
# This contains functions for getting Azure AD access tokens

# Tries to get access token from cache unless provided as parameter
# Refactored Jun 8th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenFromCache
        # Strip the trailing slash
        $tResource = $Resource.TrimEnd("/")

        # Check if we got the AccessToken as parameter
            # Check if cache entry is empty
                # If token not found, try to find other tokens with the same resource
                Write-Verbose "Access token for $ClientId-$tResource not found. Trying to find other clients for the resource"
                foreach($key in $Script:tokens.Keys)
                        Write-Verbose "Found token for ClientId $($key.Substring(0,36))"

                # If FOCI client, try to find refresh token for other FOCI client
                if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($retVal) -and (IsFOCI -ClientId $ClientID))
                    Write-Verbose "Access token for $ClientId-$tResource not found. Trying to find refresh token for other FOCI clients"
                    # Loop through cached refresh tokens
                    foreach($key in $Script:refresh_tokens.Keys)
                        # Extract the client id
                        [guid]$rtClientId = $key.Substring(0,36)
                        if(IsFOCI -ClientId $rtClientId)
                            Write-Verbose "Using refresh token for ClientId $rtClientId"
                            # If FOCI client, get access token with it's refresh_token
                            $tenantId  = (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $Script:tokens[$key]).tid
                            $refresh_token = $Script:refresh_tokens[$key]
                            $retVal = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientID -RefreshToken $refresh_token -TenantId $tenantId -SaveToCache $True

                    # Empty, so throw the exception
                    Throw "No saved tokens found. Please call Get-AADIntAccessTokenFor<service> -SaveToCache"
            # Check that the audience of the access token is correct
            $tAudience=(Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $AccessToken).aud.TrimEnd("/")

            # The audience might be the GUID
            if((($tAudience -ne $tResource) -and ($Script:RESIDs[$tAudience] -ne $tResource)) -and ($Force -eq $False))
                # Wrong audience
                Write-Verbose "ACCESS TOKEN HAS WRONG AUDIENCE: $tAudience. Exptected: $tResource."
                Throw "The audience of the access token ($tAudience) is wrong. Should be $tResource!"
                # Just return the passed access token

        # Check the expiration
            # Use the same client id as the expired token
            $ClientID = (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $retVal).appid

            Write-Verbose "ACCESS TOKEN HAS EXPRIRED. Trying to get a new one with RefreshToken."
            $retVal = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientID -RefreshToken (Get-RefreshTokenFromCache -AccessToken $retVal) -TenantId (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $retVal).tid -SaveToCache $true -IncludeRefreshToken $IncludeRefreshToken

        # Return
        return $retVal

# Returns refresh token from cache
# Apr 25th 2023
function Get-RefreshTokenFromCache
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ClientAndResource', Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ClientAndResource', Mandatory=$True)]
        # Get clientid and resource from access token if provided
            $parsedToken = Read-AccessToken -AccessToken $AccessToken
            $ClientID = $parsedToken.appid
            $Resource = $parsedToken.aud

        # Strip the trailing slash
        $Resource = $Resource.TrimEnd("/")
        return $Script:refresh_tokens["$ClientId-$Resource"]

# Gets the access token for AAD Graph API
function Get-AccessTokenForAADGraph
    Gets OAuth Access Token for AAD Graph
    Gets OAuth Access Token for AAD Graph, which is used for example in Provisioning API.
    If credentials are not given, prompts for credentials (supports MFA).
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user. If not given, credentials are prompted.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos ticket
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    .Parameter Resource
    Resource, defaults to ""
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAADGraph -Credentials $cred

        [ValidateSet("", "","")]

        Get-AccessToken -Credentials $Credentials -Resource $Resource -ClientId "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Tenant $Tenant -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets the access token for MS Graph API
function Get-AccessTokenForMSGraph
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Microsoft Graph
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Microsoft Graph, which is used in Graph API.
    If credentials are not given, prompts for credentials (supports MFA).
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user. If not given, credentials are prompted.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    Get-AADIntAccessTokenForMSGraph -Credentials $cred

        Get-AccessToken -Credentials $Credentials -Resource "" -ClientId "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -Tenant $Tenant -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP -SaveToMgCache $SaveToMgCache

# Gets the access token for enabling or disabling PTA
function Get-AccessTokenForPTA
    Gets OAuth Access Token for PTA
    Gets OAuth Access Token for PTA, which is used for example to enable or disable PTA.
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForPTA -Credentials $cred

        Get-AccessToken -Credentials $Credentials -Resource "" -ClientId "cb1056e2-e479-49de-ae31-7812af012ed8" -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets the access token for Office Apps
function Get-AccessTokenForOfficeApps
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Office Apps
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Office Apps.
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForOfficeApps -Credentials $cred

        Get-AccessToken -Credentials $Credentials -Resource "" -ClientId "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets the access token for Exchange Online
function Get-AccessTokenForEXO
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Exchange Online
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Exchange Online
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForEXO -Credentials $cred

        # Office app has the required rights to Exchange Online
        Get-AccessToken -Credentials $Credentials -Resource $Resource -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets the access token for Exchange Online remote PowerShell
function Get-AccessTokenForEXOPS
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Exchange Online remote PowerShell
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Exchange Online remote PowerShell
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    .Parameter Certificate
    x509 device certificate.
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForEXOPS -Credentials $cred


        # Office app has the required rights to Exchange Online
        Get-AccessToken -Credentials $Credentials -Resource "" -ClientId "a0c73c16-a7e3-4564-9a95-2bdf47383716" -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -Domain $Domain -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets the access token for SARA
# Jul 8th 2019
function Get-AccessTokenForSARA
    Gets OAuth Access Token for SARA
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant (SARA)
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token.
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForSARA -Credentials $cred

        # Office app has the required rights to Exchange Online
        Get-AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for OneDrive
# Nov 26th 2019
function Get-AccessTokenForOneDrive
    Gets OAuth Access Token for OneDrive
    Gets OAuth Access Token for OneDrive Sync client
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForOneDrive -Tenant "company" -Credentials $cred

        Get-AccessToken -Resource "https://$" -ClientId "ab9b8c07-8f02-4f72-87fa-80105867a763" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials  -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for Azure Core Management
# May 29th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenForAzureCoreManagement
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Azure Core Management
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Azure Core Management
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAzureCoreManagement -Credentials $cred

        Get-AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for SPO
# Jun 10th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenForSPO
    Gets OAuth Access Token for SharePoint Online
    Gets OAuth Access Token for SharePoint Online Management Shell, which can be used with any SPO requests.
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter Tenant
    The tenant name of the organization, ie. -> "company"
    .Parameter Admin
    Get the token for admin portal
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForSPO -Credentials $cred -Tenant "company"

        # Get access and refresh tokens
        #$clientId = "fdd7719f-d61e-4592-b501-793734eb8a0e" # SharePoint Migration Tool
        #$clientId = "9bc3ab49-b65d-410a-85ad-de819febfddc" # SPO Management shell
        $clientId = "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" # Microsoft Office

        $graphTokens = Get-AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId $clientId -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -IncludeRefreshToken $True -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

        # Get SPO root site url
        $response = Call-MSGraphAPI -AccessToken $graphTokens[0] -ApiVersion Beta -API "sites/root" -QueryString "select=webUrl"
        $SPOUrl = $response.webUrl.TrimEnd("/")
        $tenant = $SPOUrl.Split(".")[0]

        # Get SPO tokens
        $SPOtokens = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken       -Resource "$($tenant)"       -ClientId $clientId -RefreshToken $graphTokens[1] -IncludeRefreshToken $true -TenantId "Common"
        $SPOtokens_my = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken    -Resource "$($tenant)"    -ClientId $clientId -RefreshToken $graphTokens[1] -IncludeRefreshToken $true -TenantId "Common"
        $SPOtokens_admin = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource "$($tenant)" -ClientId $clientId -RefreshToken $graphTokens[1] -IncludeRefreshToken $true -TenantId "Common"

            # Add tokens to cache
            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $graphTokens[0]     -RefreshToken $graphTokens[1]     -ShowCache $false
            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $SPOtokens[0]       -RefreshToken $SPOtokens[1]       -ShowCache $false
            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $SPOtokens_my[0]    -RefreshToken $SPOtokens_my[1]    -ShowCache $false
            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $SPOtokens_admin[0] -RefreshToken $SPOtokens_admin[1] -ShowCache $false
            return @($SPOtokens[0],$SPOtokens_my[0],$SPOtokens_admin[0])

# Gets the access token for My Signins
# Jul 1st 2020
function Get-AccessTokenForMySignins
    Gets OAuth Access Token for My Signins
    Gets OAuth Access Token for My Signins, which is used for example when registering MFA.
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForMySignins

        return Get-AccessToken -ClientId 1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894 -Resource "0000000c-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" -ForceMFA $true -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for Azure AD Join
# Aug 26th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenForAADJoin
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Azure AD Join
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Azure AD Join, allowing users' to register devices to Azure AD.
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    .Parameter BPRT
    Bulk PRT token, can be created with New-AADIntBulkPRTToken
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter Tenant
    The tenant name of the organization, ie. -> "company"
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAADJoin -Credentials $cred

            Get-AccessTokenWithDeviceSAML -SAML $SAMLToken -SaveToCache $SaveToCache
            Get-AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource "01cb2876-7ebd-4aa4-9cc9-d28bd4d359a9" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -ForceMFA $ForceMFA -BPRT $BPRT -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for Intune MDM
# Aug 26th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenForIntuneMDM
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Intune MDM
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Intune MDM, allowing users' to enroll their devices to Intune.
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter BPRT
    Bulk PRT token, can be created with New-AADIntBulkPRTToken
    .Parameter Tenant
    The tenant name of the organization, ie. -> "company"
    .Parameter Certificate
    x509 device certificate.
    .Parameter TransportKeyFileName
    File name of the transport key
    .Parameter PfxFileName
    File name of the .pfx device certificate.
    .Parameter PfxPassword
    The password of the .pfx device certificate.
    .Parameter Resource
    The resource to get access token to, defaults to "". To get access to AAD Graph API, use ""
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForIntuneMDM -Credentials $cred




        Get-AccessToken -ClientId "29d9ed98-a469-4536-ade2-f981bc1d605e" -Resource $Resource -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -Certificate $Certificate -PfxFileName $PfxFileName -PfxPassword $PfxPassword -BPRT $BPRT -ForceMFA $ForceMFA -TransportKeyFileName $TransportKeyFileName -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for Azure Cloud Shell
# Sep 9th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenForCloudShell
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Azure Cloud Shell
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Azure Cloud Shell
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForCloudShell -Credentials $cred

        # First, get an access token for
        $response = Get-AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

            $access_token = $response

        # Get access token for using Admin API
        Get-AccessTokenUsingAdminAPI -AccessToken $access_token -Resource "" -SaveToCache $SaveToCache

# Gets an access token for Teams
# Oct 3rd 2020
function Get-AccessTokenForTeams
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Teams
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Teams
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForTeams -SaveToCache

        [ValidateSet("", "", "https://*", "")]
        Get-AccessToken -Resource $Resource -ClientId "1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for Azure AD Management API
# Nov 11th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenForAADIAMAPI
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Azure AD IAM API
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Azure AD IAM API
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAADIAMAPI -SaveToCache

        # First get the access token for AADGraph
        $AccessTokens = Get-AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -IncludeRefreshToken $True

        # Get the actual token
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource "74658136-14ec-4630-ad9b-26e160ff0fc6" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -RefreshToken $AccessTokens[1] -TenantId (Read-Accesstoken $AccessTokens[0]).tid

            return $AccessToken

# Gets an access token for MS Commerce
# Aug 27th 2021
function Get-AccessTokenForMSCommerce
    Gets OAuth Access Token for MS Commerce
    Gets OAuth Access Token for MS Commerce
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForMSCommerce -SaveToCache

        Get-AccessToken -Resource "aeb86249-8ea3-49e2-900b-54cc8e308f85" -ClientId "3d5cffa9-04da-4657-8cab-c7f074657cad" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for MS Partner
# Sep 22nd 2021
function Get-AccessTokenForMSPartner
    Gets OAuth Access Token for MS Partner
    Gets OAuth Access Token for MS Partner
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForMSPartner -SaveToCache

        # The correct client id would be 4990cffe-04e8-4e8b-808a-1175604b879f but that flow doesn't work :(
        Get-AccessToken -Resource "fa3d9a0c-3fb0-42cc-9193-47c7ecd2edbd" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for
# Sep 22nd 2021
function Get-AccessTokenForAdmin
    Gets OAuth Access Token for
    Gets OAuth Access Token for
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAdmin -SaveToCache

        Get-AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for
# Feb 2nd 2022
function Get-AccessTokenForOneNote
    Gets OAuth Access Token for
    Gets OAuth Access Token for
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForOneNote -SaveToCache

        Get-AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for for Access Packages
# Apr 24th 2023
function Get-AccessTokenForAccessPackages
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Access Packages
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Access Packages
    .Parameter Credentials
    Credentials of the user.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    .Parameter SAML
    SAML token of the user.
    .Parameter UserPrincipalName
    UserPrincipalName of the user of Kerberos token
    .Parameter KerberosTicket
    Kerberos token of the user.
    .Parameter UseDeviceCode
    Use device code flow.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessAccessPackages -SaveToCache

        Get-AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials -SaveToCache $SaveToCache -Tenant $Tenant -PRTToken $PRTToken -UseDeviceCode $UseDeviceCode -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

# Gets an access token for Windows Hello for Business
# May 20th 2023
function Get-AccessTokenForWHfB
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Windows Hello for Business
    Gets OAuth Access Token for Windows Hello for Business, allowing users to register WHfB key.
    .Parameter PRT
    PRT token of the user.
    $prttoken = Get-AADIntUserPRTToken -Method TokenProvider
    Get-AADIntAccessTokenForWHfB -PRTToken $prttoken

        # Prompt credentials as that's the only allowed method
        $response = Prompt-Credentials -ClientID "dd762716-544d-4aeb-a526-687b73838a22" -Resource "" -RefreshTokenCredential $PRTToken -ForceNGCMFA $True -Credentials $Credentials -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP

        $parsedAccessToken = Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $response.access_token
            Write-Warning "No DeviceId claim present, device authentication failed. Expired PRT token?"

        # Save to cache or return
            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $response.access_token -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -ShowCache $true
            return $response.access_token

# Gets the access token for provisioning API and stores to cache
# Refactored Jun 8th 2020
function Get-AccessToken
    Gets OAuth Access Token for the given client and resource. Using the given authentication method. If not provided, uses interactive logon.
    Gets OAuth Access Token for the given client and resource. Using the given authentication method. If not provided, uses interactive logon.
    $at=Get-AADIntAccessToken -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -Resource ""
    Get-AADIntAccessToken -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -Resource "" -SaveToCache $true -IncludeRefreshToken $true
    AccessToken saved to cache.
    Tenant : 9779e97e-de19-45be-87ab-a7ed3e86fa62
    User :
    Resource :
    Client : d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c

        # List of clients requiring the same client id
            "cb1056e2-e479-49de-ae31-7812af012ed8" # Pass-through authentication
            "c44b4083-3bb0-49c1-b47d-974e53cbdf3c" # Azure Admin web ui
            "1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264" # Teams
            "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" # Office, ref.
            "a0c73c16-a7e3-4564-9a95-2bdf47383716" # EXO Remote PowerShell
            "389b1b32-b5d5-43b2-bddc-84ce938d6737" # Office Management API Editor
            "ab9b8c07-8f02-4f72-87fa-80105867a763" # OneDrive Sync Engine
            "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" # SPO
            "29d9ed98-a469-4536-ade2-f981bc1d605e" # MDM
            "0c1307d4-29d6-4389-a11c-5cbe7f65d7fa" # Azure Android App
            "6c7e8096-f593-4d72-807f-a5f86dcc9c77" # MAM
            "4813382a-8fa7-425e-ab75-3b753aab3abb" # Microsoft authenticator
            "c7d28c4f-0d2c-49d6-a88d-a275cc5473c7" #
            "04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46" # Azure CLI
            "ecd6b820-32c2-49b6-98a6-444530e5a77a" # Edge
            "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2" # Microsoft Azure PowerShell

        if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KerberosTicket)) # Check if we got the kerberos token
            # Get token using the kerberos token
                $Tenant = "common"
            $OAuthInfo = Get-AccessTokenWithKerberosTicket -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientId -Tenant $Tenant
            $access_token = $OAuthInfo.access_token
        elseif(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PRTToken)) # Check if we got a PRT token
            # Get token using the PRT token
            $OAuthInfo = Get-AccessTokenWithPRT -Cookie $PRTToken -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientId  -Tenant $Tenant
            $access_token = $OAuthInfo.access_token
        elseif($UseDeviceCode) # Check if we want to use device code flow
            # Get token using device code
            $OAuthInfo = Get-AccessTokenUsingDeviceCode -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientId -Tenant $Tenant
            $access_token = $OAuthInfo.access_token
        elseif($UseIMDS) # Check if we want to use IMDS
            # Get token using Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)
            $access_token = Get-AccessTokenUsingIMDS -ClientId $MsiClientId -ObjectId $MsiObjectId -AzureResourceId $MsiResId -Resource $Resource
        elseif(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($BPRT)) # Check if we got a BPRT
            # Get token using BPRT
            $OAuthInfo = @{
                "refresh_token" = $BPRT
                "access_token"  = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource "" -ClientId "b90d5b8f-5503-4153-b545-b31cecfaece2" -TenantId "Common" -RefreshToken $BPRT
            $access_token = $OAuthInfo.access_token
        else # Authorization code grant flow - can use SAML or interactive prompt
                # Get token using SAML token
                $OAuthInfo = Get-OAuthInfoUsingSAML -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -ClientId $ClientId -Resource ""
                # Prompt for credentials
                if(  $ClientId -eq "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" <# Office #> -or 
                     $ClientId -eq "a0c73c16-a7e3-4564-9a95-2bdf47383716" <# EXO #>    -or 
                    ($ClientId -eq "29d9ed98-a469-4536-ade2-f981bc1d605e" -and $Resource -eq "") <# MDM #>
                    $OAuthInfo = Prompt-Credentials -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientId -Tenant $Tenant -ForceMFA $ForceMFA -ForceNGCMFA $ForceNGCMFA -Credentials $Credentials -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP -RedirectURI $RedirectUri
                    $OAuthInfo = Prompt-Credentials -Resource "" -ClientId $ClientId -Tenant $Tenant -ForceMFA $ForceMFA -ForceNGCMFA $ForceNGCMFA -Credentials $Credentials -OTPSecretKey $OTPSecretKey -TAP $TAP -RedirectURI $RedirectUri

                # Just return null
                    return $null
            # We need to get access token using the refresh token

            # Save the refresh token and other variables
            $RefreshToken= $OAuthInfo.refresh_token
            $ParsedToken=  Read-Accesstoken($OAuthInfo.access_token)
            $tenant_id =   $ParsedToken.tid

            # Save the tokens to cache
                Write-Verbose "ACCESS TOKEN: SAVE TO CACHE"
                Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $OAuthInfo.access_token -RefreshToken $OAuthInfo.refresh_token -ShowCache $false

            # Get the access token from response
            $access_token = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientId -TenantId $tenant_id -RefreshToken $RefreshToken -SaveToCache $SaveToCache

        # Check is this current, new, or deprecated FOCI client
        IsFOCI -ClientId (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $OAuthInfo.access_token).appid -FOCI $OAuthInfo.foci | Out-Null
        $refresh_token = $OAuthInfo.refresh_token

        # Check whether we want to get the deviceid and (possibly) mfa in mra claim
        if(($Certificate -ne $null -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PfxFileName)) -or ($Certificate -eq $null -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PfxFileName) -eq $false))
                Write-Verbose "Trying to get new tokens with deviceid claim."
                $deviceTokens = Set-AccessTokenDeviceAuth -AccessToken $access_token -RefreshToken $refresh_token -Certificate $Certificate -PfxFileName $PfxFileName -PfxPassword $PfxPassword -BPRT $([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BPRT) -eq $False) -TransportKeyFileName $TransportKeyFileName
                Write-Warning "Could not get tokens with deviceid claim: $($_.Exception.Message)"

                $access_token =  $deviceTokens.access_token
                $refresh_token = $deviceTokens.refresh_token

                $claims = Read-Accesstoken $access_token
                Write-Verbose "Tokens updated with deviceid: ""$($claims.deviceid)"" and amr: ""$($claims.amr)"""

        if($SaveToCache -and $OAuthInfo -ne $null -and $access_token -ne $null)
            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $access_token -RefreshToken $refresh_token -ShowCache $false

        if($SaveToMgCache -and $OAuthInfo -ne $null -and $access_token -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Saving access token to MS Graph SDK cache"

            # Import the module if needed
            $MgModule = "Microsoft.Graph.Authentication"
            if(!(Get-Module -Name $MgModule))
                    # Import-Module doesn't throw an error, just prints it out.
                    Import-Module -Name $MgModule -ErrorVariable "moduleImportError" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    Throw "$MgModule module could not be imported!"
                    Throw "$MgModule module could not be imported!"

            # Initialize the graph session

            # Create the AuthContext
            $authContext = [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.AuthContext]::new()
            $authContext.PSHostVersion = (Get-Host).Version
            $authContext.Environment = "Global"

            $authContext.AuthType = [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.AuthenticationType]::UserProvidedAccessToken
            $authContext.TokenCredentialType = [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.TokenCredentialType]::UserProvidedAccessToken
            $authContext.ContextScope = [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.ContextScope]::Process

            # Initialize the GraphSession and store the access token
            $graphSession = [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.GraphSession]::Instance
            $graphSession.InMemoryTokenCache = [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.Core.TokenCache.InMemoryTokenCache]::new([text.encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($access_token))
            $graphSession.AuthContext = $authContext

        # Return
            Throw "Could not get Access Token!"

        # Don't print out token if saved to cache!
        if($SaveToCache -or $SaveToMgCache)
            $pat = Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $access_token
                "Tenant" =   $pat.tid
                "User" =     $pat.unique_name
                "Resource" = $Resource
                "Client" =   $ClientID
            Write-Host "AccessToken saved to cache."
                Write-Host "You may now use MS Graph SDK commands, e.g. Get-MgUser"
            return New-Object psobject -Property $attributes
            if($IncludeRefreshToken) # Include refreshtoken
                return @($access_token,$OAuthInfo.refresh_token)
                return $access_token

# Gets the access token using a refresh token
# Jun 8th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken
    Gets OAuth Access Token for the given client and resource using the given refresh token.
    Gets OAuth Access Token for the given client and resource using the given refresh token.
    For FOCI refresh tokens, i.e.,Family Refresh Tokens (FRTs), you can use any FOCI client id.
    PS:\>$tokens=Get-AADIntAccessToken -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -Resource "" -IncludeRefreshToken $true
    PS:\>$at=Get-AADIntAccessTokenWithRefreshToken -ClientId "1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264" -Resource "" -TenantId "" -RefreshToken $tokens[1]

        [bool]$SaveToCache = $false,
        [bool]$IncludeRefreshToken = $false
        # Set the body for API call
        $body = @{
            "resource"=      $Resource
            "client_id"=     $ClientId
            "grant_type"=    "refresh_token"
            "refresh_token"= $RefreshToken
            "scope"=         "openid"

        if($ClientId -eq "ab9b8c07-8f02-4f72-87fa-80105867a763") # OneDrive Sync Engine
            $url = ""
            $url = "$TenantId/oauth2/token"

        # Debug
        Write-Debug "ACCESS TOKEN BODY: $($body | Out-String)"
        # Set the content type and call the API
            $response=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -ContentType $contentType -Method POST -Body $body    
            $errorMessage = "Unable to get tokens using refresh token"
                $errorDetails = $_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json
                if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($errorDetails.error_description))
                    $errorMessage = $errorDetails.error_description.Split("`n")[0]
            catch {}
            throw $errorMessage

        # Debug
        Write-Debug "ACCESS TOKEN RESPONSE: $response"

        # Check is this current, new, or deprecated FOCI client
        IsFOCI -ClientId (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $response.access_token).appid -FOCI $response.foci | Out-Null

        # Save the tokens to cache
            Write-Verbose "ACCESS TOKEN: SAVE TO CACHE"
            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $response.access_token -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -ShowCache $false

        # Return
            return @($response.access_token, $response.refresh_token)
            return $response.access_token    

# Gets access token using device code flow
# Oct 13th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenUsingDeviceCode
        # Check the tenant

        # Create a body for the first request
            "client_id" = $ClientId
            "resource" =  $Resource

        # Invoke the request to get device and user codes
        $authResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -Uri "$tenant/oauth2/devicecode?api-version=1.0" -Body $body

        Write-Host $authResponse.message

        $continue = $true
        $response = $null
        $interval = $authResponse.interval
        $expires =  $authResponse.expires_in

        # Create body for authentication subsequent requests
            "client_id" =  $ClientId
            "grant_type" = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code"
            "code" =       $authResponse.device_code
            "resource" =   $Resource

        # Loop while pending or until timeout exceeded
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $interval
            $total += $interval

            if($total -gt $expires)
                Write-Error "Timeout occurred"
            # Try to get the response. Will give 40x while pending so we need to try&catch
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -Uri "$Tenant/oauth2/token?api-version=1.0 " -Body $body -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                # This normal flow, always returns 40x unless successful
                $details=$_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json
                $continue = $details.error -eq "authorization_pending"
                Write-Verbose $details.error
                Write-Host "." -NoNewline

                    # Not authorization_pending so this is a real error :(
                    Write-Error $details.error_description

            # If we got response, all okay!
                Write-Host "" 
                return $response


# Gets the access token using an authorization code
# Feb 12th 2021
function Get-AccessTokenWithAuthorizationCode
        [bool]$SaveToCache = $false,
        [bool]$IncludeRefreshToken = $false,
        $headers = @{

        # Set the body for API call
        $body = @{
            "resource"=      $Resource
            "client_id"=     $ClientId
            "grant_type"=    "authorization_code"
            "code"=          $AuthorizationCode
            "scope"=         "openid profile email"
            $body["redirect_uri"] = $RedirectUri
            $headers["Origin"] = $RedirectUri

            $body["code_verifier"] = $CodeVerifier
            $body["code_challenge_method"] = "S256"

        if($ClientId -eq "ab9b8c07-8f02-4f72-87fa-80105867a763") # OneDrive Sync Engine
            $url = ""
            $url = "$TenantId/oauth2/token"
        # Debug
        Write-Debug "ACCESS TOKEN BODY: $($body | Out-String)"
        # Set the content type and call the API
        $contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        $response =    Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -ContentType $contentType -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $headers

        # Debug
        Write-Debug "ACCESS TOKEN RESPONSE: $response"

        # Save the tokens to cache
            Write-Verbose "ACCESS TOKEN: SAVE TO CACHE"
            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $response.access_token -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -ShowCache $false

        # Return
        return $response.access_token    

# Gets the access token using device SAML token
# Feb 18th 2021
function Get-AccessTokenWithDeviceSAML
        $headers = @{

        $ClientId = "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" #"dd762716-544d-4aeb-a526-687b73838a22"
        $Resource = "01cb2876-7ebd-4aa4-9cc9-d28bd4d359a9" #""

        # Set the body for API call
        $body = @{
            "resource"=      $Resource
            "client_id"=     $ClientId
            "grant_type"=    "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml1_1-bearer"
            "assertion"=     Convert-TextToB64 -Text $SAML
            "scope"=         "openid"
        # Debug
        Write-Debug "ACCESS TOKEN BODY: $($body | Out-String)"
        # Set the content type and call the API
        $contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        $response =    Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" -ContentType $contentType -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $headers

        # Debug
        Write-Debug "ACCESS TOKEN RESPONSE: $response"

        # Save the tokens to cache
            Write-Verbose "ACCESS TOKEN: SAVE TO CACHE"
            Add-AccessTokenToCache -AccessToken $response.access_token -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -ShowCache $false
            # Return
            return $response.access_token    

# Logins to SharePoint Online and returns an IdentityToken
# TODO: Research whether can be used to get access_token to AADGraph
# TODO: Add support for Google?
# FIX: Web control stays logged in - clear cookies somehow?
# Aug 10th 2018
function Get-IdentityTokenByLiveId
    Gets identity_token for SharePoint Online for External user
    Gets identity_token for SharePoint Online for External user using LiveId.
    .Parameter Tenant
    The tenant name to login in to WITHOUT part
    PS C:\>$id_token=Get-AADIntIdentityTokenByLiveId -Tenant mytenant

        # Set variables
        $auth_redirect="" # When to close the form

        # Create the form
        $form=Create-LoginForm -Url $url -auth_redirect $auth_redirect

        # Show the form and wait for the return value
        if($form.ShowDialog() -ne "OK") {
            Write-Verbose "Login cancelled"
            return $null



        return Read-Accesstoken($id_token)

# Tries to generate access token using cached AADGraph token
# Jun 15th 2020
function Get-AccessTokenUsingAADGraph
        # Try to get AAD Graph access token from the cache
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $null -Resource "" -ClientId "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894"

        # Get the tenant id
        $tenant = (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $AccessToken).tid
        # Get the refreshtoken
        $refresh_token = Get-RefreshTokenFromCache -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

            Throw "No refreshtoken found! Use Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAADGraph with -SaveToCache switch."

        # Create a new AccessToken for Azure AD management portal API
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource $Resource -ClientId $ClientId -TenantId $tenant -RefreshToken $refresh_token -SaveToCache $SaveToCache

        # Return

# Apr 22th 2022
function Unprotect-EstsAuthPersistentCookie
    Decrypts and dumps users stored in ESTSAUTHPERSISTENT
    Decrypts and dumps users stored in ESTSAUTHPERSISTENT using
    .Parameter Cookie
    Value of ESTSAUTHPERSISTENT cookie
    PS C:\>Unprotect-AADIntEstsAuthPersistentCookie -Cookie 0.ARMAqlCH3MZuvUCNgTAd4B7IRffhvoluXopNnz3s1gEl...
    name : Some User
    login :
    imageAAD : work_account.png
    imageMSA : personal_account.png
    isLive : False
    isGuest : False
    link :
    authUrl :
    isSigned : True
    sessionID : 1fb5e6b3-09a4-4ceb-bcad-3d6d0ee89bf7
    domainHint :
    isWindows : False
    name : Another User
    login :
    imageAAD : work_account.png
    imageMSA : personal_account.png
    isLive : False
    isGuest : False
    link :
    authUrl :
    isSigned : False
    sessionID : 1fb5e6b3-09a4-4ceb-bcad-3d6d0ee89bf7
    domainHint :
    isWindows : False

        $session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
        $session.Cookies.Add((New-Object System.Net.Cookie("ESTSAUTHPERSISTENT", $Cookie, "/", "")))
        Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$((New-Guid).toString())" -WebSession $session

# Returns access token using Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)
# Nov 8th 2022

function Get-AccessTokenUsingIMDS
    Gets access token using Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)
    Gets access token using Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS).
    The ClientId of the token is the (Enterprise) Application ID of the managed identity.
    .Parameter Resource
    The App ID URI of the target resource. It also appears in the aud (audience) claim of the issued token.
    .Parameter ObjectId
    The ObjectId of the managed identity you would like the token for. Required, if your VM has multiple user-assigned managed identities.
    .Parameter ClientId
    The ClientId of the managed identity you would like the token for. Required, if your VM has multiple user-assigned managed identities.
    .Parameter AzureResourceId
    The Azure Resource ID of the managed identity you would like the token for. Required, if your VM has multiple user-assigned managed identities.
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenUsingIMDS -Resource | Add-AADIntAccessTokenToCache
    Name :
    ClientId : 686d728a-2838-458d-9038-2d9808781b9a
    Audience :
    Tenant : ef35ef41-6e54-43f8-bdf0-b89827a3a991
    IsExpired : False
    HasRefreshToken : False
    AuthMethods :
    Device :
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAzureSubscriptions
    subscriptionId displayName state
    -------------- ----------- -----
    233cd967-f2d4-41eb-897a-47ac77c7393d Production Enabled
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAzureResourceGroups -SubscriptionId "233cd967-f2d4-41eb-897a-47ac77c7393d"
    name location tags
    ---- -------- ----
    Production-Norway norwayeast
    Production-Germany westeurope
    Production-US-West westus3
    Production-Sweden swedencentral
    Production-US-East eastus

        # Construct the url
        # Ref:

        $url = "$($ApiVersion)&resource=$($Resource)"
            $url += "&client_id=$ClientId"
            $url += "&object_id=$ObjectId"
            $url += "&msi_res_id=$AzureResourceId"

        # Create the header
        $headers = @{
                "Metadata" = "true"

        # Invoke the request. Short timeout as this may be a computer not able to access IMDS.
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers $headers -TimeoutSec 1
        # Return