
Saves Bricklink configuration settings.

The Save-BricklinkConfiguration function saves Bricklink configuration settings to a JSON file or Azure Key Vault. It encrypts sensitive information such as passwords and API tokens before saving them to ensure security.

Specifies the Bricklink username.

Specifies the Bricklink password.

.PARAMETER ApiConsumerKey
Specifies the Bricklink API consumer key.

.PARAMETER ApiConsumerSecret
Specifies the Bricklink API consumer secret.

Specifies the Bricklink API token.

.PARAMETER ApiTokenSecret
Specifies the Bricklink API token secret.

Save-BricklinkConfiguration -Username "user123" -Password "password123" -ApiConsumerKey "consumerkey123" -ApiConsumerSecret "consumersecret123" -ApiToken "token123" -ApiTokenSecret "tokensecret123"
Saves the Bricklink configuration settings to a JSON file or Azure Key Vault.

None. You cannot pipe input to this function.

None. The function does not generate any output.

The function encrypts sensitive information before saving it to the configuration file or Azure Key Vault. It relies on the Get-BlBricklinkConfiguration function to retrieve the current configuration.

function Save-BricklinkConfiguration {






    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    function encrypt([string]$TextToEncrypt) {
        $secure = ConvertTo-SecureString $TextToEncrypt -AsPlainText -Force
        $encrypted = $secure | ConvertFrom-SecureString
        return $encrypted

    function Set-KeyVaultSecretValue([string]$secretName, [string]$secretValue, [string]$KeyVaultName) {
        Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -Name $secretName -SecretValue (ConvertTo-SecureString $secretValue -AsPlainText -Force)

    $encryptedItems = @(

    $paramToConfItemMap = @{
        'Username'          = 'bricklink-username'
        'Password'          = 'bricklink-password'
        'ApiConsumerKey'    = 'bricklink-api-consumer-key'
        'ApiConsumerSecret' = 'bricklink-api-consumer-secret'
        'ApiToken'          = 'bricklink-api-token'
        'ApiTokenSecret'    = 'bricklink-api-token-secret'

    $config = Get-BlBricklinkConfiguration

    if ($config.encryption.provider -eq 'AzureKeyVault') {
        $KeyVaultName = $config.encryption.azure_key_vault_name
        $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
            $val = $_.Value
            if ($paramToConfItemMap[$_.Key] -in $encryptedItems) {
                Set-KeyVaultSecretValue -secretName $paramToConfItemMap[$_.Key] -secretValue $val -KeyVaultName $KeyVaultName
            } else {
                $config.($paramToConfItemMap[$_.Key]) = $val
    } else {
        $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
            $val = $_.Value
            if ($paramToConfItemMap[$_.Key] -in $encryptedItems) {
                $val = encrypt($_.Value)
            $config.($paramToConfItemMap[$_.Key]) = $val
            $config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $script:configFilePath