.SYNOPSIS This function converts a [Manifest] object a list of token=value pairs, separated by semicolons. .DESCRIPTION This function will serialize a [Manifest] object to the following format "<nugetToken>=<value>;". The purpose of this is so the string can be consumed by the 'nuget pack' command, thus making the values of the [Manifest] accessible as [replacement tokens]( .PARAMETER Manifest The [Manifest] object to convert. .PARAMETER BranchName The repo branch name. This value will be passed to the Manifest object's GetVersionSuffix(string: branchName) method to get a value for the version suffix. .INPUTS Manifest .OUTPUTS System.String .EXAMPLE &nuget pack .\package.nuspec -Properties $(ConvertTo-NuGetProperties $manifest); This example passes the [Manifest] Properties to be used as replacement tokens for 'nuget pack' command. .EXAMPLE $props = ConvertTo-NuGetProperties $manifest -branch "master"; This example converts [Manifest] to a string. .LINK .LINK Get-BuildboxManifest #> function ConvertTo-NuGetProperties() { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $Manifest, [Alias('b', "branch")] [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$BranchName ) $metadata = ""; $metadata += "tags=$($Manifest.Tags);"; $metadata += "owners=$($Manifest.Owner);"; $metadata += "authors=$($Manifest.Authors);"; $metadata += "iconUrl=$($Manifest.IconUri);"; $metadata += "title=$($Manifest.ProductName);"; $metadata += "copyright=$($Manifest.Copyright);"; $metadata += "projectUrl=$($Manifest.ProjectUrl);"; $metadata += "licenseUrl=$($Manifest.LicenseUri);"; $metadata += "description=$($Manifest.Description);"; $metadata += "releaseNotes=$($Manifest.ReleaseNotes);"; $metadata += "version=$($Manifest.Version.ToString());"; $seperator = ""; $versionSuffix = $Manifest.GetVersionSuffix($BranchName); if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($versionSuffix)) { $seperator = "-"; } $metadata += "suffix=$($seperator)$versionSuffix;"; return $metadata; } |