Function Convert-CGMMStagingMailContact { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a staging mail contact into a production named mail contact. .DESCRIPTION Converts a staging mail contact into a production named mail contact by removing the staging mail contact prefix from relevant mail contact properties. Some properties such as SamAccountName and DistinguishedName are not able to be changed when renaming an Exchange Online object. Other properties, such as Name, Alias, DisplayName, and EmailAddresses, that are used in administration and visible to end users will reflect your intended name. .EXAMPLE Convert-CGMMStagingMailContact -Identity $Identity Converts a staged mail contact in Exchange Online. The Identity field must match a staged mail contact name. .EXAMPLE Convert-CGMMStagingMailContact -Identity $Identity -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $True Converts a staged mail contact in Exchange Online and makes the mail contact visible in address lists. Staged objects are hidden during creation by default. .EXAMPLE Convert-CGMMStagingMailContact -Identity $Identity -DomainController $DomainController Specify a domain controller to aid in making all on premise changes in the same location to avoid AD replication challenges. .NOTES #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( # Pipeline variable [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Try {$_ -match "^$($StagingGroupPrefix)"} Catch { Throw "The target contact must begin with $($StagingGroupPrefix)." } })] [string]$Identity, [Parameter()] [Boolean]$HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled ) begin {} process { Try { # Check for Exchange cmdlet availability in On Prem & Exchange Online Test-CGMMCmdletAccess -Environment OnPrem -ErrorAction Stop $EAPSaved = $Global:ErrorActionPreference $Global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Get the target group Write-Verbose "Querying for mail contact $($PSBoundParameters.Identity)" $MailContact = Get-PremCGMMMailContact -Identity $PSBoundParameters.Identity -ErrorAction Stop # Validate that the intended rename is available $OldGroupName = ($PSBoundParameters.Identity -replace $StagingGroupPrefix) $GetDistributionGroupSettings = @{ Identity = $OldGroupName ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } Write-Verbose "Querying for the intended group name $OldGroupName, which shouldn't exist, for assignment to the contact." If ($null -ne (Get-PremCGMMDistributionGroup @GetDistributionGroupSettings)) { $ErrorText = "The distribution group {0} must be removed before the staging prefix may be removed from mail contact {1}." -f $GetDistributionGroupSettings['Identity'],$PSBoundParameters.Identity Write-Error $ErrorText -ErrorAction Stop } # Find all properties that were prefixed. Write-Verbose "Identifing and processing prefixed properties" $PropertiesToProcess = $MailContact.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object {$_.value -match $StagingGroupPrefix} | Select-Object Name,Value # Setup a hash to be used to splat the non-prefixed values $SetMailContactSettings = @{} ForEach ($Property in $PropertiesToProcess) { # Skip over properties that can't or shouldn't be changed $SkipProperties = @('DistinguishedName','Identity','LegacyExchangeDN','PrimarySmtpAddress') If ($SkipProperties -contains $Property.Name) {continue} Switch ($Property.Value.GetType().Name) { string { $ReplacedPrefix = ($Property.Value -replace $StagingGroupPrefix) $SetMailContactSettings.Add($Property.Name,$ReplacedPrefix) } arraylist { $Array = ForEach ($Object in $Property.Value) { $Object -replace $StagingGroupPrefix } $SetMailContactSettings.Add($Property.Name,$Array) } Default {Write-Warning "Property type not accounted for: $($Property.Name). Manual intervention required."} } # Reconstruct the EmailAddresses property to hash the required adds and removes # Any non-prefixed addresses that happen to have been assigned will remain unchanged If ($Property.Name -eq 'EmailAddresses') { $Removals = $Property.Value | Where-Object {$_ -match $StagingGroupPrefix} $Adds = $SetMailContactSettings['EmailAddresses'] | Where-Object {$Property.Value -notcontains $_} $SetMailContactSettings['EmailAddresses'] = @{Add=$Adds;Remove=$Removals} } } # Avoid the email address policy if it's on If ($MailContact.EmailAddressPolicyEnabled -eq $True) { Write-Verbose "Temporarily disabling the email address policy" $SetMailContactSettings.Add('EmailAddressPolicyEnabled',$False) If ($null -ne $SetMailContactSettings['Alias']) {$NewIdentity = $SetMailContactSettings['Alias']} Else {$NewIdentity = $MailContact.Alias} } # Finish up the hash by adding providing parameters. $SetMailContactSettings.Add('Identity',$PSBoundParameters.Identity) If ($null -ne $PSBoundParameters.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled) { Write-Verbose "Adding HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled with value $($PSBoundParameters.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled)" $SetMailContactSettings.Add( 'HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled',$PSBoundParameters.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled ) } If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Identity,$MyInvocation.MyCommand)) { Set-PremCGMMMailContact @SetMailContactSettings If ($MailContact.EmailAddressPolicyEnabled -eq $True) { Write-Verbose "Reenabling the email address policy" Set-PremCGMMMailContact -Identity $NewIdentity -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $True } } } Catch { $PsCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($PSItem) } Finally { $Global:ErrorActionPreference = $EAPSaved } } end {} } |