.SYNOPSIS This function creates a new [Manifest] instance from the specified path. .DESCRIPTION This function will create a new [Manifest] instance from the given path. If no path is given the funtion will search the current directory for a 'manifest.json' file; Passing a path to a directory will also invoke the same behavior. .PARAMETER Path The path of the manifest file. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS Manifest .EXAMPLE Get-BuildboxManifest; This example creates a new [Manifest] from the 'manifest.json' file withing the current directory. Get-BuildboxManifest "C:\newproject\manifest.json"; This example creates a new [Manifest] from the specified path. #> function Get-BuildboxManifest() { Param( [Alias('p')] [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$Path = "$PWD\manifest.json" ) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { return [Manifest]::new(); } elseif (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf) { return [Manifest]::Load($Path); } elseif (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) { return [Manifest]::Load("$Path\manifest.json"); } else { throw "Cannot find file at '$Path'."; } } #region ----- Classes ----- class Version { [int]$Major = 0; [int]$Minor = 0; [int]$Patch = 1; [void] Increment([bool]$major, [bool]$minor, [bool]$patch) { if ($major) { $this.Major++; $this.Minor = 0; $this.Patch = 0; } elseif ($minor) { $this.Minor++; $this.Patch = 0; } elseif ($patch) { $this.Patch++; } } [string] ToString() { return "$($this.Major).$($this.Minor).$($this.Patch)"; } } class Manifest { Manifest() { $this.ProductName = "Your Product Name"; $this.Id = "CompanyName.ProductName"; $this.Version = [Version]::new(); $this.Authors = $env:USERNAME; $this.Description = "A useful description."; $this.Tags = "tag1 tag2"; $this.Owner = $env:USERNAME; $this.Copyright = "All Rights Reserved."; $this.BranchSuffixMap = @{ "master"=""; "*"="beta"; }; } hidden [string]$Path; [string]$Id; [Version]$Version; [string]$ProductName; [string]$Description; [string]$Authors; [string]$Tags; [string]$Owner; [string]$Copyright; [string]$IconUri; [string]$LicenseUri; [string]$ProjectUrl; [string]$RepositoryUrl; [string]$ReleaseNotes; $BranchSuffixMap = @{}; static [Manifest] Load($path) { $json = (Get-Content $path | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json); $manifest = [Manifest]::new(); $manifest.Path = $path; $manifest.Id = $; $manifest.Tags = $json.tags; $manifest.Owner = $json.owner; $manifest.Authors = $json.Authors; $manifest.Version = $json.version; $manifest.IconUri = $json.iconUri; $manifest.LicenseUri = $json.licenseUri; $manifest.Description = $json.description; $manifest.RepositoryUrl = $json.repositoryUrl; $manifest.ProductName = $json.productName; $manifest.ProjectUrl = $json.projectUrl; $manifest.Copyright = $json.copyright; $manifest.ReleaseNotes = $json.releaseNotes; $map = @{}; foreach ($property in $json.branchSuffixMap.PSObject.Properties) { $map.Add($property.Name, $property.Value); } $manifest.BranchSuffixMap = $map; return $manifest; } [void] Save() { $clone = $this | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json; $clone.PSObject.Properties.Remove("Path"); if (Test-Path $this.Path) { $json = Get-Content $this.Path | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json; foreach ($property in $clone.PSObject.Properties) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($property.Value)) { $json.PSObject.Properties.Remove($property.Name); } else { $json."$($property.Name)" = $property.Value; } } $json | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $this.Path -Encoding utf8; } else { $clone | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $this.Path -Encoding utf8; } } [string] GetVersionSuffix([string]$branchName) { if ($this.BranchSuffixMap.ContainsKey($branchName)) { return $this.BranchSuffixMap[$branchName]; } elseif ($this.BranchSuffixMap.ContainsKey("*")) { return $this.BranchSuffixMap["*"]; } else { return ""; } } } #endregion |