Function Get-CCMCollection { <# .SYNOPSIS Get an SCCM Collection .DESCRIPTION Get an SCCM Collection by Name or CollectionID .PARAMETER Name Specifies the file name. .PARAMETER Extension Specifies the extension. "Txt" is the default. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension. .OUTPUTS System.String. Add-Extension returns a string with the extension or file name. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-CCMCollection * Retrieves all collections .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-CCMCollection *SVR* Returns all collections with SVR in the name .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-CCMCollection *SVR* -HasMaintenanceWindow Returns all collections with SVR in the name that have maintenance windows .LINK #> [Alias('Get-SMS_Collection')] [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'inputObject')] param( #Specifies a CIM instance object to use as input. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'InputObject')] [ciminstance[]]$InputObject, #Specifies an SCCM collection object by providing the collection name or ID. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Identity')] [Alias('ClientName', 'CollectionName', 'CollectionID', 'Name')] [string[]]$Identity, #Specifies a where clause to use as a filter. Specify the clause in the WQL query language. [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Filter')] [string]$Filter, #Only return collections with service windows - Maintenance windows are a lazy property, requery to view maintenance window info [Parameter()] [alias('HasServiceWindow')] [switch]$HasMaintenanceWindow, #Specifies a set of instance properties to retrieve. [Parameter()] [string[]]$Property ) Begin { $cimHash = $Global:CCMConnection.PSObject.Copy() if ($Property) { $cimHash['Property'] = $Property } if ($HasMaintenanceWindow.IsPresent) { $HasMaintenanceWindowSuffix = ' AND (ServiceWindowsCount > 0)' } } Process { Write-Debug "Chose parameterset '$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)'" Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Identity' { $cimFilter = switch -Regex ($Identity) { '\*' { 'Name LIKE "{0}" OR CollectionID LIKE "{0}"' -f ($PSItem -replace '\*', '%') } Default { 'Name = "{0}" OR CollectionID = "{0}"' -f $PSItem } } } 'Filter' { Get-CimInstance @cimHash -ClassName SMS_Collection -Filter $Filter } 'InputObject' { switch ($InputObject) { {$PSItem.CimInstance.cimclass -match 'SMS_ObjectContainerItem'} { 'CollectionID = "{0}"' -f $PSItem.CollectionID } } } } if ($cimFilter) { $cimFilter = '({0}){1}' -f ($cimFilter -join ' OR '), $HasMaintenanceWindowSuffix Get-CimInstance @cimHash -ClassName SMS_Collection -Filter $cimFilter | Add-CCMClassType } } End {} } |