param( [string]$Server, #choose a resource with at least one collection membership [string]$ResourceName = $env:COMPUTERNAME ) Remove-Module CCM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Describe "CCM module function checks" { Context Connect-CCM { it "Global variable should contain CimSession" { $global:CCMConnection.CimSession | should -BeOfType [CimSession] } it "Global variable should be a valid namespace" { $global:CCMConnection.NameSpace | should -Match 'root\\sms\\site_[a-z]{3}' } } Context "Get-CCMResource" { $localhostResource = Get-CCMResource -Identity $ResourceName it "Find resource by Name" { $localhostResource | should -BeOfType [ciminstance] } it "Find resource by ResourceID" { $localhostResource.ResourceID | Get-CCMResource | should -BeOfType [ciminstance] } it "Requery resource CimInstance" { $localhostResource | Get-CCMResource } it "Find resource by query" { Get-CCMResource -Filter "name = '$ResourceName'" } } Context "Get-CCMResourceMembership" { it "Find resource by Name" { (Get-CCMResourceMembership -Identity $ResourceName).Count | should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Find resource membership by ResourceID" { ($localhostResource.ResourceID | Get-CCMResourceMembership).Count | should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Find resource membership by ResourceID" { ($localhostResource.ResourceID | Get-CCMResourceMembership).Count | should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Find resource membership by CimInstance" { ($localhostResource | Get-CCMResourceMembership).Count | should -BeGreaterThan 0 } } Context Get-CCMCollection { $Collection = Get-CCMCollection -Identity * | Select-Object -First 5 it "Find all collections by wildcard" { $Collection.Count | should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Find collection by Name" { $Collection[0].Name | Get-CCMCollection | Should -BeOfType [ciminstance] } it "Requery CCM Collection for lazy properties" { ($Collection[0] | Get-CCMCollection).PSObject.TypeNames | Should -Not -Contain 'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#__PartialCIMInstance' } Remove-Variable Collection } Context Get-CCMCollectionMember { $Collection = Get-CCMCollection -Filter 'MemberCount > 0' | Select-Object -First 1 it "Find collection member by wildcard" { ($Collection.Name -replace '..$','*$0' | Get-CCMCollectionMember).Count | should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Find collection member by name" { ($Collection.Name -replace '..$','*$0' | Get-CCMCollectionMember).Count | should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Find collection member by Collection Object" { ($Collection | Get-CCMCollectionMember).Count | should -BeGreaterThan 0 } } Context Get-CCMScript { $Script = Get-CCMScript -Identity * | Select-Object -First 5 it "Find all scripts by wildcard" { $Script.Count | should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Find script by Name" { $Script[0].ScriptName | Get-CCMScript | Should -BeOfType [ciminstance] } } } |