<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the BrickLink configuration items from the configuration file. .DESCRIPTION The Get-BricklinkConfiguration function reads the BrickLink configuration items from the configuration.json file located in the module's root folder. It decrypts the encrypted configuration items if stored locally or retrieves them from Azure Key Vault based on the configuration settings. .PARAMETER None This function does not accept any parameters. .EXAMPLE $config = Get-BricklinkConfiguration This example calls the Get-BricklinkConfiguration function to retrieve the BrickLink configuration items and stores them in the $config variable. #> function Get-BricklinkConfiguration { [CmdletBinding()] param () $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Helper function to decrypt locally stored encrypted values function decrypt([securestring]$TextToDecrypt) { $hook = New-Object system.Management.Automation.PSCredential("test", $TextToDecrypt) $plain = $hook.GetNetworkCredential().Password return $plain } # Helper function to retrieve a secret from Azure Key Vault function Get-KeyVaultSecretValue([string]$secretName, [string]$KeyVaultName) { $secret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -Name $secretName return $secret.SecretValue } $configFile = Get-Content -Path $script:configFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json $config = @{} # Determine encryption provider switch ($configFile.encryption.provider) { 'Local' { $encryptedItems = @( 'password' 'api_consumer_key' 'api_consumer_secret' 'api_token' 'api_token_secret' ) $configFile.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $val = $_.Value if ($_.Name -in $encryptedItems -and $_.Value) { $val = decrypt($_.Value) } $config[$_.Name] = $val } break } 'AzureKeyVault' { $KeyVaultName = $configFile.encryption.azure_key_vault_name $secretNames = @{ 'password' = 'BricklinkPassword' 'api_consumer_key' = 'BricklinkConsumerKey' 'api_consumer_secret' = 'BricklinkConsumerSecret' 'api_token' = 'BricklinkApiToken' 'api_token_secret' = 'BricklinkApiTokenSecret' } foreach ($item in $secretNames.GetEnumerator()) { $config[$item.Key] = decrypt((Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVaultName -Name $item.Value).SecretValue) } break } default { throw "Unsupported encryption provider: $($configFile.encryption.provider)" } } [pscustomobject]$config } |