
Shows Package Licences with licence type
Shows Package Licences with licence type
.PARAMETER pathToSource
locataion of source
site url for tfs
.PARAMETER project
project in tfs
.PARAMETER repository
repository in project in tfs
.PARAMETER nugetFeedUrl
site url for nuget / package feed
folder for process
Show-PackageLicences -pathToSource "C:\g\repo" -nugetFeedUrl "http://proget/nuget/" -wip "C:\temp\wip"
Show-PackageLicences -pathToSource "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)" -nugetFeedUrl "http://proget/nuget/" -wip "$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)"
Show-PackageLicences -tfsSiteUrl http://tfs/tfs/UKHO -project "ALM" -repository "BuildAndDeploy" -nugetFeedUrl "http://proget/nuget/" -wip "C:\a\A001\work\s"
There are 2 version that work with a local source on a disk or a remote git repo on tfs

function Show-PackageLicences {

    begin {
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
        Write-Information "Start combine package lists"
        if($pathToSource -eq $null -and $tfsSiteUrl -eq $null -and $repository -eq $null -and $project -eq $null) {
            Write-Error "No parameters have been found that will provide a successful run, please check help"
        if($pathToSource -eq $null) {
            if (!($tfsSiteUrl -ne $null -and $repository -ne $null -and $project -ne $null)) {
                Write-Error "One or more of the following parameter have not been set, tfsSiteUrl: $tfsSiteUrl; repository: $repository; project: $project;"
    process {
        if($pathToSource -ne $null) {
            $packagesInRepo = Get-PackagesInSource -pathToSource $pathToSource
        else {
            $packagesInRepo = Get-PackagesInRepo -tfsSiteUrl $tfsSiteUrl -project $project -repository $repository
        Write-Information "End combine package lists"
        Write-Information "Start Licence Get"
        $currentListOfLicences = Find-LicenceSpdx -nugetFeedUrl $nugetFeedUrl -combined $packagesInRepo
        Write-Information "End Licence Get"
        $currentListOfLicences | Group-Object { $_.licenceType } | Select-Object Count, Name
        Write-Information "File output generated: $pathToSource\licence.json"
        $currentListOfLicences | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path "$pathToSource\licence.json"
    end {
