function Get-CIF3Token { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets list of tokens from CIF3 API. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet calls the CIF API /tokens method to list all available tokens on the CIF instance. .EXAMPLE # Get token list with current session token PS C:\> Get-CIF3Token # Get token list using a specified token PS C:\> Get-CIF3Token -Token 0000111222333456789abcdef # Get token list using a specified CIF API URI. PS C:\> Get-CIF3Token -Uri http://cif.domain.local # Get token information for a token with name 'readonly' PS C:\> Get-CIF3Token -Name 'readonly' .OUTPUTS A an array of PSCustomObjects from CIF instance's API composed of token list properties. Properties of each PSCustomObject are acl, admin, expires, groups, id, last_activity_at, read, token, username, write .PARAMETER Token The API token to use when communicating with the CIF API (uses session token if not specified). .PARAMETER Uri The Base Uri to use for the CIF instance API (uses session Uri if not specified). .PARAMETER Name Username to search for. .PARAMETER TokenToFind Token to search for. 'username' or 'token' .PARAMETER Raw Return the raw response object from the CIF API, versus parsing it and returning a hashtable. .FUNCTIONALITY CIF3 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Token = $Script:CIF3.Token, [string]$Uri = $Script:CIF3.Uri, [string]$Name, [string]$TokenToFind, [switch]$Raw ) begin { $Uri += '/tokens' $Body = @{ } switch($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'Name' { $Body.Add('username', $Name) } 'TokenToFind' { $Body.Add('token', $TokenToFind) } } } process { Write-Verbose 'Token listing from CIF API' $Params = @{ Body = $Body Method = 'GET' Uri = $Uri } Write-Verbose 'Adding token to request' $Params.Token = $Token Write-Verbose "Calling CIF API $Uri ..." $Response = Send-CIF3Api @Params -ErrorAction Stop if ($Raw) { return $Response } else { return Format-CIF3ApiResponse -InputObject $Response } } } |