function Search-FileContent { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The path to the file to read [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $FilePath, # The header/beginning/first line that indicates the block of text you want to return. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $StartStringPattern, # Where to stop searching [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $StopStringPattern, # Returns a string instead of an array [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $AsString ) begin { } process { try { $FileContentArray = Get-Content $FilePath -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { throw "Failed to read file '$FilePath'.`n$($_.Exception.Message)" } $TextToReturn = $null $LineCount = 0 $StartStringLine = $null $StopStringLine = $null $StartOffset = 1 $StopOffset = -1 # If there's not stop string pattern we assume the user wants to get the entire rest of the file, so we go until the last line if (!$StopStringPattern) { Write-Debug 'No stop string provided, using end of file' $StopStringLine = $FileContentArray.Count $StopOffset = 0 } $FileContentArray | ForEach-Object { $Line = $_.Trim() $LineMatch = $null # Have disabled the below debugging, it's very very verbose 😬 # Write-Debug "Line: $LineCount`nContents:$Line" if (-not $StartStringLine) { $LineMatch = [regex]::Match($Line, $StartStringPattern) if ($LineMatch.Success) { Write-Verbose "Found match to '$StartStringPattern' on line $LineCount" $StartStringLine = $LineCount } } if ($StopStringPattern) { if (-not $StopStringLine) { $LineMatch = [regex]::Match($Line, $StopStringPattern) if ($LineMatch.Success) { Write-Verbose "Found match to '$StopStringPattern' on line $LineCount" $StopStringLine = $LineCount } } } $LineCount++ } # We make the concious decision to fail if the string is not found, this is because anything calling this cmdlet is expecting to find something if (-not $StartStringLine) { throw "Failed to find '$StartStringPattern' in file at '$FilePath'." } if ($StopStringPattern) { if (-not $StopStringLine) { throw "Failed to find '$StopStringPattern' in file at '$FilePath'." } } # We want to get the line after the starting string $TextBlockStartLine = $StartStringLine + $StartOffset # And either the line before the stop string or the last line of the file depending on what we're doing $TextBlockStopLine = $StopStringLine + $StopOffset try { # There may be cases where there's no text between the start and end so they'll be on the same line if ($TextBlockStartLine -ne $TextBlockStopLine) { $TextToReturn = $FileContentArray[$TextBlockStartLine..$TextBlockStopLine] if (!$TextToReturn) { Write-Error 'Failed to get text to return.' } } } catch { throw "Failed to extract text.`n$($_.Exception.Message)" } } end { if ($TextToReturn) { if ($AsString) { return [String]$TextToReturn } else { return $TextToReturn } } else { return $null } } } |