function Format-CIF3ApiResponse { [OutputType('CIF3.ApiResponse')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The response object from CIF3 instance API. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [object]$InputObject ) begin { if ($InputObject.message -eq 'success' -or $null -ne $ { Write-Verbose 'Parsing response from CIF API' # check for Elasticsearch response # if ($ -is [string] -and $'{"hits":{"hits":[{"_source":')) { $ElasticSearchResponse = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $ if ($null -eq $ElasticSearchResponse.hits.hits._source) { Write-Error -Message "CIF API call succeeded, but responded with incorrect Elasticsearch value: $InputObject" break } else { # set InputObject to 'data.hits.hits._source' property of Invoke-RestMethod return object for further processing $InputObject = $ElasticSearchResponse.hits.hits._source } } else { # set InputObject to 'data' property of Invoke-RestMethod return object for further processing $InputObject = $ } } else { Write-Error -Message "CIF API call succeeded, but response formatter got strange input: $InputObject" break } # if we made it this far, go ahead and setup stuff we'll need for processing $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo } process { foreach ($Response in $InputObject) { # do not return output on empty Elasticsearch response # this matches SQLite when the responses are empty # if ($Response -is [string] -and $Response -eq '{}') { break } # some functions return just an integer/str indicating how many server objects were affected # if that's the case, just return that elseif ($Response -is [string] -or $Response -is [int]) { try { # try to cast to integer if we can. otherwise, just return the object Write-Output ([int]$Response) } catch { Write-Output $Response } break } # some functions return a True/False, so just return that if it's the case elseif ($Response -is [bool]) { Write-Output $Response break } # build FormattedResponse output hashtable and begin populating it with keys/values $FormattedResponse = @{ PSTypeName = 'CIF3.ApiResponse' } switch($Response | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) { 'reporttime' { $FormattedResponse.Add('ReportTime', (ConvertFrom-PythonDate -Date $Response.reporttime)) } 'firsttime' { $FormattedResponse.Add('FirstTime', (ConvertFrom-PythonDate -Date $Response.firsttime)) } 'lasttime' { $FormattedResponse.Add('LastTime', (ConvertFrom-PythonDate -Date $Response.lasttime)) } 'expires' { $FormattedResponse.Add('Expires', (ConvertFrom-PythonDate -Date $Response.expires)) } 'last_activity_at' { $FormattedResponse.Add('LastActivityTime', (ConvertFrom-UnixDate -Date $Response.last_activity_at)) } 'tags' { $FormattedResponse.Add('Tag', $Response.tags -split ',') } 'tlp' { $FormattedResponse.Add('TLP', $Response.tlp) } 'itype' { $FormattedResponse.Add('IType', $Response.itype) } 'groups' { $FormattedResponse.Add('Group', $Response.groups) } 'protocol' { if ($null -ne $Response.protocol) { $FormattedResponse.Add('Protocol', $Response.protocol.ToUpper()) } } 'portlist' { if ($Response.portlist -eq 'None') { $Response.portlist = $null } $FormattedResponse.Add('Port', $Response.portlist) } default { $FormattedResponse.Add($TextInfo.ToTitleCase($_), $Response.$_ ) } } # convert hashtable to PSCustomObject and send to output New-Object -TypeName pscustomobject -Property $FormattedResponse } } end { } } |