function Import-PlatyPSModule { [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) begin { <# Check the current list of modules to make sure we don't have PlatyPS loaded, if we do then bomb out now. Also check to see if we already have PowerShell-YAML loaded, if we do we'll want to keep it loaded so as not to mess with the users environment! #> $LoadedModules = Get-Module if ($LoadedModules.Name -contains 'powershell-yaml') { throw "Currently the PlatyPS and PowerShell-YAML modules cannot be loaded at the same time due to an assembly incompatibility.`nSee for more information" } $PreloadedPlatyPS = $LoadedModules | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'PlatyPS' } } process { try { # If it's already loaded then don't overwrite whatever the user has loaded! if (!$PreloadedPlatyPS) { # First see if the special Brownserve variable is set, if so attempt to download the version from the repo. if ($Global:BrownserveRepoPlatyPSPath) { Write-Verbose 'Loading local version of PlatyPS' Import-Module $Global:BrownserveRepoPlatyPSPath ` -Force ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -Verbose:$false } # Otherwise attempt to load any version installed on the system else { Write-Verbose 'Loading system version of PlatyPS' Import-Module 'PlatyPS' ` -Force ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -Verbose:$false } } } catch { $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to load PlatyPS module.' if (!$Global:BrownserveRepoPlatyPSPath) { $ErrorMessage += "`nThe '`$Global:BrownserveRepoPlatyPSPath' variable has not been set and PowerShell failed to load any versions installed locally." } throw "$ErrorMessage.`n$($_.Exception.Message)" } } end { if ($PreloadedPlatyPS) { return $PreloadedPlatyPS } else { return $null } } } |