function Get-CCMResourceMissingUpdate { <# .Synopsis Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .EXAMPLE Example of how to use this cmdlet .EXAMPLE Another example of how to use this cmdlet .PARAMETER All Query which updates are missing from a resource based on sms_updatecompliancestatus .NOTES General notes #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [alias('ComputerName', 'Name', 'ResourceId')] [object]$InputObject, [parameter()] [switch]$All ) begin { if (-not $All.IsPresent) { $isDeployed = 'AND sms_softwareupdate.isdeployed = 1' } $query = @' Select * FROM SMS_SoftwareUpdate Where isdeployed = 1 AND ArticleID in ( Select ArticleID From sms_updatecompliancestatus WHERE status in (0,2) AND MachineID in ( SELECT ResourceID from SMS_R_System WHERE ResourceID LIKE "{0}" or Name LIKE "{0}" ) ) ORDER By LocalizedDisplayName '@ -f $isDeployed } process { $resourceInfo = switch ($InputObject) { { $PSItem.CimClass.CimSuperClassName -eq 'SMS_Resource' } { 'sms_r_system.ResourceId = {0}' -f $PSItem.ResourceId break } { $PSItem -is [string] -or $PSItem -is [int] } { 'sms_r_system.ResourceId = "{0}" OR sms_r_system.Name = "{0}"' -f $PSItem } default { 'unexpected input type: {0}' -f $PSItem.GetType().Fullname } } Get-CCMCimInstance -Query ($query -f $resourceInfo) } } |