function Add-CIF3Indicator { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds an indicator at a CIF3 API. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet issues POST to the CIF API /indicators endpoint to add an indicator on the CIF instance. .EXAMPLE # Add an indicator with current session token PS C:\> Add-CIF3Indicator -Indicator -Confidence 7 -Tag malware -TLP yellow # Add an indicator using a specified CIF API URI and specify its protocol PS C:\> Add-CIF3Indicator -Uri http://cif.domain.local -Indicator -Confidence 8 -Tag botnet -TLP green -Protocol UDP # Add an indicator and specify its Group and a Description PS C:\> Add-CIF3Indicator -Indicator -Confidence 8 -Tag phishing -TLP green -Group public_feeds -Description 'picked up from VirusTotal' .OUTPUTS An integer representing the number of indicators successfully added, e.g. 1 .PARAMETER Token The API token to use when communicating with the CIF API (uses session token if not specified). .PARAMETER Uri The Base Uri to use for the CIF instance API (uses session Uri if not specified). .PARAMETER Indicator Indicator value to store, e.g.: .PARAMETER Confidence Confidence value for the indicator being submitted. .PARAMETER TLP The Traffic Light Protocol value of the indicator being submitted. Used for restricting sharing. .PARAMETER Group Group to which the submitted indicator should be added. .PARAMETER Tag Tag(s) to add to the indicator being submitted. .PARAMETER Protocol Can specify the protocol used with the indicator being submitted (limited to TCP, UDP, and ICMP). .PARAMETER Port Port(s) observed being used by the indicator. .PARAMETER Description Detailed message that can be stored along with the submitted indicator. .PARAMETER Raw Return the raw response object from the CIF API, versus parsing it and returning custom states/errors. .FUNCTIONALITY CIF3 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'None')] param ( [string]$Token = $Script:CIF3.Token, [string]$Uri = $Script:CIF3.Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('Q')] [string]$Indicator, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateRange(0, 10)] [float]$Confidence, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]]$Tag, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$TLP, [ValidateSet('TCP', 'UDP', 'ICMP')] [string]$Protocol, [string]$Port, [string]$Group, [string]$Description, [switch]$Raw ) begin { $Uri += '/indicators' $Token = Select-ClientToken -Token $Token -RequestType 'Write' $Body = @{ } switch($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'Indicator' { $Body.Add('indicator', $Indicator) } 'Confidence' { $Body.Add('confidence', $Confidence) } 'Protocol' { $Body.Add('protocol', $Protocol.ToLower()) } 'Group' { $Body.Add('group', $Group) } 'Tag' { $Body.Add('tags', $Tag -join ',') } 'TLP' { $Body.Add('tlp', $TLP) } 'Port' { $Body.Add('portlist', $Port) } 'Description' { $Body.Add('description', $Description) } } } process { Write-Verbose 'Creating request body' $Params = @{ Body = $Body Method = 'POST' Uri = $Uri } Write-Verbose 'Adding token to request' $Params.Token = $Token $Response = Send-CIF3Api @Params -ErrorAction Stop if ($Raw) { return $Response } else { return Format-CIF3ApiResponse -InputObject $Response } } } |