function Set-ShieldsIoBadge { <# .SYNOPSIS Modifies the link to a badge in a .md file. Can be used as part of a CI pipeline to update the status of badges such as Code Coverage. .FUNCTIONALITY CI/CD .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet can be used to update the link to a badge that has been created in a file such as To use this function You need to have initially added the badge to your or specified file by adding the following string (ensuring 'Subject' matches what you specify for -Subject): ![Subject]() .PARAMETER Subject The label to assign to the badge. Default 'Build'. .PARAMETER Status The status text of value to assign to the badge. Default: 0. .PARAMETER Color The color to assign to the badge. If status is set to 0 - 100 and this parameter is not specified, the color is set automatically to either green, yellow, orange or red depending on the value, or light grey if it is not a 0 - 100 value. .PARAMETER AsPercentage Switch: Use to add a percentage sign after whatever you provide for -Status. .PARAMETER Path Path to the text file to update. By default this is $Env:BHProjectPath\ .EXAMPLE Set-ShieldsIoBadge -Subject 'Coverage' -Status ([math]::floor(100 - (($PesterResults.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsMissed / $PesterResults.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed) * 100))) -AsPercentage .LINK .LINK .LINK about_BuildHelpers #> [cmdletbinding(supportsshouldprocess)] param( [string] $Subject = 'Build', $Status = 0, [string] $Color, [switch] $AsPercentage, [string] $Path = "$Env:BHProjectPath\" ) Process { if (-not $Color) { $Color = switch ($Status) { {$_ -in 90..100 -or $_ -eq 'Pass'} { 'brightgreen' } {$_ -in 75..89} { 'yellow' } {$_ -in 60..74} { 'orange' } {$_ -in 0..59 -or $_ -eq 'Fail'} { 'red' } default { 'lightgrey' } } } if ($AsPercentage) { $Percent = '%25' } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path)) { $ReadmeContent = (Get-Content $Path) $ReadmeContent = $ReadmeContent -replace "!\[$($Subject)\].+\)", "" $ReadmeContent | Set-Content -Path $Path } } } |