function New-BrownservePowerShellModuleBuild { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The CI/CD provider [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [BrownserveCICD] $CICDProvider, # The module information [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [BrownservePowerShellModule] $ModuleInfo, # The path to where the repo is that contains the module [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $RepoPath, # The name of the repository this module lives in [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $RepoName ) begin { try { Assert-Directory $RepoPath $RepoPath = $RepoPath | Convert-Path # Ensure the path is recorded fully } catch { throw "$($_.Exception.Message)" } if (!$RepoName) { Write-Verbose "No repo name, using directory name" $RepoName = Split-Path $RepoPath -Leaf } if (!$RepoName) { throw "Cannot determine RepoName automatically." } } process { switch ($CICDProvider) { 'GitHubActions' { $GitHubDirectory = Join-Path $RepoPath '.github' $WorkflowDirectory = Join-Path $GitHubDirectory 'workflows' $BuildWorkflowPath = Join-Path $WorkflowDirectory 'build.yaml' $ReleaseWorkflowPath = Join-Path $WorkflowDirectory 'release.yaml' if ((Test-Path $BuildWorkflowPath)) { throw "Build workflow already exists at '$BuildWorkflowPath'" } if ((Test-Path $ReleaseWorkflowPath)) { throw "Build workflow already exists at '$ReleaseWorkflowPath'" } # These steps are always needed regardless of the build $DefaultSteps = @( [ordered]@{ name = 'checkout-module' uses = 'actions/checkout@v3' with = @{ path = $ModuleInfo.Name } } ) # Steps for building and testing the module $BuildRunCommand = @" ./$($ModuleInfo.Name)/.build/build.ps1 `` -GitHubRepoName '$RepoName' `` -BranchName `$env:GITHUB_REF `` -Build BuildPackTest `` -Verbose "@ $BuildSteps = $DefaultSteps $BuildSteps += [ordered]@{ name = 'build-and-test-module' shell = 'pwsh' run = $BuildRunCommand } $BuildJobs = @{ JobTitle = 'build-and-test' RunsOn = 'ubuntu-latest' Steps = $BuildSteps } # Steps for releasing the module $ReleaseRunCommand = @" ./$($ModuleInfo.Name)/.build/build.ps1 `` -GitHubRepoName '$RepoName' `` -BranchName `$env:GITHUB_REF `` -Build release `` -NugetFeedAPIKey `$env:NugetFeedAPIKey `` -PSGalleryAPIKey `$env:PSGalleryAPIKey `` -Verbose "@ $ReleaseSteps = $DefaultSteps $ReleaseSteps += [ordered]@{ name = 'build-and-release-module' shell = 'pwsh' run = $ReleaseRunCommand } $ReleaseJobs = @{ JobTitle = 'release' RunsOn = 'ubuntu-latest' Steps = $ReleaseSteps } try { $BuildWorkflowContent = New-GitHubActionsWorkflow ` -Name 'build' ` -ExecuteOn 'pull_request' ` -Jobs $BuildJobs if (!$BuildWorkflowContent) { throw 'Workflow content empty.' } $ReleaseWorkflowContent = New-GitHubActionsWorkflow ` -Name 'release' ` -ExecuteOn 'workflow_dispatch' ` -Jobs $ReleaseJobs if (!$ReleaseWorkflowContent) { throw 'Workflow content empty' } } catch { throw "Failed to create GitHub Actions workflow.`n$($_.Exception.Message)" } Write-Verbose "Build workflow content:`n$BuildWorkflowContent" Write-Verbose "Release workflow content:`n$ReleaseWorkflowContent" try { if (!(Test-Path $GitHubDirectory)) { New-Item $GitHubDirectory -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction 'Stop' | Out-Null } if (!(Test-Path $WorkflowDirectory)) { New-Item $WorkflowDirectory -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction 'stop' | Out-Null } New-Item $BuildWorkflowPath -ItemType File -Value $BuildWorkflowContent -ErrorAction 'Stop' | Out-Null New-Item $ReleaseWorkflowPath -ItemType File -Value $ReleaseWorkflowContent -ErrorAction 'Stop' | Out-Null } catch { throw "Failed to write workflows to disk.`n$($_.Exception.Message)" } } Default { throw "Unsupported CI/CD provider '$CICDProvider'" } } } end { } } |