Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $script:rootModuleFolderPath = $PSScriptRoot if ($args.Count -eq 0) { $configFileParentFolder = if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt [Version]"6.0" -or $IsWindows) { $env:APPDATA } elseif ($IsMacOS) { "$HOME/Library/Application Support" } elseif ($IsLinux) { "$HOME/.config" } } else { $configFileParentFolder = $args[0] } # Ensuring the path ends with 'Bricklink' directory. $configFileParentFolder = Join-Path -Path $configFileParentFolder -ChildPath 'Bricklink' $script:apiCallCountTrackingFilePath = "$configFileParentFolder\api_call_count.json" $script:maxDailyApiCallCount = 5000 $exampleConfigFilePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "configuration.example.json" $script:configFilePath = Join-Path -Path $configFileParentFolder -ChildPath "configuration.json" Write-Verbose -Message "Using configuration file at [$script:configFilePath]" # Check if 'Bricklink' folder exists, if not, create it. if (-not (Test-Path $configFileParentFolder)) { Write-Warning -Message "It looks like this is your first time importing the Bricklink module. Be sure to use Save-BlBricklinkConfiguration to save your API keys and authentication information next." New-Item -Path $configFileParentFolder -ItemType Directory } # Now that the folder definitely exists, copy the file. if (-not (Test-Path $script:configFilePath)) { Copy-Item -Path $exampleConfigFilePath -Destination $script:configFilePath -Force } # Get public and private function definition files. $Public = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Public\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) $Private = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Private\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) # Dot source the files. foreach ($import in @($Public + $Private)) { try { Write-Verbose "Importing $($import.FullName)" . $import.FullName } catch { Write-Error "Failed to import function $($import.FullName): $_" } } foreach ($file in $Public) { Export-ModuleMember -Function $file.BaseName } $script:bricklinkConfiguration = Get-BricklinkConfiguration enum ConfigurationItem { bricklink-username password api_consumer_key api_consumer_secret api_token api_token_secret } enum Color { Black Blue BlueViolet BrightGreen BrightLightBlue BrightLightOrange BrightLightYellow BrightPink Brown ChromeSilver Copper Coral DarkAzure DarkBlue DarkBluishGray DarkBrown DarkGray DarkGreen DarkOrange DarkPink DarkPurple DarkRed DarkTan DarkTurquoise FlatDarkGold FlatSilver GlitterTransClear GlitterTransDarkPink GlitterTransLightBlue GlitterTransNeonGreen GlitterTransOrange GlitterTransPurple GlowInDarkWhite Green Lavender LightAqua LightBluishGray LightGray LightNougat Lime Magenta MediumAzure MediumBlue MediumLavender MediumNougat MetallicGold MetallicSilver NeonGreen NeonOrange NeonYellow Nougat OliveGreen Orange PearlDarkGray PearlGold Purple Red ReddishBrown Rust SandBlue SandGreen SandPurple SandRed Tan TransBrightGreen TransClear TransDarkBlue TransDarkPink TransGreen TransMediumBlue TransNeonGreen TransNeonOrange TransNeonYellow TransOrange TransPurple TransRed TransYellow VeryLightBluishGray Violet White Yellow YellowishGreen } enum ItemType { MINIFIG PART SET BOOK GEAR CATALOG INSTRUCTION UNSORTED_LOT ORIGINAL_BOX } |