describe Write-LogMessage {
BeforeAll { Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\CIE.PSTools.psm1" -force $ParameterInformation = (Get-Command Write-LogMessage).Parameters['Severity'] $Script:validateSet = $ParameterInformation.Attributes.Where{ $_ -is [ValidateSet]} } it 'Writes output when passed input' { Write-LogMessage -LogMessage "Testing Message" | Should -belike "*Testing Message" } it 'Throws an error when not passed input' { { Write-LogMessage } | Should -Throw 'No message provided' } it 'Permits severity of Info' { $validateSet.ValidValues -Contains 'Info' | Should -be $true } it 'Permits severity of Error' { $validateSet.ValidValues -Contains 'Error' | Should -be $true } it 'Permits severity of Debug' { $validateSet.ValidValues -Contains 'Debug' | Should -be $true } it 'Permits severity of Warning' { $validateSet.ValidValues -Contains 'Warning' | Should -be $true } it 'Permits severity of None' { $validateSet.ValidValues -Contains 'None' | Should -be $true } it 'Permits severity of Critical' { $validateSet.ValidValues -Contains 'Critical' | Should -be $true } it 'Does not permit an invalid severity' { $validateSet.ValidValues -Contains 'Hi Mom' | Should -be $false } } |