.SYNOPSIS Determines if the specified user has sudo privileges on a Remote Host, and if so, whether or not they are prompted for a sudo password when running 'sudo pwsh'. Returns a pscustomobject with bool properties 'HasSudoPrivileges' and 'PasswordPrompt'. .DESCRIPTION See SYNOPSIS .PARAMETER RemoteHostNameOrIP This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the DNS-resolvable HostName/FQDN or IPv4 Address of the target Remote Host .PARAMETER LocalUserName This parameter is MANDATORY for the Parameter Set 'Local'. This parameter takes a string that represents the Local User Account on the Remote Host that you are using to ssh into the Remote Host. This string must be in format: <RemoteHostName>\<UserName> .Parameter DomainUserName This parameter is MANDATORY for the Parameter Set 'Domain'. This parameter takes a string that represents the Domain User Account on the Remote Host that you are using to ssh into the Remote Host. This string must be in format: <DomainShortName>\<UserName> .Parameter LocalPasswordSS This parameter is MANDATORY for the Parameter Set 'Local'. This parameter takes a securestring that represents the password for the -LocalUserName you are using to ssh into the Remote Host. .Parameter DomainPasswordSS This parameter is MANDATORY for the Parameter Set 'Domain'. This parameter takes a securestring that represents the password for the -DomainUserName you are using to ssh into the Remote Host. .PARAMETER KeyFilePath This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes a string that represents the full path to the Key File you are using to ssh into the Remote Host. Use this parameter instead of -LocalPasswordSS or -DomainPasswordSS. .EXAMPLE # Minimal parameters... $GetSudoStatusSplatParams = @{ RemoteHostNameOrIP = "zerowin16sshb" DomainUserNameSS = "zero\zeroadmin" DomainPasswordSS = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter password" -AsSecureString) } Get-SudoStatus @GetSudoStatusSplatParams .EXAMPLE # Using a local account on the Remote Host... $GetSudoStatusSplatParams = @{ RemoteHostNameOrIP = "centos7nodomain" LocalUserNameSS = "centos7nodomain\vagrant" LocalPasswordSS = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter password" -AsSecureString) } Get-SudoStatus @GetSudoStatusSplatParams .EXAMPLE # Using an ssh Key File instead of a password... $GetSudoStatusSplatParams = @{ RemoteHostNameOrIP = "centos7nodomain" LocalUserNameSS = "centos7nodomain\vagrant" KeyFilePath = $HOME/.ssh/my_ssh_key } Get-SudoStatus @GetSudoStatusSplatParams #> function Get-SudoStatus { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$RemoteHostNameOrIP, [Parameter( Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName='Local' )] [ValidatePattern("\\")] # Must be in format <RemoteHostName>\<User> [string]$LocalUserName, [Parameter( Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName='Domain' )] [ValidatePattern("\\")] # Must be in format <DomainShortName>\<User> [string]$DomainUserName, [Parameter( Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Local' )] [securestring]$LocalPasswordSS, [Parameter( Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName='Domain' )] [securestring]$DomainPasswordSS, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$KeyFilePath ) #region >> Prep if (!$(Get-Command ssh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Error "Unable to find 'ssh'! Please make sure it is installed and part of your Environment/System Path! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($KeyFilePath) { if (!$(Test-Path $KeyFilePath)) { Write-Error "Unable to find KeyFilePath '$KeyFilePath'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if (!$LocalUserName -and !$DomainUserName) { Write-Error "You must supply either -LocalUserName or -DomainUserName when using the -KeyFilePath parameter! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } try { $RemoteHostNetworkInfo = ResolveHost -HostNameOrIP $RemoteHostNameOrIP -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error $_ Write-Error "Unable to resolve '$RemoteHostNameOrIP'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($LocalPasswordSS -or $DomainPasswordSS -and $KeyFilePath) { Write-Error "Please use EITHER -KeyFilePath OR -LocalPasswordSS/-DomainPasswordSS in order to ssh to $RemoteHostNameOrIP! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($LocalUserName) { if ($($LocalUserName -split "\\")[0] -ne $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.HostName) { $ErrMsg = "The HostName indicated by -LocalUserName (i.e. $($($LocalUserName -split "\\")[0]) is not the same as " + "the HostName as determined by network resolution (i.e. $($RemoteHostNetworkInfo.HostName))! Halting!" Write-Error $ErrMsg $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if ($DomainUserName) { if ($($DomainUserName -split "\\")[0] -ne $($RemoteHostNetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0]) { $ErrMsg = "The Domain indicated by -DomainUserName (i.e. '$($($DomainUserName -split "\\")[0])') is not the same as " + "the Domain as determined by network resolution (i.e. '$($($RemoteHostNetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0])')! Halting!" Write-Error $ErrMsg $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if (!$PSVersionTable.Platform -or $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") { try { if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains 'WinSSH') {$null = Install-Module WinSSH -ErrorAction Stop} if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains 'WinSSH') {$null = Import-Module WinSSH -ErrorAction Stop} Import-Module "$($(Get-Module WinSSH).ModuleBase)\Await\Await.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } try { $null = Stop-AwaitSession } catch { Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message } } if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Unix") { # Determine if we have required Linux commands [System.Collections.ArrayList]$LinuxCommands = @( "echo" "expect" ) [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CommandsNotPresent = @() foreach ($CommandName in $LinuxCommands) { $CommandCheckResult = command -v $CommandName if (!$CommandCheckResult) { $null = $CommandsNotPresent.Add($CommandName) } } if ($CommandsNotPresent.Count -gt 0) { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedInstalls = @() if ($CommandsNotPresent -contains "echo") { try { $null = InstallLinuxPackage -PossiblePackageNames "coreutils" -CommandName "echo" } catch { $null = $FailedInstalls.Add("coreutils") } } if ($CommandsNotPresent -contains "expect") { try { $null = InstallLinuxPackage -PossiblePackageNames "expect" -CommandName "expect" } catch { $null = $FailedInstalls.Add("expect") } } if ($FailedInstalls.Count -gt 0) { Write-Error "The following Linux packages are required, but were not able to be installed:`n$($FailedInstalls -join "`n")`nHalting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CommandsNotPresent = @() foreach ($CommandName in $LinuxCommands) { $CommandCheckResult = command -v $CommandName if (!$CommandCheckResult) { $null = $CommandsNotPresent.Add($CommandName) } } if ($CommandsNotPresent.Count -gt 0) { Write-Error "The following Linux commands are required, but not present on $env:ComputerName:`n$($CommandsNotPresent -join "`n")`nHalting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if ($LocalPasswordSS) { $LocalPassword = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($LocalPasswordSS)) } If ($DomainPasswordSS) { $DomainPassword = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($DomainPasswordSS)) } if ($LocalUserName) { $FullUserName = $($LocalUserName -split "\\")[-1] } if ($DomainUserName) { $DomainNameShort = $($DomainUserName -split "\\")[0] $FullUserName = $($DomainUserName -split "\\")[-1] } $OnWindows = !$PSVersionTable.Platform -or $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT" #endregion >> Prep #region >> Main $PSVerTablePwshBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes('$PSVersionTable') $EncodedCommand = [Convert]::ToBase64String($PSVerTablePwshBytes) [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CheckSudoStatusScript = @( 'command -v pwsh >/dev/null && ' + $('prompt=$(sudo -n pwsh -EncodedCommand {0} 2>&1)' -f $EncodedCommand) + ' || ' + $('prompt=$(sudo -n bash -c {0} 2>&1)' -f "'echo bashSuccess'") $('if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo {0}; elif echo $prompt | grep -q {1}; then echo {2}; else echo {3}; fi' -f "'NoPasswordPrompt'","'^sudo'","'PasswordPrompt'","'NoSudoPrivileges'") ) $null = $CheckSudoStatusScript.Add('echo checkSudoComplete') $SSHScriptBuilderSplatParams = @{ RemoteHostNameOrIP = $RemoteHostNameOrIP } if ($LocalUserName) { $SSHScriptBuilderSplatParams.Add('LocalUserName',$LocalUserName) } if ($DomainUserName) { $SSHScriptBuilderSplatParams.Add('DomainUserName',$DomainUserName) } if ($KeyFilePath) { $SSHScriptBuilderSplatParams.Add("KeyFilePath",$KeyFilePath) } if ($LocalPassword) { $SSHScriptBuilderSplatParams.Add("LocalPassword",$LocalPassword) } if ($DomainPassword) { $SSHScriptBuilderSplatParams.Add("DomainPassword",$DomainPassword) } if ($OnWindows) { $SSHScriptBuilderSplatParams.Add('WindowsWaitTimeMin',[float]'.25') } $SSHScriptBuilderSplatParams.Add('SSHScriptArray',$CheckSudoStatusScript) $Output = SSHScriptBuilder @SSHScriptBuilderSplatParams if ($Output.AllOutput -match 'NoPasswordPrompt') { [pscustomobject]@{ HasSudoPrivileges = $True PasswordPrompt = $False AllOutput = $Output.AllOutput } } elseif ($Output.AllOutput -match 'PasswordPrompt') { [pscustomobject]@{ HasSudoPrivileges = $True PasswordPrompt = $True AllOutput = $Output.AllOutput } } elseif ($Output.AllOutput -match 'NoSudoPrivileges') { [pscustomobject]@{ HasSudoPrivileges = $False PasswordPrompt = $False AllOutput = $Output.AllOutput } } #endregion >> Main } |