-bc90-03bc578531d6\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign set",
    "Id": 887
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign task get --taskId 6ec3ca5b-d04b-4381-b169-61378556d76e",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign task get",
    "Id": 888
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign task list --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign task list",
    "Id": 889
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign task remove --taskId 6ec3ca5b-d04b-4381-b169-61378556d76e --confirm",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign task remove",
    "Id": 890
    "Command": "m365 spo sitedesign task remove --taskId 6ec3ca5b-d04b-4381-b169-61378556d76e",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitedesign task remove",
    "Id": 891
    "Command": "m365 spo sitescript add --title \"Contoso\" --description \"Contoso theme script\" --content $script",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitescript add",
    "Id": 892
    "Command": "m365 spo sitescript get --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitescript get",
    "Id": 893
    "Command": "m365 spo sitescript list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitescript list",
    "Id": 894
    "Command": "m365 spo sitescript remove --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitescript remove",
    "Id": 895
    "Command": "m365 spo sitescript remove --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitescript remove",
    "Id": 896
    "Command": "m365 spo sitescript set --id 2c1ba4c4-cd9b-4417-832f-92a34bc34b2a --title \"Contoso\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo sitescript set",
    "Id": 897
    "Command": "m365 spo storageentity get -k AnalyticsId",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo storageentity get -k AnalyticsId",
    "Id": 898
    "Command": "m365 spo storageentity list -u",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo storageentity list -u",
    "Id": 899
    "Command": "m365 spo storageentity remove -k AnalyticsId -u",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo storageentity remove -k AnalyticsId -u",
    "Id": 900
    "Command": "m365 spo storageentity remove -k AnalyticsId --confirm -u",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo storageentity remove -k AnalyticsId",
    "Id": 901
    "Command": "m365 spo storageentity set -k AnalyticsId -v 123 -d 'Web analytics ID' -c 'Use on all sites' -u",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo storageentity set -k AnalyticsId -v 123 -d 'Web analytics ID' -c 'Use on all sites' -u",
    "Id": 902
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant appcatalog add --url --owner --timeZone 4",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant appcatalog add",
    "Id": 903
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant appcatalog add --url --owner --timeZone 4 --wait",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant appcatalog add",
    "Id": 904
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant appcatalog add --url --owner --timeZone 4 --force",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant appcatalog add",
    "Id": 905
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant appcatalogurl get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant appcatalogurl get",
    "Id": 906
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem list",
    "Id": 907
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem remove --url",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem remove",
    "Id": 908
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem remove --url --wait",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem remove",
    "Id": 909
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem restore --url",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem restore",
    "Id": 910
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem restore --url --wait",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant recyclebinitem restore",
    "Id": 911
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant settings list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant settings list",
    "Id": 912
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant settings set --UserVoiceForFeedbackEnabled true",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant settings set",
    "Id": 913
    "Command": "m365 spo tenant settings set --UserVoiceForFeedbackEnabled true --HideSyncButtonOnODB true --AllowedDomainListForSyncClient c9b1909e-901a-0000-2cdb-e91c3f46320a,c9b1909e-901a-0000-2cdb-e91c3f463201",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo tenant settings set",
    "Id": 914
    "Command": "m365 spo term add --name IT --termSetName Department --termGroupName People",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term add",
    "Id": 915
    "Command": "m365 spo term add --name IT --termSetId 8ed8c9ea-7052-4c1d-a4d7-b9c10bffea6f --termGroupId 5c928151-c140-4d48-aab9-54da901c7fef",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term add",
    "Id": 916
    "Command": "m365 spo term add --name IT --id 5c928151-c140-4d48-aab9-54da901c7fef --termSetName Department --termGroupName People",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term add",
    "Id": 917
    "Command": "m365 spo term add --name IT --termSetName Department --termGroupName People --customProperties '{\"Property\": \"Value\"}'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term add",
    "Id": 918
    "Command": "m365 spo term add --name IT --parentTermId 5c928151-c140-4d48-aab9-54da901c7fef --termGroupName People",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term add",
    "Id": 919
    "Command": "m365 spo term get --id 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term get",
    "Id": 920
    "Command": "m365 spo term get --name IT --termGroupName People --termSetName Department",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term get",
    "Id": 921
    "Command": "m365 spo term get --name IT --termGroupId 5c928151-c140-4d48-aab9-54da901c7fef --termSetId 8ed8c9ea-7052-4c1d-a4d7-b9c10bffea6f",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term get",
    "Id": 922
    "Command": "m365 spo term group add --name PnPTermSets",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term group add",
    "Id": 923
    "Command": "m365 spo term group add --name PnPTermSets --id 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term group add",
    "Id": 924
    "Command": "m365 spo term group add --name PnPTermSets --description 'Term sets for PnP'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term group add",
    "Id": 925
    "Command": "m365 spo term group get --id 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term group get",
    "Id": 926
    "Command": "m365 spo term group get --name PnPTermSets",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term group get",
    "Id": 927
    "Command": "m365 spo term group list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term group list",
    "Id": 928
    "Command": "m365 spo term list --termGroupName PnPTermSets --termSetName PnP-Organizations",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term list",
    "Id": 929
    "Command": "m365 spo term list --termGroupId 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb --termSetId 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728bec",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term list",
    "Id": 930
    "Command": "m365 spo term set add --name PnP-Organizations --termGroupId 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term set add",
    "Id": 931
    "Command": "m365 spo term set add --name PnP-Organizations --termGroupName PnPTermSets --id aa70ede6-83d1-466d-8d95-30d29e9bbd7c",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term set add",
    "Id": 932
    "Command": "m365 spo term set add --name PnP-Organizations --termGroupId 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb --description 'Contains a list of organizations'",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term set add",
    "Id": 933
    "Command": "m365 spo term set add --name PnP-Organizations --termGroupId 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb --customProperties '`{\"Property\":\"Value\"}`'",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term set add",
    "Id": 934
    "Command": "m365 spo term set get --id 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb --termGroupName PnPTermSets",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term set get",
    "Id": 935
    "Command": "m365 spo term set get --name PnPTermSets --termGroupId 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term set get",
    "Id": 936
    "Command": "m365 spo term set list --termGroupName PnPTermSets",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term set list",
    "Id": 937
    "Command": "m365 spo term set list --termGroupId 0e8f395e-ff58-4d45-9ff7-e331ab728beb",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo term set list",
    "Id": 938
    "Command": "m365 spo theme apply --name Contoso-Blue --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo theme apply",
    "Id": 939
    "Command": "m365 spo theme apply --name Blue --webUrl --sharePointTheme",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo theme apply",
    "Id": 940
    "Command": "m365 spo theme get --name Contoso-Blue",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo theme get",
    "Id": 941
    "Command": "m365 spo theme list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo theme list",
    "Id": 942
    "Command": "m365 spo theme remove --name Contoso-Blue",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo theme remove",
    "Id": 943
    "Command": "m365 spo theme remove --name Contoso-Blue --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo theme remove",
    "Id": 944
    "Command": "m365 spo theme set --name Contoso-Blue --theme @/Users/rjesh/themes/contoso-blue.json",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo theme set",
    "Id": 945
    "Command": "m365 spo theme set --name Contoso-Blue --theme @/Users/rjesh/themes/contoso-blue.json --isInverted",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo theme set",
    "Id": 946
    "Command": "m365 spo user get --webUrl --email",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo user get",
    "Id": 947
    "Command": "m365 spo user get --webUrl --id 6",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo user get",
    "Id": 948
    "Command": "m365 spo user get --webUrl --loginName \"i:0#.f|membership|\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo user get",
    "Id": 949
    "Command": "m365 spo user list --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo user list",
    "Id": 950
    "Command": "m365 spo user remove --webUrl \"\" --id 10 --confirm",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo user remove",
    "Id": 951
    "Command": "m365 spo user remove --webUrl \"\" --loginName \"i:0#.f|membership|\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo user remove",
    "Id": 952
    "Command": "m365 spo userprofile get --userName ''",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo userprofile get",
    "Id": 953
    "Command": "m365 spo userprofile set --userName '' --propertyName 'AboutMe' --propertyValue 'Working as a Microsoft 365 developer'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo userprofile set",
    "Id": 954
    "Command": "m365 spo userprofile set --userName '' --propertyName 'SPS-Skills' --propertyValue 'CSS, HTML'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo userprofile set",
    "Id": 955
    "Command": "m365 spo web add --title Subsite --description Subsite --webUrl subsite --webTemplate STS#0 --parentWebUrl --locale 1033",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web add",
    "Id": 956
    "Command": "m365 spo web add --title Subsite --webUrl subsite --webTemplate STS#0 --parentWebUrl --breakInheritance",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web add",
    "Id": 957
    "Command": "m365 spo web add --title Subsite --webUrl subsite --webTemplate STS#0 --parentWebUrl --inheritNavigation",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web add",
    "Id": 958
    "Command": "m365 spo web clientsidewebpart list --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web clientsidewebpart list",
    "Id": 959
    "Command": "m365 spo web get --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web get",
    "Id": 960
    "Command": "m365 spo web get --webUrl --withGroups",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web get",
    "Id": 961
    "Command": "m365 spo web list -u",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web list -u",
    "Id": 962
    "Command": "m365 spo web reindex --webUrl",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web reindex",
    "Id": 963
    "Command": "m365 spo web remove --webUrl --confirm",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web remove",
    "Id": 964
    "Command": "m365 spo web set --webUrl --title Team-a",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web set",
    "Id": 965
    "Command": "m365 spo web set --webUrl --quickLaunchEnabled false",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web set",
    "Id": 966
    "Command": "m365 spo web set --webUrl --headerLayout compact",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web set",
    "Id": 967
    "Command": "m365 spo web set --webUrl --headerEmphasis 0",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web set",
    "Id": 968
    "Command": "m365 spo web set --webUrl --megaMenuEnabled true",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web set",
    "Id": 969
    "Command": "m365 spo web set --webUrl --footerEnabled false",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web set",
    "Id": 970
    "Command": "m365 spo web set --webUrl --searchScope tenant",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web set",
    "Id": 971
    "Command": "m365 spo web set --webUrl --welcomePage \"SitePages/new-home.aspx\"",
    "Rank": 8,
    "CommandName": "m365 spo web set",
    "Id": 972
    "Command": "m365 teams app install --appId 4440558e-8c73-4597-abc7-3644a64c4bce --teamId 2609af39-7775-4f94-a3dc-0dd67657e900",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app install",
    "Id": 973
    "Command": "m365 teams app list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app list",
    "Id": 974
    "Command": "m365 teams app list --all",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app list",
    "Id": 975
    "Command": "m365 teams app list --teamId 6f6fd3f7-9ba5-4488-bbe6-a789004d0d55",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app list",
    "Id": 976
    "Command": "m365 teams app list --teamName \"Team Name\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app list",
    "Id": 977
    "Command": "m365 teams app publish --filePath ./",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app publish",
    "Id": 978
    "Command": "m365 teams app remove --id 83cece1e-938d-44a1-8b86-918cf6151957",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app remove",
    "Id": 979
    "Command": "m365 teams app remove --id 83cece1e-938d-44a1-8b86-918cf6151957 --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app remove",
    "Id": 980
    "Command": "m365 teams app uninstall --appId YzUyN2E0NzAtYTg4Mi00ODFjLTk4MWMtZWU2ZWZhYmE4NWM3IyM0ZDFlYTA0Ny1mMTk2LTQ1MGQtYjJlOS0wZDI4NTViYTA1YTY= --teamId 2609af39-7775-4f94-a3dc-0dd67657e900",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app uninstall",
    "Id": 981
    "Command": "m365 teams app update --id 83cece1e-938d-44a1-8b86-918cf6151957 --filePath ./",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams app update",
    "Id": 982
    "Command": "m365 teams channel add --teamId 6703ac8a-c49b-4fd4-8223-28f0ac3a6402 --name climicrosoft365 --description development",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel add",
    "Id": 983
    "Command": "m365 teams channel add --teamName \"Team Name\" --name climicrosoft365 --description development",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel add",
    "Id": 984
    "Command": "m365 teams channel get --teamId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --channelId ''",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel get",
    "Id": 985
    "Command": "m365 teams channel get --teamName \"Team Name\" --channelName \"Channel Name\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel get",
    "Id": 986
    "Command": "m365 teams channel list --teamId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel list",
    "Id": 987
    "Command": "m365 teams channel list --teamName \"Team Name\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel list",
    "Id": 988
    "Command": "m365 teams channel remove --channelId --teamId d66b8110-fcad-49e8-8159-0d488ddb7656",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel remove",
    "Id": 989
    "Command": "m365 teams channel remove --channelId --teamId d66b8110-fcad-49e8-8159-0d488ddb7656 --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel remove",
    "Id": 990
    "Command": "m365 teams channel remove --channelName 'channelName' --teamId d66b8110-fcad-49e8-8159-0d488ddb7656",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel remove",
    "Id": 991
    "Command": "m365 teams channel remove --channelName 'channelName' --teamId d66b8110-fcad-49e8-8159-0d488ddb7656 --confirm",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel remove",
    "Id": 992
    "Command": "m365 teams channel set --teamId \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\" --channelName Reviews --newChannelName Projects --description \"Channel for new projects\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel set",
    "Id": 993
    "Command": "m365 teams channel set --teamId \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\" --channelName Reviews --newChannelName Projects",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams channel set",
    "Id": 994
    "Command": "m365 teams conversationmember add --teamId 47d6625d-a540-4b59-a4ab-19b787e40593 --channelId --userId \"85a50aa1-e5b8-48ac-b8ce-8e338033c366,\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams conversationmember add",
    "Id": 995
    "Command": "m365 teams conversationmember add --teamName \"Human Resources\" --channelName \"Private Channel\" --userDisplayName \"Anne Matthews,John Doe\" --owner",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams conversationmember add",
    "Id": 996
    "Command": "m365 teams conversationmember list --teamId 47d6625d-a540-4b59-a4ab-19b787e40593 --channelId",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams conversationmember list",
    "Id": 997
    "Command": "m365 teams conversationmember list --teamName \"Human Resources\" --channelName \"Private Channel\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams conversationmember list",
    "Id": 998
    "Command": "m365 teams funsettings list --teamId 83cece1e-938d-44a1-8b86-918cf6151957",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams funsettings list",
    "Id": 999
    "Command": "m365 graph teams funsettings set --teamId 83cece1e-938d-44a1-8b86-918cf6151957 --allowGiphy true --giphyContentRating Moderate",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph teams funsettings set",
    "Id": 1000
    "Command": "m365 graph teams funsettings set --teamId 83cece1e-938d-44a1-8b86-918cf6151957 --allowGiphy false",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph teams funsettings set",
    "Id": 1001
    "Command": "m365 graph teams funsettings set --teamId 83cece1e-938d-44a1-8b86-918cf6151957 --allowStickersAndMemes true",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph teams funsettings set",
    "Id": 1002
    "Command": "m365 graph teams funsettings set --teamId 83cece1e-938d-44a1-8b86-918cf6151957 --allowCustomMemes false",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 graph teams funsettings set",
    "Id": 1003
    "Command": "m365 teams guestsettings list --teamId 2609af39-7775-4f94-a3dc-0dd67657e900",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams guestsettings list",
    "Id": 1004
    "Command": "m365 teams guestsettings set --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --allowCreateUpdateChannels true",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams guestsettings set",
    "Id": 1005
    "Command": "m365 teams guestsettings set --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --allowDeleteChannels false",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams guestsettings set",
    "Id": 1006
    "Command": "m365 teams membersettings list --teamId 2609af39-7775-4f94-a3dc-0dd67657e900",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams membersettings list",
    "Id": 1007
    "Command": "m365 teams membersettings set --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --allowCreateUpdateChannels true",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams membersettings set",
    "Id": 1008
    "Command": "m365 teams membersettings set --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --allowAddRemoveApps false",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams membersettings set",
    "Id": 1009
    "Command": "m365 teams message get --teamId 5f5d7b71-1161-44d8-bcc1-3da710eb4171 --channelId --messageId 1540747442203",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams message get",
    "Id": 1010
    "Command": "m365 teams message list --teamId fce9e580-8bba-4638-ab5c-ab40016651e3 --channelId",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams message list",
    "Id": 1011
    "Command": "m365 teams message list --teamId fce9e580-8bba-4638-ab5c-ab40016651e3 --channelId --since 2019-12-31T14:00:00Z",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams message list",
    "Id": 1012
    "Command": "m365 teams message reply list --teamId 5f5d7b71-1161-44d8-bcc1-3da710eb4171 --channelId --messageId 1540747442203",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams message reply list",
    "Id": 1013
    "Command": "m365 teams messagingsettings list --teamId 2609af39-7775-4f94-a3dc-0dd67657e900",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams messagingsettings list",
    "Id": 1014
    "Command": "m365 teams messagingsettings set --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --allowUserEditMessages true",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams messagingsettings set",
    "Id": 1015
    "Command": "m365 teams messagingsettings set --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --allowUserDeleteMessages false",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams messagingsettings set",
    "Id": 1016
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusagedistributionusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusagedistributionusercounts",
    "Id": 1017
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusagedistributionusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"deviceusagedistributionusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusagedistributionusercounts",
    "Id": 1018
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusagedistributionusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"deviceusagedistributionusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusagedistributionusercounts",
    "Id": 1019
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusageusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusageusercounts",
    "Id": 1020
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusageusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"deviceusageusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusageusercounts",
    "Id": 1021
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusageusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"deviceusageusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusageusercounts",
    "Id": 1022
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusageuserdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 1023
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusageuserdetail --date 2019-07-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 1024
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusageuserdetail --period D7 --output text > \"deviceusageuserdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 1025
    "Command": "m365 teams report deviceusageuserdetail --period D7 --output json > \"deviceusageuserdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report deviceusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 1026
    "Command": "m365 teams report directroutingcalls --fromDateTime 2020-10-31",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report directroutingcalls",
    "Id": 1027
    "Command": "m365 teams report directroutingcalls --fromDateTime 2020-10-31 --toDateTime 2020-12-31 --output text > \"directroutingcalls.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report directroutingcalls",
    "Id": 1028
    "Command": "m365 teams report directroutingcalls --fromDateTime 2020-10-31 --toDateTime 2020-12-31 --output json > \"directroutingcalls.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report directroutingcalls",
    "Id": 1029
    "Command": "m365 teams report pstncalls --fromDateTime 2020-10-31",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report pstncalls",
    "Id": 1030
    "Command": "m365 teams report pstncalls --fromDateTime 2020-10-31 --toDateTime 2020-12-31 --output text > \"pstncalls.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report pstncalls",
    "Id": 1031
    "Command": "m365 teams report pstncalls --fromDateTime 2020-10-31 --toDateTime 2020-12-31 --output json > \"pstncalls.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report pstncalls",
    "Id": 1032
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivitycounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivitycounts",
    "Id": 1033
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivitycounts --period D7 --output text > \"useractivitycounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivitycounts",
    "Id": 1034
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivitycounts --period D7 --output json > \"useractivitycounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivitycounts",
    "Id": 1035
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivityusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivityusercounts",
    "Id": 1036
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivityusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"useractivityusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivityusercounts",
    "Id": 1037
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivityusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"useractivityusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivityusercounts",
    "Id": 1038
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivityuserdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivityuserdetail",
    "Id": 1039
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivityuserdetail --date 2019-07-13",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivityuserdetail",
    "Id": 1040
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivityuserdetail --period D7 --output text > \"useractivityuserdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivityuserdetail",
    "Id": 1041
    "Command": "m365 teams report useractivityuserdetail --period D7 --output json > \"useractivityuserdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams report useractivityuserdetail",
    "Id": 1042
    "Command": "m365 teams tab add --teamId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --channelId --appId 06805b9e-77e3-4b93-ac81-525eb87513b8 --appName 'My Contoso Tab' --contentUrl ''",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams tab add",
    "Id": 1043
    "Command": "m365 teams tab add --teamId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --channelId --appId 06805b9e-77e3-4b93-ac81-525eb87513b8 --appName 'My Contoso Tab' --contentUrl '' --test1 'value for test1'",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams tab add",
    "Id": 1044
    "Command": "m365 teams tab get --teamId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --channelId --tabId 1432c9da-8b9c-4602-9248-e0800f3e3f07",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams tab get",
    "Id": 1045
    "Command": "m365 teams tab get --teamName \"Team Name\" --channelName \"Channel Name\" --tabName \"Tab Name\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams tab get",
    "Id": 1046
    "Command": "m365 teams tab list --teamId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --channelId",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams tab list",
    "Id": 1047
    "Command": "m365 teams tab list --teamId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --channelId --output json",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams tab list",
    "Id": 1048
    "Command": "m365 teams tab remove --teamId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --channelId --tabId 06805b9e-77e3-4b93-ac81-525eb87513b8",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams tab remove",
    "Id": 1049
    "Command": "m365 teams tab remove --teamId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --channelId --tabId 06805b9e-77e3-4b93-ac81-525eb87513b8 --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams tab remove",
    "Id": 1050
    "Command": "m365 teams team add --name \"Architecture\" --description \"Architecture Discussion\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team add",
    "Id": 1051
    "Command": "m365 teams team add --name \"Architecture\" --description \"Architecture Discussion\" --template @template.json",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team add",
    "Id": 1052
    "Command": "m365 teams team add --name \"Architecture\" --description \"Architecture Discussion\" --template @template.json --wait",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team add",
    "Id": 1053
    "Command": "m365 teams team archive --teamId 6f6fd3f7-9ba5-4488-bbe6-a789004d0d55",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team archive",
    "Id": 1054
    "Command": "m365 teams team archive --teamId 6f6fd3f7-9ba5-4488-bbe6-a789004d0d55 --shouldSetSpoSiteReadOnlyForMembers",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team archive",
    "Id": 1055
    "Command": "m365 teams team clone --teamId 15d7a78e-fd77-4599-97a5-dbb6372846c5 --displayName \"Library Assist\" --partsToClone \"apps,tabs,settings,channels,members\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team clone",
    "Id": 1056
    "Command": "m365 teams team clone --teamId 15d7a78e-fd77-4599-97a5-dbb6372846c5 --displayName \"Library Assist\" --partsToClone \"apps,tabs,settings,channels,members\" --description \"Self help community for library\" --classification \"Library\" --visibility \"public\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team clone",
    "Id": 1057
    "Command": "m365 teams team get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team get",
    "Id": 1058
    "Command": "m365 teams team get --id 2eaf7dcd-7e83-4c3a-94f7-932a1299c844",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team get",
    "Id": 1059
    "Command": "m365 teams team get --name \"Team Name\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team get",
    "Id": 1060
    "Command": "m365 teams team list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team list",
    "Id": 1061
    "Command": "m365 teams team list --joined",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team list",
    "Id": 1062
    "Command": "m365 teams team remove --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team remove",
    "Id": 1063
    "Command": "m365 teams team remove --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team remove",
    "Id": 1064
    "Command": "m365 teams team set --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --visibility Private",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team set",
    "Id": 1065
    "Command": "m365 teams team set --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --classification MBI",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team set",
    "Id": 1066
    "Command": "m365 teams team unarchive --teamId 6f6fd3f7-9ba5-4488-bbe6-a789004d0d55",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams team unarchive",
    "Id": 1067
    "Command": "m365 teams user app add --appId 4440558e-8c73-4597-abc7-3644a64c4bce --userId 2609af39-7775-4f94-a3dc-0dd67657e900",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams user app add",
    "Id": 1068
    "Command": "m365 teams user app list --userId 4440558e-8c73-4597-abc7-3644a64c4bce",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams user app list",
    "Id": 1069
    "Command": "m365 teams user app list --userName",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams user app list",
    "Id": 1070
    "Command": "m365 teams user app remove --appId YzUyN2E0NzAtYTg4Mi00ODFjLTk4MWMtZWU2ZWZhYmE4NWM3IyM0ZDFlYTA0Ny1mMTk2LTQ1MGQtYjJlOS0wZDI4NTViYTA1YTY= --userId 2609af39-7775-4f94-a3dc-0dd67657e900",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams user app remove",
    "Id": 1071
    "Command": "m365 teams user list --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams user list",
    "Id": 1072
    "Command": "m365 teams user list --teamId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' --role Owner",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 teams user list",
    "Id": 1073
    "Command": "m365 tenant auditlog report --contentType \"Exchange\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant auditlog report",
    "Id": 1074
    "Command": "m365 tenant auditlog report --contentType \"Exchange\" --startTime \"2020-12-13\" --endTime \"2020-12-14\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant auditlog report",
    "Id": 1075
    "Command": "m365 tenant auditlog report --contentType \"Exchange\" --startTime \"2020-12-13T15:00:00\" --endTime \"2020-12-13T16:00:00\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant auditlog report",
    "Id": 1076
    "Command": "m365 tenant auditlog report --contentType \"Exchange\" --startTime \"2020-12-13T23:00:00\" --endTime \"2020-12-14T05:00:00\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant auditlog report",
    "Id": 1077
    "Command": "m365 tenant id get --domainName",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant id get",
    "Id": 1078
    "Command": "m365 tenant id get",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant id get",
    "Id": 1079
    "Command": "m365 tenant report activeusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report activeusercounts",
    "Id": 1080
    "Command": "m365 tenant report activeusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"activeusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report activeusercounts",
    "Id": 1081
    "Command": "m365 tenant report activeusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"activeusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report activeusercounts",
    "Id": 1082
    "Command": "m365 tenant report activeuserdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report activeuserdetail",
    "Id": 1083
    "Command": "m365 tenant report activeuserdetail --date 2019-05-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report activeuserdetail",
    "Id": 1084
    "Command": "m365 tenant report activeuserdetail --period D7 --output text > \"activeuserdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report activeuserdetail",
    "Id": 1085
    "Command": "m365 tenant report activeuserdetail --period D7 --output json > \"activeuserdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report activeuserdetail",
    "Id": 1086
    "Command": "m365 tenant report office365activationcounts",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report office365activationcounts",
    "Id": 1087
    "Command": "m365 tenant report office365activationsusercounts",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report office365activationsusercounts",
    "Id": 1088
    "Command": "m365 tenant report office365activationsuserdetail",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report office365activationsuserdetail",
    "Id": 1089
    "Command": "m365 tenant report servicesusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report servicesusercounts",
    "Id": 1090
    "Command": "m365 tenant report servicesusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"servicesusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report servicesusercounts",
    "Id": 1091
    "Command": "m365 tenant report servicesusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"servicesusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant report servicesusercounts",
    "Id": 1092
    "Command": "m365 tenant service list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant service list",
    "Id": 1093
    "Command": "m365 tenant service message list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant service message list",
    "Id": 1094
    "Command": "m365 tenant service message list --workload microsoftteams",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant service message list",
    "Id": 1095
    "Command": "m365 tenant service report historicalservicestatus",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant service report historicalservicestatus",
    "Id": 1096
    "Command": "m365 tenant service report historicalservicestatus --workload \"microsoftteams\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant service report historicalservicestatus",
    "Id": 1097
    "Command": "m365 tenant status list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant status list",
    "Id": 1098
    "Command": "m365 tenant status list --workload \"SharePoint\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 tenant status list",
    "Id": 1099
    "Command": "m365 todo list add --name \"My task list\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo list add",
    "Id": 1100
    "Command": "m365 todo list list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo list list",
    "Id": 1101
    "Command": "m365 todo list remove --name \"My task list\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo list remove",
    "Id": 1102
    "Command": "m365 todo list remove --id \"AAMkAGI3NDhlZmQzLWQxYjAtNGJjNy04NmYwLWQ0M2IzZTNlMDUwNAAuAAAAAACQ1l2jfH6VSZraktP8Z7auAQCbV93BagWITZhL3J6BMqhjAAD9pHIhAAA=\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo list remove",
    "Id": 1103
    "Command": "m365 todo list set --id \"AAMkAGI3NDhlZmQzLWQxYjAtNGJjNy04NmYwLWQ0M2IzZTNlMDUwNAAuAAAAAACQ1l2jfH6VSZraktP8Z7auAQCbV93BagWITZhL3J6BMqhjAAD9pHIhAAA=\" --newName \"My updated task list\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo list set",
    "Id": 1104
    "Command": "m365 todo list set --name \"My Task list\" --newName \"My updated task list\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo list set",
    "Id": 1105
    "Command": "m365 todo task add --title \"New task\" --listName \"My task list\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo task add",
    "Id": 1106
    "Command": "m365 todo task add --title \"New task\" --listId \"AQMkADlhMTRkOGEzLWQ1M2QtNGVkNS04NjdmLWU0NzJhMjZmZWNmMwAuAAADKvwNgAMNPE_zFNRJXVrU1wEAhHKQZHItDEOVCn8U3xuA2AABmQeVPwAAAA==\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo task add",
    "Id": 1107
    "Command": "m365 todo task list --listName \"My task list\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo task list",
    "Id": 1108
    "Command": "m365 todo task list --listId \"AQMkAGYzNjMxYTU4LTJjZjYtNDlhMi1iMzQ2LWVmMTU3YmUzOGM5MAAuAAADMN-7V4K8g0q_adetip1DygEAxMBBaLl1lk_dAn8KkjfXKQABF-BAgwAAAA==\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo task list",
    "Id": 1109
    "Command": "m365 todo task remove --id \"BBMkAGI3NDhlZmQzLWQxYjAtNGJjNy04NmYwLWQ0M2IzZTNlMDUwNAAuAAAAAACQ1l2jfH6VSZraktP8Z7auAQCbV93BagWITZhL3J6BMqhjAAD9pHIhBBB=\" --listName \"Tasks\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo task remove",
    "Id": 1110
    "Command": "m365 todo task remove --id \"BBMkAGI3NDhlZmQzLWQxYjAtNGJjNy04NmYwLWQ0M2IzZTNlMDUwNAAuAAAAAACQ1l2jfH6VSZraktP8Z7auAQCbV93BagWITZhL3J6BMqhjAAD9pHIhBBB=\" --listId \"AAMkAGI3NDhlZmQzLWQxYjAtNGJjNy04NmYwLWQ0M2IzZTNlMDUwNAAuAAAAAACQ1l2jfH6VSZraktP8Z7auAQCbV93BagWITZhL3J6BMqhjAAD9pHIhAAA=\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo task remove",
    "Id": 1111
    "Command": "m365 todo task set --id \"AAMkADU3Y2E0OTMxLTllYTQtNGFlZS1hZGM0LWI1NjZjY2FhM2RhMABGAAAAAADhr7P77n9xS6PdtDemRwpHBwCin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXsleAACin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXzr9AAA=\" --title \"Update doco\" --listName \"My task list\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo task set",
    "Id": 1112
    "Command": "m365 todo task set --id \"AAMkADU3Y2E0OTMxLTllYTQtNGFlZS1hZGM0LWI1NjZjY2FhM2RhMABGAAAAAADhr7P77n9xS6PdtDemRwpHBwCin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXsleAACin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXzr9AAA=\" --status \"inProgress\" --listName \"My task list\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 todo task set",
    "Id": 1113
    "Command": "m365 util accesstoken get --resource",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 util accesstoken get",
    "Id": 1114
    "Command": "m365 util accesstoken get --resource sharepoint",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 util accesstoken get",
    "Id": 1115
    "Command": "m365 util accesstoken get --resource --new",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 util accesstoken get",
    "Id": 1116
    "Command": "m365 viva connections app create --portalUrl --appName Contoso --description \"Contoso company app\" --longDescription \"Stay on top of what's happening at Contoso\" --companyName Contoso --companyWebsiteUrl --coloredIconPath icon-color.png --outlineIconPath icon-outline.png",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 viva connections app create",
    "Id": 1117
    "Command": "m365 yammer search --queryText \"community\"",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer search",
    "Id": 1118
    "Command": "m365 yammer search --queryText \"community\" --show \"groups\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer search",
    "Id": 1119
    "Command": "m365 yammer search --queryText \"community\" --show \"topics\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer search",
    "Id": 1120
    "Command": "m365 yammer search --queryText \"\" --show \"users\" --limit 50",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer search",
    "Id": 1121
    "Command": "m365 yammer search --queryText \"community\" --output json",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer search",
    "Id": 1122
    "Command": "m365 yammer search --queryText \"community\" --output json --limit 50",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer search",
    "Id": 1123
    "Command": "m365 yammer group list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group list",
    "Id": 1124
    "Command": "m365 yammer group list --userId 5611239081",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group list",
    "Id": 1125
    "Command": "m365 yammer group list --limit 10",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group list",
    "Id": 1126
    "Command": "m365 yammer group list --userId 5611239081 --limit 10",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group list",
    "Id": 1127
    "Command": "m365 yammer group user add --id 5611239081",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group user add",
    "Id": 1128
    "Command": "m365 yammer group user add --id 5611239081 --userId 66622349",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group user add",
    "Id": 1129
    "Command": "m365 yammer group user add --id 5611239081 --email",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group user add",
    "Id": 1130
    "Command": "m365 yammer group user remove --id 5611239081",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group user remove",
    "Id": 1131
    "Command": "m365 yammer group user remove --id 5611239081 --userId 66622349",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group user remove",
    "Id": 1132
    "Command": "m365 yammer group user remove --id 5611239081 --userId 66622349 --confirm",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer group user remove",
    "Id": 1133
    "Command": "m365 yammer message add --body \"Hello everyone!\" --repliedToId 1231231231",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message add",
    "Id": 1134
    "Command": "m365 yammer message add --body \"Hello everyone!\" --directToUserIds 1231231231",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message add",
    "Id": 1135
    "Command": "m365 yammer message add --body \"Hello everyone!\" --directToUserIds \"1231231231,1121312\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message add",
    "Id": 1136
    "Command": "m365 yammer message add --body \"Hello everyone!\" --directToUserIds \",\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message add",
    "Id": 1137
    "Command": "m365 yammer message add --body \"Hello everyone!\" --groupId 12312312312",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message add",
    "Id": 1138
    "Command": "m365 yammer message add --body \"Hello everyone!\" --groupId 12312312312 --networkId 11112312",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message add",
    "Id": 1139
    "Command": "m365 yammer message get --id 1239871123",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message get",
    "Id": 1140
    "Command": "m365 yammer message get --id 1239871123 --output json",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message get",
    "Id": 1141
    "Command": "m365 yammer message like set --id 5611239081",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message like set",
    "Id": 1142
    "Command": "m365 yammer message like set --id 5611239081 --enable false",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message like set",
    "Id": 1143
    "Command": "m365 yammer message like set --id 5611239081 --enable false --confirm",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message like set",
    "Id": 1144
    "Command": "m365 yammer message list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message list",
    "Id": 1145
    "Command": "m365 yammer message list --olderThanId 5611239081",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message list",
    "Id": 1146
    "Command": "m365 yammer message list --threaded",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message list",
    "Id": 1147
    "Command": "m365 yammer message list --limit 10",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message list",
    "Id": 1148
    "Command": "m365 yammer message list --groupId 312891231 --limit 10",
    "Rank": 5,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message list",
    "Id": 1149
    "Command": "m365 yammer message list --threadId 5611239081 --limit 10",
    "Rank": 6,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message list",
    "Id": 1150
    "Command": "m365 yammer message list --feedType Sent --limit 20",
    "Rank": 7,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message list",
    "Id": 1151
    "Command": "m365 yammer message remove --id 1239871123",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message remove",
    "Id": 1152
    "Command": "m365 yammer message remove --id 1239871123 --confirm",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer message remove",
    "Id": 1153
    "Command": "m365 yammer network list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer network list",
    "Id": 1154
    "Command": "m365 yammer network list --includeSuspended",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer network list",
    "Id": 1155
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activitycounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activitycounts",
    "Id": 1156
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activitycounts --period D7 --output text > \"activitycounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activitycounts",
    "Id": 1157
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activitycounts --period D7 --output json > \"activitycounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activitycounts",
    "Id": 1158
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activityusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 1159
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activityusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"activityusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 1160
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activityusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"activityusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activityusercounts",
    "Id": 1161
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activityuserdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 1162
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activityuserdetail --date 2019-05-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 1163
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activityuserdetail --period D7 --output text > \"activityuserdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 1164
    "Command": "m365 yammer report activityuserdetail --period D7 --output json > \"activityuserdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report activityuserdetail",
    "Id": 1165
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusagedistributionusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusagedistributionusercounts",
    "Id": 1166
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusagedistributionusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"deviceusagedistributionusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusagedistributionusercounts",
    "Id": 1167
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusagedistributionusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"deviceusagedistributionusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusagedistributionusercounts",
    "Id": 1168
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusageusercounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusageusercounts",
    "Id": 1169
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusageusercounts --period D7 --output text > \"deviceusageusercounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusageusercounts",
    "Id": 1170
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusageusercounts --period D7 --output json > \"deviceusageusercounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusageusercounts",
    "Id": 1171
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusageuserdetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 1172
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusageuserdetail --date 2019-07-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 1173
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusageuserdetail --period D7 --output text > \"deviceusageuserdetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 1174
    "Command": "m365 yammer report deviceusageuserdetail --period D7 --output json > \"deviceusageuserdetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report deviceusageuserdetail",
    "Id": 1175
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitycounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitycounts",
    "Id": 1176
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitycounts --period D7 --output text > \"groupsactivitycounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitycounts",
    "Id": 1177
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitycounts --period D7 --output json > \"groupsactivitycounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitycounts",
    "Id": 1178
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitydetail --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitydetail",
    "Id": 1179
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitydetail --date 2019-07-01",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitydetail",
    "Id": 1180
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitydetail --period D7 --output text > \"groupsactivitydetail.txt\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitydetail",
    "Id": 1181
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitydetail --period D7 --output json > \"groupsactivitydetail.json\"",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitydetail",
    "Id": 1182
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitygroupcounts --period D7",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitygroupcounts",
    "Id": 1183
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitygroupcounts --period D7 --output text > \"groupsactivitygroupcounts.txt\"",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitygroupcounts",
    "Id": 1184
    "Command": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitygroupcounts --period D7 --output json > \"groupsactivitygroupcounts.json\"",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer report groupsactivitygroupcounts",
    "Id": 1185
    "Command": "m365 yammer user get",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer user get",
    "Id": 1186
    "Command": "m365 yammer user get --userId 1496550697",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer user get",
    "Id": 1187
    "Command": "m365 yammer user get --email",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer user get",
    "Id": 1188
    "Command": "m365 yammer user get --email --output json",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer user get",
    "Id": 1189
    "Command": "m365 yammer user list",
    "Rank": 1,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer user list",
    "Id": 1190
    "Command": "m365 yammer user list --letter a",
    "Rank": 2,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer user list",
    "Id": 1191
    "Command": "m365 yammer user list --reverse",
    "Rank": 3,
    "CommandName": "m365 yammer user list",
    "Id": 1192
    "Command": "m365 user list --groupId 5785177 --limit 10",
    "Rank": 4,
    "CommandName": "m365 user list",
    "Id": 1193