function New-GitIgnoresFile { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The list of items to be git-ignored [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [GitIgnore[]] $GitIgnores, # Any manual defined git-ignores [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, DontShow)] [String] $ManualGitIgnores ) begin { } process { $IgnoresTemplate = "# This file is created by a tool, manual changes will be lost unless added to the designated section below.`n`n" if ($GitIgnores) { $IgnoresTemplate += "## Auto generated ignores: ##`n" $GitIgnores | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Comment) { $IgnoresTemplate += "$($_.Comment)`n" } $_.Item | ForEach-Object { $IgnoresTemplate += "$($_)`n" } $IgnoresTemplate += "`n" } } $IgnoresTemplate += @" ## Manually defined ignores: ##`n "@ if (($ManualGitIgnores) -and (!'')) { Write-Debug "Adding the following manual .gitignore items:`n$ManualGitIgnores" $IgnoresTemplate += $ManualGitIgnores } } end { Return $IgnoresTemplate } } |