
Test the tokens in the files can be applied
Test the tokens in the files can be applied and error on any missing matches
.PARAMETER ConfigObject
This is a hashtable of all the tokens to look for and the replacement
.PARAMETER TargetFolder
Location of what to test
Which files to affect (defaults to *.config)
Test-TokenTransform -ConfigObject @{"Test" = "Test";} -TargetFolder = "C:\Temp"
General notes

function Test-TokenTransform {
        $FileFilter = "*.config"
    begin {
        $tokenSearchPattern = "__(\w+)__" 
        $configXmlObject = ConvertTo-Xml $ConfigObject -Depth 10
        $missingToken = 0
        if(!(Test-Path($TargetFolder))) {
            Write-Error "ERROR: Target could not be found";
        $files = Get-Files -TargetFolder $TargetFolder -fileFilter $FileFilter
        if (!($files)) {
            Write-Error "ERROR: No files given to test";
    process {
        foreach ($file in $files) {
            $lineMatches = Select-string -Path $file -Pattern $tokenSearchPattern -AllMatches
            foreach ($lineMatch in $lineMatches) {
                foreach ($match in $lineMatch.Matches) {
                    $token = $match.Groups[1].Value
                    $tokenCount = $configXmlObject.SelectNodes("//Property[text() = '{0}']" -f $token).Count
                    if ($tokenCount -eq 0) {
                        Write-Error "ERROR: Token '$token' in file '$file' has no occurences in ConfigObject provided"
    end {
        $($missingToken -eq 0)