
Function Test-CGMMTargetGroup {
    Run Pester tests against a target group for migration.
    Run Pester tests against a target group for migration. A default Pester script is executed to validate whether the group can be staged successfully.
    Test-CGMMTargetGroup -Identity $Identity
    Run the default Pester test against an existing target group.
    Test-CGMMTargetGroup -Identity $Identity -Tag EXOnPrem
    Use predefined Tags to run one or more tests. Allows you to rerun portions of the test when correcting group configurations.
    Test-CGMMTargetGroup -Identity $Identity -PassThru
    The PassThru switch causes Invoke-Pester to produce an output object which can be analyzed by its caller, instead of only sending output to the console.
    Test-CGMMTargetGroup -Identity $Identity -DomainController $DomainController
    Ensure on premise queries use a specified domain controller within the Pester test

    #requires -Module Pester

        # Pipeline variable


    begin {}
    process    {
        # Use the default pester test path set in the PSM1
        $Script = $DefaultPesterTest

        # Check for Exchange cmdlet availability in On Prem & Exchange Online
        Try {Test-CGMMCmdletAccess -Environment OnPrem,Cloud -ErrorAction Stop}
        Catch {

        # Set Script Parameters
        $ScriptParameters = @{
            Identity   = $PSBoundParameters.Identity
        If ($PSBoundParameters.DomainController) {

        # Set Pester Parameters
        $invokePesterSplat = @{
            Script  = @{Path=$Script;Parameters=$ScriptParameters}
        If ($PSBoundParameters.Tag) {
        If ($PSBoundParameters.PassThru) {
        Invoke-Pester @invokePesterSplat
    end {}