
Updates an existing wanted list on BrickLink.

The Update-WantedList function allows you to update the name, ID, and remarks of an existing wanted list on BrickLink.

The new name for the wanted list.

The ID of the wanted list to update.

The new remarks or description for the wanted list.

Update-WantedList -Name 'Updated Wanted List' -Id 12345

This example updates the name of the wanted list with ID 12345 to 'Updated Wanted List'.

Update-WantedList -Id 12345 -Remarks 'These are my updated remarks for the wanted list.'

This example updates the remarks or description of the wanted list with ID 12345 to 'These are my updated remarks for the wanted list.'.

Update-WantedList -Name 'New List Name' -Id 12345 -Remarks 'Updated remarks'

This example updates the name to 'New List Name', the ID to 12345, and the remarks to 'Updated remarks' for the specified wanted list.

This function requires the InvokeBricklinkWebCall function to make API calls to BrickLink.
At least one of the Name, Id, or Remarks parameters must be provided.

function Update-WantedList {



    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    $invCallParams = @{
        Uri    = ''
        Body   = @{
            'wantedMoreName' = $Name
            'wantedMoreID'   = $Id
            'action'         = 'E'
        Method = 'POST'

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Remarks')) {
        $invCallParams.Body['wantedMoreDesc'] = $Remarks

    InvokeBricklinkWebCall @invCallParams