
function Optimize-BTImageSource {
    param (
        [String] $Source,

        [Switch] $ForceRefresh

    if ([bool]([System.Uri]$Source).IsUnc -or $Source -like 'http?://*') {
        $RemoteFileName = $Source -replace '/|:|\\', '-'

        $NewFilePath = '{0}\{1}' -f $Env:TEMP, $RemoteFileName

        if (!(Test-Path -Path $NewFilePath) -or $ForceRefresh) {
            if ([bool]([System.Uri]$Source).IsUnc) {
                Copy-Item -Path $Source -Destination $NewFilePath -Force
            } else {
                Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Source -OutFile $NewFilePath

    } else {
        try {
            (Get-Item -Path $Source -ErrorAction Stop).FullName
        } catch {
            Write-Warning -Message "The image source '$Source' doesn't exist, failed back to icon."
function Add-BTAppLogo {
        Override the app logo with a custom image of choice that will be displayed on the toast.
        The Add-BTAppLogo function specifies an image to be displayed on a toast notification as the app logo.
        Prior to Windows 10 20H2 this app logo would replace the smaller icon that represents the source of a notification, but from 20H2 it is displayed in addition to the icon.
        Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder. You can pipe a toast content builder object to Add-BTAppLogo.
        System.Uri. One image reference can be provided, this cannot be piped to Add-BTAppLogo.
        None. The Add-BTAppLogo function does not provide any output by default.
        You can optionally use the PassThru parameter to output the updated toast content builder object, which enables chaining functions together.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>Add-BTAppLogo -ContentBuilder $Builder -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png'
        This example adds a local image as the app logo on the toast notification using a toast content builder object.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTAppLogo -Source '\\FS01\Images$\NetworkImage.gif'
        This example adds an image from a network share as the app logo on the toast notification being constructed.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTAppLogo -Source 'https://example.com/OnlineImage.jpeg'
        This example adds an image from the internet as the app logo on the toast notification being constructed.
        Future invocations of this example will used a cached copy of the referenced image rather than going out to the internet again.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTAppLogo -Source 'https://example.com/OnlineImage.jpeg' -IgnoreCache
        This example adds an image from the internet as the app logo on the toast notification being constructed, it downloads the image from the internet regardless of if it has been previously cached.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTAppLogo -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png' -AlternateText 'Picture of burnt toast, popped out of a toaster'
        This example adds a local image as the app logo on the toast notification with supplied alt text to aid with accessibility e.g. the use of screen readers.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTAppLogo -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png' -Crop Circle
        This example adds a local image as the app logo on the toast notification cropped into the shape of a circle, overriding the default square shape.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTAppLogo -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png' -PassThru |
                          Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text' -PassThru |
                          Add-BTText -Text 'Second Line of Text'
        This example adds an app logo followed by three custom text elements to a toast content builder object on the pipeline by passing through a refference to the builder object.
        You can reference an image from your local computer, a network location, or the internet.
        Online images will be downloaded and cached in the user's TEMP directory for future use.
        Animated GIFs and images with transparent background are supported.

    param (
        # The toast content builder object that represents the toast notification being constructed.
        [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder] $ContentBuilder,

        # The URI of the image. Can be from your local computer, network location, or the internet.
        # Online images will be downloaded and cached in the user's TEMP directory for future use.
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [string] $Source = $Script:DefaultImage,

        # Specify how the image should be cropped.
        [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.AdaptiveImageCrop] $Crop = 'Default',

        # A description of the image, for users of assistive technologies.
        [string] $AlternateText,

        # Specify that the online images should be downloaded, regardless of if they have been cached to the TEMP directory.
        # Used when the online resource has been updated and you need to ensure that users see the latest version.
        [switch] $IgnoreCache,

        # Returns an object that represents the item with which you're working. By default, this cmdlet doesn't generate any output.
        [switch] $PassThru

    begin {}
    process {
        $paramSrc = if ($IgnoreCache) {
            Optimize-BTImageSource -Source $Source -ForceRefresh
        } else {
            Optimize-BTImageSource -Source $Source

        if ($AlternateText) {
            $null = $ContentBuilder.AddAppLogoOverride($paramSrc,
        } else {
            $null = $ContentBuilder.AddAppLogoOverride($paramSrc,

        if ($PassThru) {
    end {}
function Add-BTHeroImage {
        Adds a large hero image to the top of a toast notification.
        The Add-BTHeroImage function specifies an image to be displayed across the top of a toast notification.
        Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder. You can pipe a toast content builder object to Add-BTHeroImage.
        System.Uri. One image reference can be provided, this cannot be piped to Add-BTHeroImage.
        None. The Add-BTHeroImage function does not provide any output by default.
        You can optionally use the PassThru parameter to output the updated toast content builder object, which enables chaining functions together.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>Add-BTHeroImage -ContentBuilder $Builder -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png'
        This example adds a local image as the hero image on the toast notification using a toast content builder object.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTHeroImage -Source '\\FS01\Images$\NetworkImage.gif'
        This example adds an image from a network share as the hero image on the toast notification being constructed.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTHeroImage -Source 'https://example.com/OnlineImage.jpeg'
        This example adds an image from the internet as the hero image on the toast notification being constructed.
        Future invocations of this example will used a cached copy of the referenced image rather than going out to the internet again.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTHeroImage -Source 'https://example.com/OnlineImage.jpeg' -IgnoreCache
        This example adds an image from the internet as the hero image on the toast notification being constructed, it downloads the image from the internet regardless of if it has been previously cached.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTHeroImage -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png' -AlternateText 'Picture of burnt toast, popped out of a toaster'
        This example adds a local image as the hero image on the toast notification with supplied alt text to aid with accessibility e.g. the use of screen readers.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTHeroImage -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png' -PassThru |
                          Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text' -PassThru |
                          Add-BTText -Text 'Second Line of Text'
        This example adds a hero image followed by three custom text elements to a toast content builder object on the pipeline by passing through a refference to the builder object.
        You can reference an image from your local computer, a network location, or the internet.
        Online images will be downloaded and cached in the user's TEMP directory for future use.
        Animated GIFs and images with transparent background are supported.

    param (
        # The toast content builder object that represents the toast notification being constructed.
        [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder] $ContentBuilder,

        # The URI of the image. Can be from your local computer, network location, or the internet.
        # Online images will be downloaded and cached in the user's TEMP directory for future use.
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [string] $Source,

        # A description of the image, for users of assistive technologies.
        [string] $AlternateText,

        # Specify that the online images should be downloaded, regardless of if they have been cached to the TEMP directory.
        # Used when the online resource has been updated and you need to ensure that users see the latest version.
        [switch] $IgnoreCache,

        # Returns an object that represents the item with which you're working. By default, this cmdlet doesn't generate any output.
        [switch] $PassThru

    begin {}
    process {
        $paramSrc = if ($IgnoreCache) {
            Optimize-BTImageSource -Source $Source -ForceRefresh
        } else {
            Optimize-BTImageSource -Source $Source

        if ($AlternateText) {
            $null = $ContentBuilder.AddHeroImage($paramSrc,
        } else {
            $null = $ContentBuilder.AddHeroImage($paramSrc)

        if ($PassThru) {
    end {}
function Add-BTImage {
        Add an image to the body of a toaster notification.
        The Add-BTImage function adds an image to the body of a toast notification.
        Multiple images can be added by calling the function multiple times. The images are displayed in the order in which they are added.
        Any images added to the body of a toast notification are displayed after the text of the toast notification.
        Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder. You can pipe a toast content builder object to Add-BTImage.
        System.Uri. One image reference can be provided, this cannot be piped to Add-BTImage.
        None. The Add-BTImage function does not provide any output by default.
        You can optionally use the PassThru parameter to output the updated toast content builder object, which enables chaining functions together.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>Add-BTImage -ContentBuilder $Builder -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png'
        This example adds a local image to the body of a toast notification using a toast content builder object.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTImage -Source '\\FS01\Images$\NetworkImage.gif'
        This example adds an image from a network share to the body of a toast notification with its toast content builder object coming from the pipeline.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTImage -Source 'https://example.com/OnlineImage.jpeg'
        This example adds an image from the internet to the body of a toast notification.
        Future invocations of this example will used a cached copy of the referenced image rather than going out to the internet again.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTImage -Source 'https://example.com/OnlineImage.jpeg' -IgnoreCache
        This example adds an image from the internet to the body of a toast notification, it downloads the image from the internet regardless of if it has been previously cached.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTImage -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png' -AlternateText 'Picture of burnt toast, popped out of a toaster'
        This example adds a local image to the body of a toast notification with supplied alt text to aid with accessibility e.g. the use of screen readers.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTImage -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png' -Crop Circle
        This example adds a local image to the body of a toast notification cropped into the shape of a circle, overriding the default square shape.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTImage -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImageOne.png'
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTImage -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImageTwo.png'
        This example adds two images to a toast content notification, which will be displayed in the order in which they are added.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTImage -Source 'C:\Temp\LocalImage.png' -PassThru |
                          Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text' -PassThru |
                          Add-BTText -Text 'Second Line of Text'
        This example a image alongside three custom text elements to a toast content builder object on the pipeline by passing through a refference to the builder object.
        The image is displayed after the text elements, despite being added first.
        You can reference an image from your local computer, a network location, or the internet.
        Online images will be downloaded and cached in the user's TEMP directory for future use.
        Animated GIFs and images with transparent background are supported.

    param (
        # The toast content builder object that represents the toast notification being constructed.
        [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder] $ContentBuilder,

        # The URI of the image. Can be from your local computer, network location, or the internet.
        # Online images will be downloaded and cached in the user's TEMP directory for future use.
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [string] $Source,

        # Specify how the image should be cropped.
        [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.AdaptiveImageCrop] $Crop = 'Default',

        # A description of the image, for users of assistive technologies.
        [string] $AlternateText,

        # Specify that the online images should be downloaded, regardless of if they have been cached to the TEMP directory.
        # Used when the online resource has been updated and you need to ensure that users see the latest version.
        [switch] $IgnoreCache,

        # Returns an object that represents the item with which you're working. By default, this cmdlet doesn't generate any output.
        [switch] $PassThru

    begin {}
    process {
        $BTImage = [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.AdaptiveImage ]::new()

        $BTImage.Source = if ($IgnoreCache) {
            Optimize-BTImageSource -Source $Source -ForceRefresh
        } else {
            Optimize-BTImageSource -Source $Source

        $BTImage.HintCrop = $Crop

        if ($AlternateText) {
            $BTImage.AlternateText = $AlternateText

        $null = $ContentBuilder.AddVisualChild($BTImage)

        if ($PassThru) {
    end {}
function Add-BTText {
        Add text to the toast.
        The Add-BTText function adds custom text to a toast notification via a content builder object.
        Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder. You can pipe a toast content builder object to Add-BTText.
        System.String. You can provide multiple strings at once, but they cannot be piped.
        None. The Add-BTText function does not provide any output by default.
        You can optionally use the PassThru parameter to output the updated toast content builder object, which enables chaining functions together.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>Add-BTText -ContentBuilder $Builder -Text 'First Line of Text'
        This example adds one custom text element to the toast content builder object stored in the $Builder variable using the ContentBuilder parameter explicitly.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text'
        This example adds one custom text element to the toast content builder object stored in the $Builder variable by piping it into the Add-BTText function.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text', 'Second Line of Text'
        This example adds two custom text elements to a toast content builder object with a single call of the Add-BTText function.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text'
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'Second Line of Text'
        This example adds two custom text elements to a toast content builder object with two discrete calls of the Add-BTText function.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text' -PassThru |
                          Add-BTText -Text 'Second Line of Text' -PassThru |
                          Add-BTText -Text 'Third Line of Text'
        This example adds three custom text elements to a toast content builder object using multiple calls of the Add-BTText function on the pipeline.
        The PassThru parameter is used to pass the toast content builder down the pipeline. Note that this is not required at the end of the pipeline as the builder object being added to is already stored in a variable.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text'
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'Second Line of Text'
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'Third Line of Text'
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'Fourth Line of Text'
        This example attempts to add four custom text elements to a toast content builder object.
        Only the first three of these elements will be added and the fourth will generate a warning stating that the maximum number of lines has been reached.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text' -MaxLines 1
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'Second Line of Text',
                                           'Third Line of Text',
                                           'Fourth Line of Text'
        This example sets the max lines for the first custom text element to 1, overriding the default value of 2.
        This means the toast notification can now accept four custom text elements, each with a max line count of 1, for a total line count of 4.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text' -Language en-NZ
        This example specifies that the language included in the text element is New Zealand English using the relevant BCP-47 code, en-NZ.
        A toast notification can contain a maximum of four reserved lines of text. By default this means you can include three customer text elements as the first, which acts like a heading, automatically reserves 2 lines.
        You can override this behavior using the MaxLines parameter, specifically by setting the first line to a maximum of 1 line.
        This function will ignore any text elements that would exceed this limit and output a warning stating this.

    param (
        # The toast content builder object that represents the toast notification being constructed.
        [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder] $ContentBuilder,

        # Custom text to display on the tile.
                   Position = 0)]
        [string[]] $Text,

        # The maximum number of lines the text element is allowed to display.
        [int] $MaxLines,

        # The target locale of the toast notification, specified as a BCP-47 language tags such as "en-US" or "fr-FR".
        # The locale specified here overrides any other specified locale, such as that in binding or visual.
        [string] $Language,

        # Returns an object that represents the item with which you're working. By default, this cmdlet doesn't generate any output.
        [switch] $PassThru

    begin {}
    process {
        $paraStyle    = $null
        $paraWrap     = $null
        $paraMaxLines = if ($MaxLines) {$MaxLines} else {$null}
        $paraMinLines = $null
        $paraAlign    = $null

        try {
            foreach ($Line in $Text) {
                if ($Language) {
                    $null = $ContentBuilder.AddText($Line,
                } else {
                    $null = $ContentBuilder.AddText($Line,
        } catch {
            Write-Warning ('The max lines of text (4) on the toast notification has been reached, extra lines have been ignored. ' +
                'The first text element automatically reserves 2 lines of text, consider using the MaxLines parameter to override this.')

        if ($PassThru) {
    end {}
function New-BTContentBuilder {
        Create a toast builder object.
        The New-BTContentBuilder function creates a new toast content builder object to construct a complete notification.
        None. You cannot pipe objects to New-BTContentBuilder.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        This example creates a new toast content builder object and storing it in a variable named $Builder.
        PS C:\>$Builder = Builder
        This example creates a new toast content builder object using the Builder alias and storing it in a variable named $Builder.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param ()

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Creating instance of a ToastContentBuilder object and returning it.", $env:COMPUTERNAME, 'New-BTContentBuilder' )) {
function Show-BTNotification {
        Shows a new toast notification.
        The Show-BTNotification function shows a new toast notification with its configured content.
        Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder. You can pipe a toast content builder object to Show-BTNotification.
        PS C:\>Show-BTNotification -ContentBuilder $ToastContentBuilder
        This command displays a toast notification with the content of the ToastContentBuilder object.
        PS C:\>$ToastContentBuilder | Show-BTNotification
        This command displays a toast notification with the content of the ToastContentBuilder object supplied via the pipeline.
        PS C:\>$Builder = New-BTContentBuilder
        PS C:\>$Builder | Add-BTText -Text 'First Line of Text', 'Second Line of Text'
        PS C:\>Show-BTNotification -ContentBuilder $Builder
        This example demonstrates the full life cycle of a ToastContentBuilder object from creation to display.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (
                   Position = 0,
                   ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContentBuilder[]] $ContentBuilder

    begin {}
    process {
        foreach ($Builder in $ContentBuilder) {
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "submitting: $($Builder.GetToastContent().GetContent())")) {
    end {}
$PublicFunctions = 'Add-BTAppLogo', 'Add-BTHeroImage', 'Add-BTImage', 'Add-BTText', 'New-BTContentBuilder', 'Show-BTNotification'
$WinMajorVersion = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Property Version).Version.Split('.')[0]

if ($WinMajorVersion -ge 10) {
    $Paths = if ($IsWindows) {
    } else {

    $Library = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $Paths -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )

    # Add one class from each expected DLL here:
    $LibraryMap = @{
        'Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.dll' = 'Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastContent'

    $Script:Config = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\config.json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json
    $Script:DefaultImage = if ($Script:Config.AppLogo -match '^[.\\]') {
    } else {

    foreach ($Type in $Library) {
        try {
            if (-not ($LibraryMap[$Type.Name]  -as [type])) {
                Add-Type -Path $Type.FullName -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Write-Error -Message "Failed to load library $($Type.FullName): $_"

    Export-ModuleMember -Alias 'Builder'
    Export-ModuleMember -Function $PublicFunctions
} else {
    throw 'This version of BurntToast will only work on Windows 10. ' +
          'If you would like to use BurntToast on Windows 8, please use version 0.4'