# Some types/classes for use in our 'build' cmdlets # This class is used to give us a nice easy way to manage our paths for our init scripts class InitPath { # The name of the variable to be created in the _init script [string] $VariableName # The path to use for the variable in the _init script [string] $Path # When forming paths that require children these are the additional values to use [array] $ChildPaths # The description of the variable to be set in the _init script [string] $Description # Whether the path is a directory or file [string] $PathType # These first 2 constructors allow us to easily spin up InitPath's from objects. InitPath([pscustomobject]$InitPath) { $RequiredProps = @('path','VariableName','PathType') foreach ($Prop in $RequiredProps) { if (!$InitPath.$Prop) { throw "Object missing property '$Prop'" } else { $this.$Prop = $InitPath.$Prop } } if ($InitPath.ChildPaths) { $this.ChildPaths = $InitPath.ChildPaths } if ($InitPath.Description) { $this.Description = $InitPath.Description } } InitPath([hashtable]$InitPath) { $RequiredKeys = @('path','VariableName','PathType') foreach ($Key in $RequiredKeys) { if (!$InitPath.$Key) { throw "Hashtable missing property '$Key'" } else { $this.$Key = $InitPath.$Key } } if ($InitPath.ChildPaths) { $this.ChildPaths = $InitPath.ChildPaths } if ($InitPath.Description) { $this.Description = $InitPath.Description } } } enum BrownserveCICD { GitHubActions TeamCity } enum BrownserveRepoProjectType { PowerShellModule BrownservePSTools Generic } <# This class is used to create GitHub Actions workflow jobs #> class GitHubActionsJob { [string]$JobTitle [string]$RunsOn [hashtable[]]$Steps # Can't used ordered here, GitHubActionsJob([hashtable]$Hash) { $RequiredKeys = @('JobTitle', 'RunsOn', 'Steps') foreach ($Key in $RequiredKeys) { if (!$Hash.$Key) { throw "Hashtable missing key '$Key'" } else { $this.$Key = $Hash.$Key } } } } class PaketDependencyRule { [string]$Source [string]$PackageName PaketDependencyRule([hashtable]$Hashtable) { $RequiredKeys = @('Source', 'PackageName') foreach ($Key in $RequiredKeys) { if (!$Hashtable.$Key) { throw "Hashtable missing key '$Key'" } else { $this.$Key = $Hashtable.$Key } } } PaketDependencyRule([pscustomobject]$Object) { $RequiredKeys = @('Source', 'PackageName') foreach ($Key in $RequiredKeys) { if (!$Object.$Key) { throw "Object missing property '$Key'" } else { $this.$Key = $Object.$Key } } } } class PaketDependency { [PaketDependencyRule[]]$Rule [string]$Comment PaketDependency([hashtable]$Hashtable) { if (!$Hashtable.Rule) { throw "Hashtable missing key 'Rule'" } $this.Rule = $Hashtable.Rule if ($Hashtable.Comment) { # Try to ensure every line starts with the pound symbol $LocalComment = $Hashtable.Comment -split "`n" $SanitizedComment = '' $LocalComment | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -notmatch '^\#') { $SanitizedComment += "# $_" } else { $SanitizedComment += $_ } if ($_ -notmatch $LocalComment[-1]) { $SanitizedComment += "`n" } } $this.Comment = $SanitizedComment } } PaketDependency([pscustomobject]$Object) { if (!$Object.Rule) { throw "Hashtable missing key 'Rule'" } $this.Rule = $Object.Rule if ($Object.Comment) { # Try to ensure every line starts with the pound symbol $LocalComment = $Object.Comment -split "`n" $SanitizedComment = '' $LocalComment | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -notmatch '^\#') { $SanitizedComment += "# $_" } else { $SanitizedComment += $_ } if ($_ -notmatch $LocalComment[-1]) { $SanitizedComment += "`n" } } $this.Comment = $SanitizedComment } } } class PackageAlias { # The alias that should be set [string] $Alias # The name of the binary/executable/file to have the alias set [string] $FileName # If specified will create a global variable that also points to the same file (for external apps that can't see PowerShell aliases) [string] $VariableName PackageAlias([hashtable]$Hash) { $RequiredKeys = @('Alias','FileName') foreach ($Key in $RequiredKeys) { if (!$Hash.$Key) { throw "Hashtable missing key '$Key'" } else { $this.$Key = $Hash.$Key } } if ($Hash.VariableName) { $this.VariableName = $Hash.VariableName } } PackageAlias([pscustomobject]$Obj) { $RequiredProps = @('Alias','FileName') foreach ($Prop in $RequiredProps) { if (!$Obj.$Prop) { throw "Object missing property '$Prop'" } else { $this.$Prop = $Obj.$Prop } } if ($Obj.VariableName) { $this.VariableName = $Obj.VariableName } } } |