Function Get-CCMResource { <# .SYNOPSIS Get an SCCM Resource .DESCRIPTION Get an SCCM Resource by Name or ResourceID .OUTPUTS Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#root/sms/site_qtc/SMS_R_System .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-CCMResource * Retrieves all Resources .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-CCMResource *SVR* Returns all resources with SVR in the name .LINK #> [Alias('Get-SMS_R_System')] [cmdletbinding()] param( #Specifies an SCCM Resource object by providing the 'Name' or 'ResourceID'. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Identity')] [Alias('Name', 'ClientName', 'ResourceName', 'ResourceID', 'InputObject')] [object[]]$Identity, #Specifies a where clause to use as a filter. Specify the clause in either the WQL or the CQL query language. [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Filter')] [string[]]$Filter, [Parameter()] [string[]]$Property = '*' ) Begin { $cimHash = Copy-CCMConnection [string]$propertyString = $Property -replace '^', 'SMS_R_System.' -join ',' } Process { Switch ($Identity) { { $PSItem -is [string] -or $PSItem -match '^\d+$' } { Get-CimInstance @cimHash -Query ('SELECT {0} FROM SMS_R_System WHERE ResourceId LIKE "{1}" OR Name LIKE "{1}"' -f $propertyString, ($PSItem -replace '\*', '%')) } { $PSItem -is [ciminstance] } { switch ($PSItem) { { $PSItem.CimSystemProperties.ClassName -eq 'SMS_R_System' } { Get-CimInstance -InputObject $PSItem } { $PSItem.CimSystemProperties.ClassName -eq 'SMS_Collection' } { Get-CimInstance @cimHash -Query ('SELECT {0} FROM SMS_R_System INNER JOIN SMS_FullCollectionMembership ON SMS_R_System.ResourceId = SMS_FullCollectionMembership.ResourceId WHERE CollectionId = "{1}"' -f $propertyString, $PSItem.CollectionId) } default { $PSItem.CimSystemProperties.ClassName } } } { -not $PSItem } { } default { Write-Error ('Did not recognize Identity: {0}{1}' -f $Identity, $Identity.GetType()) } } if ($Filter) { $Filter | ForEach-Object { Get-CimInstance @cimHash -Query ("SELECT {0} FROM SMS_R_System WHERE {1}" -f $propertyString, $PSItem) } } } } |