<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves store inventories from BrickLink based on specified criteria. .DESCRIPTION The Get-StoreInventories function retrieves store inventories from BrickLink's API based on specified criteria, such as status, item type, and location. It sends a request to the BrickLink API to fetch store inventories according to the provided parameters. .PARAMETER Status Specifies the status of the inventories to retrieve. Possible values are 'Y' (available for sale), 'S' (on hold), 'B' (reserved), 'C' (checked out), 'N' (not for sale), and 'R' (sold). This parameter is optional. .PARAMETER ItemType Specifies the type of items in the inventories to retrieve. Possible values are 'part' and 'set'. The default value is 'part'. .PARAMETER Location Specifies the location of the inventories to retrieve. This parameter is optional. .PARAMETER ValidateSet Validates that the provided values for Status and ItemType parameters are within the specified set of values. .PARAMETER ValidateNotNullOrEmpty Specifies that the Status, ItemType, and Location parameters cannot be null or empty. .EXAMPLE Get-StoreInventories -Status 'Y' -ItemType 'part' -Location 'USA' Retrieves store inventories for parts that are available for sale in the USA. .EXAMPLE Get-StoreInventories -ItemType 'set' Retrieves all store inventories for sets. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe input to this function. .OUTPUTS System.Object The function returns an object representing the store inventories fetched from BrickLink based on the specified criteria. .NOTES The function relies on the InvokeBricklinkApiCall function to make the HTTP request to the BrickLink API. #> function Get-StoreInventories { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('Y', 'S', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'R')] [string]$Status, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('part', 'set')] [string]$ItemType = 'part', [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Location ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $apiParameters = @{ item_type = $ItemType } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Status')) { $apiParameters.status = $Status } $whereFilter = "'*'" if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Location')) { $whereFilter = "`$_.remarks -eq '$Location'" } $whereFilter = [scriptblock]::Create($whereFilter) InvokeBricklinkApiCall -Uri 'inventories' -ApiParameter $apiParameters | Where-Object -FilterScript $whereFilter } |