param ( $Identity, $DomainController ) # Define skip variable. It can be toggled to True upon failures to skip some tests $Skip = $False # Get the 'raw' distribution group properties $getPremCGMMDistributionGroupSplat = @{ Identity = $Identity ErrorAction = 'Stop' } If ($null -ne $DomainController) { $getPremCGMMDistributionGroupSplat.Add('DomainController',$DomainController) } Try {$DistributionGroup = Get-PremCGMMDistributionGroup @getPremCGMMDistributionGroupSplat} Catch {$Skip = $True} Describe "CGMM Exchange On-Premise Tests" -Tag EXOnPrem { # Store and set EAP Value $EAPSaved = $Global:ErrorActionPreference $Global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Context 'Distribution Group Configuration' { It 'Distribution group found on premise' { $getPremCGMMDistributionGroupSplat.ErrorAction = 'Continue' {Get-PremCGMMDistributionGroup @getPremCGMMDistributionGroupSplat} | Should -Not Throw } # Only run this test if MemberJoinRestriction is ApprovalRequired or the describe skip trigger is True $MJRSkip = ($DistributionGroup.MemberJoinRestriction -ne 'ApprovalRequired' -or $Skip -eq $True) It 'MemberJoinRestriction is set to ApprovalRequired and a manager is set in ManagedBy' -Skip:$MJRSkip { $DistributionGroup.ManagedBy | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Alias does not contain spaces' -Skip:$Skip { $DistributionGroup.Alias | Should -Not -Match " " } It 'Alias does not have a period followed by another period' -Skip:$Skip { $DistributionGroup.Alias | Should -Not -Match "\.\." } } # Validate Users Context 'Validate Properties Have Exchange Objects As Members' { # Check properties that require members to exist in Exchange On-Premise $PropertiesToCheck = @( 'AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers','BypassModerationOnlyFromSendersOrMembers', 'GrantSendOnBehalfTo','ManagedBy','ModeratedBy','RejectedSendersSendersOrMembers' ) ForEach ($Property in $PropertiesToCheck) { $PropertyCount = $DistributionGroup.$Property.count $PropertySkip = ($Skip -eq $True -or $PropertyCount -eq 0) It "All $PropertyCount members in property $Property are available in Exchange On-Premise" -Skip:$PropertySkip { $CaughtMembers = $null # Catch members that error. They'll show up in the failed test results $CaughtMembers = ForEach ($Member in $DistributionGroup.$Property) { $getPremCGMMRecipientSplat = @{ Identity = $Member } If ($null -ne $DomainController) { $getPremCGMMRecipientSplat.Add('DomainController',$DomainController) } Try {$null = Get-PremCGMMRecipient @getPremCGMMRecipientSplat} Catch { $Member } } $CaughtMembers | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } } Context 'Validate Exchange Online Compatibility' { # Look for DistributionGroupMembers that aren't cloud supported recipient types $getPremCGMMDistributionGroupMemberSplat = @{ Identity = $Identity ErrorAction = 'Stop' } If ($null -ne $DomainController) { $getPremCGMMDistributionGroupMemberSplat.Add('DomainController',$DomainController) } Try {$DistributionGroupMembers = Get-PremCGMMDistributionGroupMember @getPremCGMMDistributionGroupMemberSplat} Catch {$Skip = $True} $SupportedRecipientTypes = @( 'DynamicDistributionGroup','MailContact','MailNonUniversalGroup', 'MailUniversalDistributionGroup','MailUniversalSecurityGroup', 'MailUser','PublicFolder','UserMailbox' ) It 'Distribution Group Members RecipientType Should Be Supported In Cloud' -Skip:$Skip { $NotSupported = ForEach ($Member in $DistributionGroupMembers) { If ($SupportedRecipientTypes -notcontains $Member.RecipientType) { $Member.Name } } $NotSupported | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Distribution Group is Synced to Exchange Online (PrimarySMTPAddress Matches)' -Skip:$Skip { $CloudGroupQuery = Get-CloudCGMMDistributionGroup -Identity $Identity -ErrorAction Stop $CloudGroupQuery.PrimarySMTPAddress | Should -Be $DistributionGroup.PrimarySMTPAddress } } # Return EAP Value $Global:ErrorActionPreference = $EAPSaved } Describe "CGMM MSOnline Tests" -Tag MSOnline { # Store and set EAP Value $EAPSaved = $Global:ErrorActionPreference $Global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $Skip = ($null -eq $DistributionGroup) # Return EAP Value $Global:ErrorActionPreference = $EAPSaved # Get a list of MsolDomains from MSOnline Try { [array]$MsolDomains = Get-MsolDomain -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -Expand Name } Catch {$Skip = $True} Context 'MSOnline' { # Show tests regarding the MSOnline query It "MSOnline Successfully Queried" -Skip:$Skip { # This test should never fail. It'll succeed or skip. $Skip | Should -Not -Be $True } It "Found $($MsolDomains.count) MsolDomains" -Skip:$Skip { $MSolDomains | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } Context 'MSOnline Email Domain Validation' { # Confirm the group was found & has addresses It 'Distribution Group EmailAddresses Property Has Addresses' -Skip:$Skip { $DistributionGroup.EmailAddresses | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } # Validate all assigned SMTP addresses are valid Msol domains [array]$SMTPAddresses = $DistributionGroup.EmailAddresses | Where-Object {$_ -match '^SMTP:'} [array]$Domains = ForEach ($Address in $SMTPAddresses) { $Address.Split("@")[1] } [array]$UniqueDomains = $Domains | Select-Object -Unique ForEach ($UniqueDomain in $UniqueDomains) { It "Domain $UniqueDomain Exists in MSOnline" -Skip:$Skip { $MsolDomains -contains $UniqueDomain | Should -Be $True } } } } Describe "CGMM Exchange Online Tests" -Tag EXOnline { # Store and set EAP Value $EAPSaved = $Global:ErrorActionPreference $Global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Query for the CGMMTargetGroup. $getCGMMTargetGroupSplat = @{ Identity = $Identity DomainController = $DomainController ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Try {$GroupObject = Get-CGMMTargetGroup @getCGMMTargetGroupSplat} Catch {$Skip = $True} # Validate Users Context 'Validate Members Exist in Exchange Online' { It "Get-CGMMTargetGroup successfully queries" { $getCGMMTargetGroupSplat.ErrorAction = 'Continue' {$GroupObject = Get-CGMMTargetGroup @getCGMMTargetGroupSplat} | Should -Not Throw } # Check properties that require members to exist in Exchange Online $PropertiesToCheck = @( 'AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSmtpAddresses','BypassModerationOnlyFromSmtpAddresses', 'GrantSendOnBehalfToSmtpAddresses','ManagedBySmtpAddresses', 'Members','ModeratedBySmtpAddresses','RejectedSendersSmtpAddresses' ) ForEach ($Property in $PropertiesToCheck) { # Save the Skip value to reset $PropertySkip = $False $PropertyCount = $GroupObject.$Property.count $PropertySkip = ($Skip -eq $True -or $PropertyCount -eq 0) It "All $PropertyCount members in property $Property are available in Exchange Online" -Skip:$PropertySkip { $CaughtMembers = $null $CaughtMembers = ForEach ($Member in $GroupObject.$Property) { Try {$null = Get-CloudCGMMRecipient $Member} Catch { $Member } } $CaughtMembers | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } } # Return EAP Value $Global:ErrorActionPreference = $EAPSaved } |