function Test-CIF3Auth { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests connectivity to the CIF API via token. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet calls the CIF API /ping method to ensure CIF3 client is able to connect and authenticate to CIF API. By default, tests only read access. Use -VerifyWrite switch to test write token access. .EXAMPLE # Test connectivity with current session token PS C:\> Test-CIF3Auth # Test connectivity using a specified token PS C:\> Test-CIF3Auth -Token "0000111222333456789abcdef" # Test whether supplied token gives write access at CIF API. PS C:\> Test-CIF3Auth -VerifyWrite .OUTPUTS A Boolean value indicating whether the call passed/failed, or the response object from CIF instance's API. .PARAMETER Token The API token to use when communicating with the CIF API (uses session token if not specified). .PARAMETER Uri The Base Uri to use for the CIF instance API (uses session Uri if not specified). .PARAMETER VerfifyWrite Test whether token has write access to CIF instance API. Without this switch, read-only access is tested. .PARAMETER Raw Return the raw response object from the CIF API, versus parsing it and returning a boolean. .FUNCTIONALITY CIF3 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Token = $Script:CIF3.Token, [string]$Uri = $Script:CIF3.Uri, [switch]$VerifyWrite, [switch]$Raw ) begin { if ($VerifyWrite -eq $true) { $Uri += '/ping?write=1' $Token = Select-ClientToken -Token $Token -RequestType 'Write' } else { $Uri += '/ping' $Token = Select-ClientToken -Token $Token -RequestType 'Read' } } process { Write-Verbose 'Testing CIF API' $Params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $Uri } Write-Verbose 'Adding token to request' $Params.Token = $Token try { $Response = Send-CIF3Api @Params -ErrorAction Stop } catch { # 401 unauthorized gets thrown if token doesn't have access so catch to ret $false. Otherwise re-throw # if raw is requested or in the event of any other error if (-not $_.Exception.Message -match '401' -or $Raw -eq $true) { throw $_.Exception } } if ($Raw) { return $Response } elseif ($Response.message -eq 'success' -or $ -eq $true -or $ -eq $true) { Write-Verbose 'Received response from CIF API' return $true } else { #Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message "CIF API call succeeded, but responded with incorrect value: $_" return $false } } } |