
Function Get-CH9EventItem{
            This functions helps you load items from Chennel 9 events.
            Use this function to load session events from Channel 9, like TechEd, Build, Ignite etc.
        .PARAMETER Event
            The Event you want to query for sessions.
        .PARAMETER Year
            The Year of the Event.
        .PARAMETER Region
            Where the Event took place.
        .PARAMETER Category
            What the session was about.
        .PARAMETER Speaker
            Who is making the presentation.
            Get-CH9EventItem -Event Build -Year 2015 -Region NorthAmerica
            Get-CH9EventItem -Event Ingite -Year 2015 -Region NorthAmerica -Speaker 'Snover'

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4, HelpMessage="Name of the speaker, like Snover")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=5)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=6)]
        [int]$Pages = 3

        $EventItems = @()
        ForEach ($Event in $EventName){
            Write-Verbose "Loading event API endpoint for $Event"

            #Check Year:
            ForEach ($y in $Year){
                If($Event -eq "teched"){
                    $EventSessionsURL              = "$Event/$Region/$y/RSS/mp4high"
                    $EventSessionsPresentationsURL = "$Event/$Region/$y/RSS/Slides"
                    $EventSessionsURL              = "$Event/$y/RSS/mp4high"
                    $EventSessionsPresentationsURL = "$Event/$y/RSS/Slides"

                Write-Verbose "API Endpoint set to: $EventSessionsURL"

                # Get all Event Sessions, presenations and videos:
                    #We need to overloadload items to verify all event sessions:
                    $EventSessions = @()
                    $EventSessionsPresentations = @()
                    $i = 1
                    While($i -ne $Pages)
                       $EventSessions += Invoke-RestMethod $($EventSessionsURL + "?Page=$i") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                       $EventSessionsPresentations += Invoke-RestMethod $($EventSessionsPresentationsURL + "?Page=$i") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                    # Filter from all Sessions,if we need to.
                    $FilteredEventSessions      = @()
                    $Filter                     = $false
                    If($Category){$FilteredEventSessions += $EventSessions | Where-Object {$_.category -like "*$Category*"} ; Write-Verbose "Filtering on $Category"; $Filter=$true}
                    If($Speaker) {$FilteredEventSessions += $EventSessions | Where-Object {$_.creator  -like "*$Speaker*"}  ; Write-Verbose "Filtering on $Speaker" ; $Filter=$true}
                    If($Title)   {$FilteredEventSessions += $EventSessions | Where-Object {$_.title    -like "*$Title*"}    ; Write-Verbose "Filtering on $Title"   ; $Filter=$true}
                    Write-Verbose "Found number of filtred objects: $($FilteredEventSessions.Count)"
                    If($Filter){$EventSessions = $FilteredEventSessions}

                    # Create a custom Event object.
                    ForEach ($EventSession in $EventSessions){
                        $EventId = $($"/") | Select-Object -Last 1).ToUpper()
                        $VideoURLHigh = $EventSession.GetElementsByTagName('enclosure').url

                        $PresentationSlide = $EventSessionsPresentations | Where-Object {$ -eq $}
                            If(($PresentationSlide.Count) -gt 1){$PresentationSlide = $PresentationSlide[0]}
                            $PresentationSlideURL = $PresentationSlide.GetElementsByTagName('enclosure').url}
                        Else{$PresentationSlideURL = ''}
                        $EventItem = [pscustomobject]@{ 'EventID'      = [string]$EventId;
                                                        'Title'        = [string]$EventSession.title;                                                       
                                                        'Summary'      = [string]$EventSession.summary;
                                                        'Speaker'      = [string]$EventSession.Creator;
                                                        'Category'     = [string]$EventSession.Category;
                                                        'Duration'     = [int]$($EventSession.Duration);
                                                        'URL'          = [string]$;
                                                        'VideoURLHigh' = [string]$($VideoURLHigh).ToString();
                                                        'SlideURL'     = [string]$PresentationSlideURL;
                                                        'Year'         = [string]$y;
                                                        'Event'        = [string]$Event
                                                        'Region'       = [string]$Region


                        If($EventItem.EventId -in $EventItems.EventId){
                           Write-Verbose "Event Item pressent: $EventId" 
                           Write-Verbose "$($EventItems.Count)"                   
                        Elseif ($EventItem -ne $null){
                           Write-Verbose "New Event: $EventId" 
                           $EventItems += $EventItem

                           Write-Output $EventItem
                    Write-Verbose "Error in API call: $_.Exception.Message"
    Write-Verbose "Exit count $($EventItems.Count)"

Function Save-CH9EventItem {
    This functions helps you dowbload items from Chennel 9 events.
    Use this function to download session events from Channel 9, like TechEd, Build, Ignite etc.
    The Event session event Id loaded from Get-CH9EventItem
    The Event session title loaded from Get-CH9EventItem
    The Event session video URL loaded from Get-CH9EventItem
    The Event session Presentation URL loaded from Get-CH9EventItem
    Where to save you data, defaults to Desktop
    Where to save you data, defaults to Desktop
    Get-CH9EventItem -Event Ingite -Year 2015 -Speaker 'Snover' | Save-CH9EventItem
    Get-CH9EventItem -Event Ingite -Year 2015 -Speaker 'Snover' | Save-CH9EventItem -StorePath C:\temp -Content Presentation

param (




               ValueFromPipeline = $false)]
    [String]$Content = "All",

               Mandatory = $false,
               ValueFromPipeline = $false)]
    [string]$StorePath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyVideos")

        If(Test-Path "$StorePath\CH9"){
            Write-Verbose "Folder CH9 present on store location"
            Write-Verbose "Create new save location"
            $Folder = New-Item -Path "$StorePath\CH9" -ItemType Directory

            #Rename the event with ID and Title, max 100 char...
            $Pattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]"
            $EventName = $("$EventId " + "$Title")
            $EventName = $EventName -replace $pattern, ""

            Write-Verbose "Event to save: $EventName"
            If (Test-Path "$StorePath\CH9\$EventName"){
                Write-Verbose "Folder $StorePath\CH9\$EventName is present in store location"
            }Else {
                Write-Verbose "Create new save location: $StorePath\CH9\$EventName"

                $Folder = "$StorePath\CH9\$EventName"
                If($Folder.Length -gt 200){
                    $Remaining = 200 - ($Folder.Length)
                    $EventName = $EventName.Substring(0,$Remaining-1)                   

                $Folder = New-Item -Path "$StorePath\CH9\$EventName" -ItemType Directory

            #Check for video file, else download it to folder...
            If (($VideoURLHigh) -and (($Content) -like "All") -or (($Content) -like "Video")){
                $Video = "$StorePath\CH9\$EventName\$EventId.mp4"

                If (Test-Path $Video){
                    Write-Verbose "$Video already downloaded!"
                    Write-Verbose "Start download for $EventId..."
                    Start-BitsTransfer -Source $VideoURLHigh -Destination $Video -DisplayName "$EventId.mp4" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            #Check for presenation
            If (($SlideURL) -and (($Content) -like "All") -or (($Content) -like "Presentation")){
                $Presentation = "$StorePath\CH9\$EventName\$EventId.pptx"
                If (Test-Path $Presentation){
                    Write-Verbose "$Presentation already downloaded!"
                       Write-Verbose "Start download for $EventId..."
                       Start-BitsTransfer -Source $SlideURL -Destination $Presentation -DisplayName "$EventId.pptx" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue