.SYNOPSIS This function gets the current branch version number. .DESCRIPTION This function will return the appropriate version number based on source control (Git) current branch. It utilizes the BranchSuffixMap property on the specified [Manifest] object to determine the correct value. .PARAMETER Manifest The [Manifest] object. .PARAMETER BranchName The source control (Git) branch name. .PARAMETER NumberOnly Determines whether to ommit the version suffix. .PARAMETER SuffixOnly Determines whether to return the version suffix only. .INPUTS Manifest OUTPUTS System.String .EXAMPLE $version = Get-BuildboxManifest | Get-VersionNumber "master"; This example gets the full version number for the master branch. .EXAMPLE $versionSuffix = Get-BuildboxManifest | Get-VersionNumber "master" -SuffixOnly; This example gets the version suffix for the master branch. .LINK Get-BuildboxManifest #> function Get-VersionNumber() { Param( [Alias('m')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 2)] $Manifest, [Alias('b', "branch")] [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$BranchName, [Alias('s', "suffix")] [switch]$SuffixOnly, [Alias('n', "number")] [switch]$NumberOnly ) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BranchName) -and (Assert-GitIsInstalled)) { $match = [Regex]::Match((& git branch), '\*\s*(?<name>\w+)'); if ($match.Success) { $BranchName = $match.Groups["name"].Value; } } $suffix = $Manifest.GetVersionSuffix($BranchName); $version = $Manifest.Version.ToString(); if ($NumberOnly) { return $version; } elseif ($SuffixOnly) { return $suffix; } else { return ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($suffix)) | Coalesce $version "$version-$suffix"; } } |