
$nugetFeedPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot NugetPackage
$moduleFolder = $PSScriptRoot

    Write-Host 'Preparing self to temporary host Nuget feed' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host 'PowerShellGet need to initialize Nuget provider'
    Get-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -ForceBootstrap | Out-Null

    Write-Host 'Registering script folder as Nuget repo' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    New-Item -Path $nugetFeedPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
    Register-PSRepository -Name Demo_Nuget_Feed -SourceLocation $nugetFeedPath -PublishLocation $nugetFeedPath -InstallationPolicy Trusted | Out-Null
    Write-Host 'Use Get-PSRepository to see available repos'

    Write-Host 'Publishing package' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Publish-Module -Path $moduleFolder -Repository Demo_Nuget_Feed -NuGetApiKey 'use real NuGetApiKey for real nuget server here'

    # Write-Host 'Installing MyModule' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    # Install-Module -Name MyModule -Repository Demo_Nuget_Feed -Scope CurrentUser
    # Write-Host 'Use. Get-InstalledModule to see installed modules'

    # Write-Host 'Importing MyModule and using its cmdlets' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    # Import-Module -Name MyModule
    # Write-Host 'Use Get-Module to see imported modules'
    # Test-MyPackage
    # Test-MyPackageAgain
    Write-Host 'Clean up: removing nuget, temporary repo and installed module' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Unregister-PSRepository Demo_Nuget_Feed -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    # Uninstall-Module -Name MyModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    # Remove-Module -Name MyModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    # Remove-Item -Path $nugetFeedPath -Recurse