
function Set-BricksetSetUserNotes {
    Set the User Notes for a Brickset Set.
    Set the User Notes for a Brickset Set.

    Brickset SetId

    .PARAMETER Notes
    200 chars of text to add to the User Notes field of a Set



    Set-BricksetSetUserNotes -SetId 26049 -UserNotes "This is one of my favourites"

    Get-BricksetSet -SetNumber '7199-1' | Set-BricksetSetUserNotes -Notes "This is one of my favourites" -Confirm:$false




    try {

        # --- Check for the presence of $Global:BricksetConnection

        # --- Check for the UserHash

        # --- Make the Webservice Call
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($SetId)){

            $BricksetConnection.WebService.setCollection_userNotes($BricksetConnection.APIKey, $BricksetConnection.UserHash, $SetId, $Notes)
    catch [Exception]{