
Determines if a module should be marked as PreRelease based on the value of $branch
Set-ModuleAsPreRelease determines if a module should be marked as PreRelease. This is determined by doing a case insensitive comparison of $branch to $ReleaseBranch (which defaults to master)
Example of usage from TFS
Set-ModuleAsPreRelease.ps1 -PreReleaseTag "dev$(Build.BuildId)" -ManifestFilePath "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\$(ModuleName)\$(ModuleName).psd1" -Branch $(Build.SourceBranchName)
.PARAMETER ManifestFilePath
string path to the modules psd1 to be marked as PreRelease
.PARAMETER PreReleaseTag
string to be added to end of module name marking it as PreRelease. - is added automatically. Example PreReleaseTag dev$(Build.BuildId)
name of branch being built. When called from TFS, the value passed in will probably be $(Build.SourceBranchName)
.PARAMETER ReleaseBranch
name of branch module is released from, PreRelease does not need to be set when building from this branch. Default value is master

function Set-ModuleAsPreRelease {
        $ReleaseBranch = @("Master","Main")

    begin {}

    process {
        if ($ReleaseBranch -contains $Branch) {    
            Write-Host "Branch $Branch for build is the same as the ReleaseBranch $ReleaseBranch. Module NOT marked as PreRelease"
        else {    
            $tag = $PreReleaseTag.Trim("-")
            Update-ModuleManifest -Path $ManifestFilePath -PreRelease $tag -Verbose
            Write-Host "Branch $Branch for build is different to ReleaseBranch $ReleaseBranch. Module marked as PreRelease $tag"
    end {}