
    Removes orphan and old collections from the BsonFile database.
    This command removes file collections from the BsonFile database. By
    default this includes orphan collections with their files renamed or
    removed. Use CollectionAge and AllCollections in order to remove old
    or all collections. Use Verbose in order to get related messages.
.Parameter CollectionAge
        Tells to remove old collections and specifies the minimum age.
.Parameter AllCollections
        Tells to remove all collections. The command still discovers orphans
        and optional old collections and writes verbose messages about found.

function Clear-BsonFile {
        [TimeSpan]$CollectionAge = [TimeSpan]::Zero,

    trap {Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_}

    Connect-Mdbc . BsonFile _index

    foreach($info in Get-MdbcData) {
        # missing file
        if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $info.Path)) {
            Write-Verbose "Removing data of missing file $($info.Path)"
            Remove-MdbcCollection $info._id
            $info | Remove-MdbcData
        # old collection
        elseif ($CollectionAge -gt [TimeSpan]::Zero) {
            $diff = [DateTime]::UtcNow - $info.SyncTime
            if ($diff -gt $CollectionAge) {
                Write-Verbose "Removing old $($diff) data of $($info.Path)"
                $info | Remove-MdbcData
                Remove-MdbcCollection $info._id

    foreach($collection in Get-MdbcCollection) {
        try {
            $name = $collection.CollectionNamespace.CollectionName
            if ($name -ceq '_index') {

            $md5 = [guid]$collection.CollectionNamespace.CollectionName
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Unknown collection '$name', remove it manually."

        if ($AllCollections) {
            Write-Verbose "Removing collection $md5"
            Remove-MdbcCollection $md5
        elseif (!(Get-MdbcData @{_id = $md5})) {
            Write-Verbose "Removing collection $md5 without index record"
            Remove-MdbcCollection $md5