.SYNOPSIS Normalize build system and project details into variables .FUNCTIONALITY CI/CD .DESCRIPTION Normalize build system and project details into variables Creates the following variables: BHProjectPath via Get-BuildVariables BHBranchName via Get-BuildVariables BHCommitMessage via Get-BuildVariables BHBuildNumber via Get-BuildVariables BHProjectName via Get-ProjectName BHPSModuleManifest via Get-PSModuleManifest BHPSModulePath via Split-Path on BHPSModuleManifest .PARAMETER Path Path to project root. Defaults to the current working path .PARAMETER Scope Determines the scope of the variables. Valid values are "Global", "Local", or "Script", or a number relative to the current scope (0 through the number of scopes, where 0 is the current scope and 1 is its parent). For more information, see about_Scopes. Defaults to the calling scope, 0 if it is dot-sourced, 1 if it is invoked normally. The scope value Script may only be used with dot-sourced Set-BuildVariable. .NOTES We assume you are in the project root, for several of the fallback options .EXAMPLE Set-BuildVariable Get-Variable BH* -Scope 0 # Set build variables in the current scope, read them .EXAMPLE . Set-BuildVariable -Scope Script Get-Variable BH* -Scope Script # Set build variables in the script scope (mind the .), read them .LINK .LINK Get-BuildVariables .LINK Get-ProjectName .LINK about_BuildHelpers #> [cmdletbinding()] param( $Path = $PWD.Path, [validatescript({ if(-not ('Global', 'Local', 'Script', 'Current' -contains $_ -or (($_ -as [int]) -ge 0))) { throw "'$_' is an invalid Scope. For more information, run Get-Help Set-BuildVariable -Parameter Scope" } $true })] [string] $Scope, [ValidatePattern('\w*')] [String] $VariableNamePrefix = 'BH' ) if($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.') { if(-not $Scope) { $Scope = '0' } } else { if($Scope -eq 'Script') { throw 'The script scope may only be used with dot-sourced Set-BuildVariable.' } if(-not $Scope) { $Scope = '1' } } ${Build.Vars} = Get-BuildVariables -Path $Path ${Build.ProjectName} = Get-ProjectName -Path $Path ${Build.ManifestPath} = Get-PSModuleManifest -Path $Path $BuildHelpersVariables = @{ BuildSystem = ${Build.Vars}.BuildSystem ProjectPath = ${Build.Vars}.ProjectPath BranchName = ${Build.Vars}.BranchName CommitMessage = ${Build.Vars}.CommitMessage BuildNumber = ${Build.Vars}.BuildNumber ProjectName = ${Build.ProjectName} PSModuleManifest = ${Build.ManifestPath} PSModulePath = $(Split-Path -Path ${Build.ManifestPath} -Parent) } foreach ($VarName in $BuildHelpersVariables.Keys) { Set-Variable -Scope $Scope -Name ('{0}{1}' -f $VariableNamePrefix,$VarName) -Value $BuildHelpersVariables[$VarName] } |