function Get-GitChangedFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of files changed in a git commit .FUNCTIONALITY CI/CD .DESCRIPTION Get a list of files changed in a git commit .PARAMETER Path Path to git repo. Defaults to the current working path .PARAMETER Commit Commit hash .PARAMETER Include If specified, only return files that are '-like' an item in the -Include .PARAMETER Exclude If specified, exclude any files that are '-like' an item in the -Include .EXAMPLE Get-GitChangedFile # Get files changed in the most recent commit # Use the current directory as the git repo path .EXAMPLE Get-GitChangedFile -Path \\Path\To\Git\Repo # Get files changed in the most recent commit # Use \\Path\To\Git\Repo as the git repo path .Example Get-GitChangedFile -Commit 3d6b25ebbc6bbf961a4c1045548bc9ff90879bc6 # Get files changed in commit 3d6b25ebbc6bbf961a4c1045548bc9ff90879bc6, # Use the current directory as the git repo path .LINK .LINK about_BuildHelpers #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [validateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Container })] $Path = $PWD.Path, $Commit, [string[]]$Include, [string[]]$Exclude ) $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path $GitPathRaw = Invoke-Git rev-parse --show-toplevel -Path $Path Write-Verbose "Found git root [$GitPathRaw]" $GitPath = Resolve-Path $GitPathRaw if(Test-Path $GitPath) { Write-Verbose "Using [$GitPath] as repo root" } else { throw "Could not find root of git repo under [$Path]. Tried [$GitPath]" } if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Commit')) { $Commit = Invoke-Git rev-parse HEAD -Path $GitPath } if(-not $Commit) { return } [string[]]$Files = Invoke-Git "diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $Commit" -Path $GitPath if($Files.Count -gt 0) { $Params = @{Collection = $Files} Write-Verbose "Found [$($Files.Count)] files with raw values:`n$($Files | Foreach {"'$_'"} | Out-String)" if($Include) { $Files = Invoke-LikeFilter @params -FilterArray $Include } if($Exclude) { $Files = Invoke-LikeFilter @params -FilterArray $Exclude -Not } foreach($item in $Files) { ( Resolve-Path (Join-Path $GitPath $Item) ).Path } } else { Write-Warning "Something went wrong, no files returned:`nIs [$Path], with repo root [$GitPath] a valid git path?" } } |