.Synopsis Imports the bson/json file and connects its collection. .Description The command imports data from the file to its collection and creates the variable $Collection in the calling scope. It also updates the index with file information for future operations. Use the connected collection $Collection for data queries and updates. After updates invoke Save-BsonFile in order to save data to the file. .Parameter Path The .bson or .json file path. The file must exist but may be empty. .Parameter Force Tells to import data even if the file has the same time as the last recorded. Potential changes in its collection will be overridden. .Parameter CollectionVariable Specifies the custom variable name for the connected collection. The default is "Collection" to create the variable $Collection. .Parameter Result Tells to output some file collection information. .Outputs None or the information document. .Link Save-BsonFile #> function Open-BsonFile { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=1, Position=0)] [string]$Path, [string]$CollectionVariable='Collection', [switch]$Force, [switch]$Result ) trap {Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_} Connect-Mdbc . BsonFile $Path = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) $item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path # path md5 $md5 = Get-BFPathMD5 $Path # connect collection and set variable $Collection = Get-MdbcCollection $md5 $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($CollectionVariable, $Collection) # check index info if (!$Force) { $info = Get-BFIndexInfo $md5 if ($info) { if (Test-BFSameFileTime $info $item) { if ($Result) { $info.Documents = Get-MdbcData -Count $info.IsImported = $false $info } return } } } # import data Remove-MdbcCollection $md5 Import-MdbcData $Path | Add-MdbcData # set index $info = New-MdbcData -Id $md5 $info.Path = $Path $info.FileTime = $item.LastWriteTimeUtc $info.SyncTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow $info.SyncStamp = Get-BFNextTimestamp Set-BFIndexInfo $info # result if ($Result) { $info.Documents = Get-MdbcData -Count $info.IsImported = $true $info } } |