
Tests for the existence of a BrickLink item by number and type.

The Test-Item function queries the BrickLink API for an item based on the specified item number and type.
It returns $true if the item exists or $false if the item is not found (404 Not Found).
If any other exception occurs, it throws a terminating error.

The item number to query. This parameter is mandatory and cannot be null or empty.

The type of the item to query. The default type is 'PART'. This parameter is optional.

Test-Item -ItemNumber 3001

Tests to see if item number 3001 exists as a 'PART' in the BrickLink catalog.

Test-Item -ItemNumber 3001 -Type 'SET'

Tests to see if item number 3001 exists as a 'SET' in the BrickLink catalog.

None. You cannot pipe objects to Test-Item.

Boolean. Test-Item outputs $true if the item exists, or $false if the item does not exist.


function Test-Item {

        [ItemType]$Type = 'PART'

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    try {
        Get-BLItem -ItemNumber $ItemNumber -Type $Type
    } catch {
        if ($_.Exception.Message -like '*404 (Not Found)*') {
        } else {