function ConvertTo-TerraformObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The object to be converted # N.B - don't accept pipeline input here as it unfolds arrays! [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] $Object ) begin { } process { Write-Debug "Input determined to be $($Object.GetType().Name)" switch -Regex ($Object.GetType().Name) { 'String' { # If the object is a string wrap it in quotes, unless it's a variable, local, data or a resource (rough regex match for this) if (($Object -match '^var\.') -or ($Object -match '^local\.') -or ($Object -match '^data\.') -or ($Object -match '(?:^(?:\w)*\.(?:\w|-)*\.(?:\w)*$)')) { Write-Debug 'Converting to interpolated string' $Return = $Object } else { Write-Debug 'Converting to quoted string' $Return = "`"$Object`"" } } 'Object' { try { Write-Debug 'Converting to array' # Got through the array and convert each item within it $ConvertedObjects = @() $ConvertedObjects += $Object | ForEach-Object { ConvertTo-TerraformObject $_ } $Return = "[$($ConvertedObjects -join ', ')]" } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } 'Hashtable' { Write-Debug 'Converting to hash' # Go through each value and convert it try { $ConvertedHash = "{`n" $Object.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $Key = $_.Key $Value = ConvertTo-TerraformObject $_.Value if ($_.Value -is [Hashtable]) { $ConvertedHash += "`t$Key $Value`n" } else { $ConvertedHash += "`t$Key = $Value`n" } } $ConvertedHash += "`t}" $Return = $ConvertedHash } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } 'Boolean' { Write-Debug 'Converting to boolean' # Convert to terraform boolean $Return = $Object -eq $true ? 'true' : 'false' } 'Int' { Write-Debug 'Converting to int' # Convert to terraform int (just return as is) $Return = $Object } Default { Write-Error "Unsupported type: $($Object.GetType().Name).`nValid types are string, array, hashtable." } } } end { if ($Return) { Return $Return } else { Return $null } } } |