function New-CIF3Token { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a token at the given CIF3 API. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet calls the CIF API /tokens method with POST method to create token(s) on the CIF instance. .EXAMPLE # Create new admin token while authenticating with current session token PS C:\> New-CIF3Token -Name admin -Permission admin # Create token named 'readonly' while authenticating using a specified token PS C:\> New-CIF3Token -Token 0000111222333456789abcdef -Name 'readonly' -Permission Read # Create token named 'writeadmin' against a specified CIF API URI. PS C:\> New-CIF3Token -Uri http://cif.domain.local -Name 'writeadmin' -Permission admin, write .OUTPUTS A an array of PSCustomObjects from CIF instance's API composed of token list properties. Properties of each PSCustomObject are acl, admin, expires, groups, id, last_activity_at, read, token, username, write .PARAMETER Token The API token to use when communicating with the CIF API (uses session token if not specified) .PARAMETER Uri The Base Uri to use for the CIF instance API (uses session Uri if not specified) .PARAMETER Name The name to set for the new token .PARAMETER Group Group(s) to which newly created token should be added. If not specified, automatically added to 'everyone' group .PARAMETER Permission Permission(s) to apply to newly created token - can be any combination of 'Admin', 'Read', or 'Write.' If no permission specified, token will be created with no explicit permissions .PARAMETER Revoked Creates the token in a revoked state .PARAMETER Acl Adds this ACL to the newly created token .PARAMETER Expires Sets an expiration datetime for the newly created token .PARAMETER Raw Return the raw response object from the CIF API, versus parsing it and returning custom states/errors .FUNCTIONALITY CIF3 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Token = $Script:CIF3.Token, [string]$Uri = $Script:CIF3.Uri, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'Name to use for new token')] [string]$Name, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'CIF group(s) to which newly created token should be added')] [string[]]$Group, [ValidateSet('Admin', 'Read', 'Write')] [string[]]$Permission, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Specify this parameter as $true to create the token in a revoked state')] [bool]$Revoked, [string]$Acl, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'DateTime for when token should expire. Do not specify for no expiry')] [datetime]$Expires, [switch]$Raw ) begin { $Uri += '/tokens' $Body = @{ username = $Name admin = $false read = $false write = $false } switch($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'Group' { $Body.Add('groups', $Group) } 'Acl' { $Body.Add('acl', $Acl) } 'Revoked' { $Body.Add('revoked', $Revoked) } 'Expires' { # try to set datetime object to a string the API will like $StrExpires = $Expires.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") $Body.Add('expires', $StrExpires) } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Permission')) { switch ($Permission) { # add each permission as is necessary if it was specified 'Admin' { $Body['admin'] = $true } 'Read' { $Body['read'] = $true } 'Write' { $Body['write'] = $true } default { throw "$Permission is not a supported permission value."} } } } process { Write-Verbose 'Token creation from CIF API' <# Don't need this any more, but this is a clever bit of code so I wanted to keep it :/ $Body.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object { if ($null -ne $Body[$_]) { # if there's a datetime in the Body, try to convert to format API will like if ($Body[$_] -is [datetime]) { $Body[$_] = $Body[$_].ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") } } } #> $Params = @{ Body = $Body Method = 'POST' Uri = $Uri } Write-Verbose 'Adding token to request' $Params.Token = $Token $Response = Send-CIF3Api @Params -ErrorAction Stop if ($Raw) { return $Response } else { return Format-CIF3ApiResponse -InputObject $Response } } end {} } |